Hi, I’m a 55yr old lady. I was told I have IBS in 2005 and started to have large stools. As time went on I got a different doctor and told her about frequently having to urinate, I was put on detrol la and told I’ve stress urinary incontinence. Now I’m on oxybutin. I’ve since learned I have a lot of food allergies that cause upset stomach and large diarrhea stools. My actual worst problem now is I have odors in my anus with out a stool or passage of gas , no matter how many times I wipe. I wear pads, but there’s never anything to see. But people comment on the smell often!and I check, I cannot see anything but there’s an awful smell. Could this be something other fecal I continence, which I was also told I have? I shower intensely, I use continelle wipes and tissue repeatedly after my shower! Minutes after wiping the smell is back. I’m in and out of public restrooms all day while out and about, to no avail! I would like some opinions or feedback from people who have this same problem.