Sudden Onset OAB at a Young(ish) Age?


Staff member
Hello, all! I just thought I'd jot down a little bit about myself and see if anyone could relate at all, or see if my story isn't so uncommon. :) Mainly I'm just curious, because I am a woman of science and research and always wondering where I stand statistically. (Of course, this method of collecting anecdotes is not scientific, but what else am I going to do right now, eh?)

So, I'm a 30y/o female with NO history of urinary problems. I do have a history of pelvic pain and IBS, along with some period-related woes. I've had two children. I was diagnosed with adenomyosis (a condition of the uterus) in January of this year after an exploratory laparoscopy. A couple weeks after that surgery, I suddenly started having urinary urgency, frequency, and leakage. I went through several tests and rounds of antibiotics for suspected UTIs, but all of my tests came negative for UTI and my doctor finally said enough is enough. He put me on an OAB medication (Detrol LA) instead, which worked wonders. Within three days, I was back to my old self. I went from using the restroom every 30-60 minutes, back down to every 2-3 hours or so. We decided I would stay on the medication for the time being, since we knew I would be having a hysterectomy in March. Surgery date came and went with no complications. This week marks 5 weeks post-op. Over the last few days, I've suddenly had a resurgence of my symptoms despite still being on the same Detrol LA that I've been on since February! Very strange! The doctor has just sent a new script for a higher dosage of Detrol LA, so I'm going to try that tomorrow.

I also take other medications. Doxycycline 50mg twice a day for rosacea, Xiidra for dry eye, and a few OTC allergy preparations. I take Xanax as needed for anxiety, but don't find that I need it much these days. (I'm in shockingly good spirits all things considered, and I attribute that to the removal of my painful uterus/cervix!)

In the midst of all my troubles in January and February, I also started Zoloft as a maintenance drug for my anxiety, and guess what - it made my urinary symptoms worse and even stopped my Detrol LA from working! This is a rare side effect, but if you have urinary incontinence and you're on Zoloft for depression, try switching to a different SSRI and see if it helps you at all.

Anywho, this wasn't nearly as brief as I'd meant it to be. The "too long, didn't read" version is: has anyone else experienced sudden onset OAB after GYN surgery? Or while taking doxycycline?
Welcome aboard and I’m sure you will find many people here willing and able to help with any questions you might have!! This is a great group and lots of us have run the gamma of tests,drugs, products while trying to live!! You are NOT alone and I’m really glad your in good spirits about this, just keep your head up and do your research on ways to manage and cure your UI. Best of luck!!
Hi heatherroneous, I am a newbie trying to find my way. I take doxycyline 100 mg twice a day (prescibed for 1 mo for UTI) but my urinary incontinence began suddenly before I was started on this med. Welcome to the board!I have found lots of great info here.
I am older, mid 40s and had my hysterectomy for the same diagnosis in 2010. My OAB started as stress incontinence during a bout of flu/asthma and bad coughing a year ago february and then the OAB steadily got worse. So frustrating! I hope the higher dose helps!
Hi there,

About two after my hysterectomy, I started to have urinary frequency, voiding hourly. My understanding is, and I’m no doctor, that pelvic surgery is a risk factor for OAB. I am in my mid-40s with overall good health.

I have had moderate success with bladder training. I am now voiding about every 2 to 3 hours. Have also recently started on mirabegron, but am yet to notice any improvement. Good luck with your ‘journey’.


My concern would be an unknown interaction between all of your meds. They can't possibly predict every result of all of the diverse chemical combinations. You need some meds for other conditions so don't restrict those obviously. But I found that OAB symptoms can be reduced by diet, exercise and bladder retraining instead of yet another med.

Best wishes

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