Trying to find a solution


Staff member
I am completely new to this. I started having accidents about three months ago. My mom took me to two different doctors and they can't find anything wrong. They say it will probably just get better over time and this is common. I don't know what to do because it feels like it is getting worse and it is really embarrassing and my mom is really upset about it. I would like to hear from anyone about how to deal with this but especially from people my age. I am 15.

due to the fact that body shapes and sizes can vary and leakage and absorbency needs can vary and there is such a variety of products it can take experimentation and trial and error to find what works best for you only you will know what works best for you

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but I don't know what you mean by products. Are you talking about meds? My doctor didn't prescribe anything. Is there stuff you can get without a prescription?
DPCARE said:
I was referring to the different absorbent products available such as pads, pullups and diapers

Oh okay well I can't use any of that stuff. My mom will not get it for me she says it is way too expensive and that I cannot wear diapers when I am 15
Only 15 years old and a parent that needs to learn about incontinence...that is going to be tough to deal with!?

You didn't give us much detail about your problem. If you are leaking urine, then you need to visit a urologist. They will do many tests to find out what is causing the problem. They can prescribe a combination of meds and devices that will help.

It could also be a psychological problem. That would require a different specialist.

May God bless you, and may He guide your mother to accept that your problem can be helped.
MezaJarJarBinks said:
You didn't give us much detail about your problem. If you are leaking urine, then you need to visit a urologist. They will do many tests to find out what is causing the problem. They can prescribe a combination of meds and devices that will help.

It could also be a psychological problem. That would require a different specialist.

It is urine. My mom took me to a doctor and they did some tests and they said everything came back normal. They basically said it IS a psychological thing. My mom says I just need to work on holding it longer. So I'm trying to figure out how.

Did you have any test that sounded like, "urodynamics"? That seems to be one of the first tests that a urologist requests. There is also a test called a "cystoscopy". These tests are done by inserting a tube into your bladder. A regular, primary care physician can't do that kind of testing.

There are several people in this group who have delt with bedwetting their whole lives. I'm sure they will have some suggestions once they see your post.
MezaJarJarBinks said:

Did you have any test that sounded like, "urodynamics"? That seems to be one of the first tests that a urologist requests. There is also a test called a "cystoscopy". These tests are done by inserting a tube into your bladder. A regular, primary care physician can't do that kind of testing.

There are several people in this group who have delt with bedwetting their whole lives. I'm sure they will have some suggestions once they see your post.

I'll have to ask my mom but I'm pretty sure they did those tests.

My accidents are mostly during the day not in bed.
I'm sorry you have joined the multitudes who share your leakage problem; you are definitely not alone. I suggest that you start using liners to address the problem, as opposed to ignoring it as your mother effectively suggests. While you investigate the cause, you must maintain a measure of normalcy to keep your sanity. Mow some yards, baby sit or whatever, but start by managing leakage with some liners. If you would consider an external device to reduce the leakage rather than dealing with it, send me a private note and I will share my story of what I do with a patent pending product. Best wishes. Fynlee

I have tried using maxipads but they don't hold enough and when I have an accident it almost always leaks. And my mom doesn't want me using them anyway because they are too expensive to use every day and if I get used to having them it will get worse because I won't learn how to hold it.
if you can't hold it and you don't use a suitable product to help stop the leakage it can lead to other problems one of the most obvious is others seeing you in wet clothes and offensive odors which will cause embarrassment and it can lead to physical such as diaper rash and infections

So as not to assume, are you male or female?

Also, I would seek out a pelvic floor physical therapist for a check-up. They found my issue when no one else did.
ThatFLGuy said:

So as not to assume, are you male or female?

Also, I would seek out a pelvic floor physical therapist for a check-up. They found my issue when no one else did.

I am female

I don't know if I can go to a physical therapist. My mom and the doctors seem to think this is just about training my bladder to hold it longer
Erin, if this were a problem of needing to learn to hold it longer, it would have been an issue for years earlier.. people don't just randomly lose the ability to hold their urine and then just go back to normal by telling themselves to. You used to have a normal bladder it seems by what you have said and are now encountering difficulty. Did they fill your bladder up manually with a catheter and watch you pee it out? That is what happens in the urodynamics test others mentioned. I pray your mom will be more sensitive to you and help you get to the root of this without you having to experience an embarrassing accident. I'm female too, but 35.
Hi Erin. I am a 26 year old female. I can totally empathize with you. I developed incontinence about a year ago. I have also had lots of bladder tests done and nothing has been found. My next step is to see a neurologist to see if it is a nerve or brain thing. No one has told me it's all psychological, even though I have anxiety.
I would think it must be upsetting to you to be told it is just psychological and you should just learn to hold it. I know it's hard to advocate for yourself at your age, heck I'm mot very good at it either but I am learning because I want to try my best to get this figured out. Has your doctor looked in detail at your health history, especially in the months leading up to the accidents starting? Have you had any other unusual physical things going on lately? Maybe some linkages can be made. There are a number of health conditions associated with causing incontinence. Although I don't know you or your situation, I find it hard to believe it's all psychological. Hopefully whatever the issue is, it is temporary! Good luck!
It has been a very long time since I was a fifteen-year-old girl, but I remember well all of the strange things that my body seemed to be doing at the time and how awkward some of them made me feel. That said, here are a couple of practical-until... suggestions:
1. Does your school have a nurse and/or social worker on staff? If so, these might be helpful folks for you to talk to (start with the nurse.) The nurse can be your advocate to explain the medical issues to your mother, and the social worker may be able to connect you with some financial help so you can get the appropriate protective products.
2. Is there a Health or Family Life teacher you'd feel comfortable discussing this with?
3. Maxi pads and other menstrual protection products are not designed to catch and hold urine: menstrual fluid is thicker and usually comes out more slowly. What you need are the products in the "adult hygiene" (or some such words) area.
4. Have you had Covid-19? I have heard that some people who continue to have Covid-19 symptoms long after they have recovered from the disease have found that existing urinary incontinence problems have gotten worse. I haven't heard anything about new cases, but it may be worth looking into.

From what you have said about your mother's feeling that protective products are too expensive, I suspect that money may be short in your family. If this is the case, and your family receives Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food assistance (I cannot remember the name of the program), Social Security benefits for children, or Child Health Plus benefits, ask your mother to talk with your case manager about possible benefits that would help with the cost of such products.

I wish you the best, and I hope that the cause is identified soon so the medical folks can help cure, or, at least help you manage, your incontinence.
Sarah060486 said:
Did they fill your bladder up manually with a catheter and watch you pee it out? That is what happens in the urodynamics test others mentioned.

Yes, they did that and said the results were normal.

Sarah060486 said:
I pray your mom will be more sensitive to you and help you get to the root of this without you having to experience an embarrassing accident. I'm female too, but 35.

I'm already having accidents, and they are embarrassing. I have to carry extra clothes now everywhere because I never know if I will be able to get to a bathroom in time.
@Erin You would know if they did those tests because they hurt like hell, make you pee on the floor, and make you bleed a bit for a few days afterward. You wouldn’t need to ask your mom if they did those tests because you would remember all of that.
You should start babysitting or something to earn money to buy your own diapers. Honey, that IS where you are at, and you and your mom need to accept it. You will probably need to wear them for the rest of your life. Diapers are just like eyeglasses; they are a tool. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. They will liberate you. You say you’ve been to two doctors; but what kind of doctors? Have you recently had a bad fall, like off a bike ? Sometimes if you hurt your back you can sever the nerves to your bladder; that’s what I and several others here did.
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