Thyroid problems?


Staff member
My troubles with overactive bladder and urinary incontinence started around the same time that I developed hypothyroidism. I've been wondering if the two could be related. Does anyone else with incontinence have thyroid problems?
I have stress urinary incontinence and Graves disease. I've been hyperthyroid and hypothyroid with my Graves and the SUI seems worse with hypo.
I have no thyroid gland. I tske thyroid synthetic hormone replacement. I dont know if this is the cause of my inc or if it was from chemo treatment that I had in the 90s.
I am hypothyroid and take levothyroxine sodium (aka Synthroid). I can't say that the two are related, although my OAB symptoms seem to abate when I lose weight, and I also need to take less levothyroxine when I weigh less. Correlation, yes; causation, not sure, because I have other health issues (e.g., prediabetes) that can affect OAB.
I just recently started taking generic brand synthroid to help with medical budget. I have been taking synthroid brand since i was 20 years old now 44. Hopefully generic works good.
I have been on thyroid replacement for over 20 years. I just developed bladder issues in the last 2 years. So I don’t know. FYI i had to go on the name brand Synthroid. The generic caused my levels to fluctuate constantly.
Call me crazy, but can I just share what I found on the internet about this? Back in the 80s, they gave some men thyroid releasing hormone, the chemical that your brain makes when you are hypothyroid. 95% of them developed substantial urinary urgency. Also, some researchers gave lady rabbits a drug to make them hypothyroid. One month later, those rabbits developed urinary retention. Then, there were 65 women with hyperthyroidism who were started on therapy and, compared to women without thyroid problems, they had twice as many urinary symptoms. Last, in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 2,800 women, a history of thyroid problems was associated with a doubling of the odds of urinary incontinence. I mean, I feel sorry for the bunnies but I think there's something there.
The thyroid condition or medication definately seems to effect mine a lot. So far doin good with the generic Synthroid.
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