Overnight problems


Staff member
Hi does anyone else have problems with leaking protection ?
For the last two years now I have relying on my Tena Slip diapers, maxium absorbency and waterproof pants to manage my 24/7 Urinary Incontinence.
I think I might have had only a few wet beds in the past two years so not too bad. I can almost live with that. However much to my dismay I have had a spell of wet nights . About four or five times last month ( July ) and another leak this morning.
I am doing nothing different with my incontinence protection. Just wondered if anyone else on this forum has experienced this distressing problem.
I'm reluctant to contact my Continence Advisor because of the very embarrassing problem , well for me anyway. So if anyone could give me some advice on this matter it would be very kind . Thank you from David :(
My advice would be don't be (well, try not to be) embarrassed by this. You are having involuntary issues that may be helped medically or otherwise. The job of medical professionals is to help us, not to judge. Your advisor can probably help a lot more than we can.
I'm a heavy nighttime wetter, and have had a lot of problems with leakage over the years. I usually use Northshore Megamax at nighttime, but if I know I'll be in bed for more than about 6 hours, I add a booster pad. If you haven't tried booster pads, you might give those a try.
Hello leaking is a problem for most with night incontinence.
A continence advisor should be in the field because this is the scope of the work so no need to be embarrassed.

I have found a baby diaper with me plastic back cut off inside the pull up slip can be molded to fit the pelvic area nicely and baby diapers are very very absorbent. Unlike a heavy weight adult diaper they snuggle up to the body and hold more liquid rather than having the urine descend then get caught in the underwear.
Yeah trying a booster pad inside my Tena Slip might be an option to try. Just can't understand why I went two years with hardly any leaks and the next minute half a dozen in a month :O
Certainly will give that a go rather than asking my Continence Advisor. Chatting to them is a major embarrassment .
In the USA baby diapers can be found in thrift charity shops.

There might be medical reasons why you are having more liquid of course. Incontinence is hard to understand but the fact that there is a person with a designated medical title Incontinence Advisor should tell you it is a common enough problem to have the role created by the medical community.

Just to give credit where credit is due the NAFC thread by Justaguy is the original idea
I’m curious if you might have received a bad batch of diapers, although Tena has a reputation of being somewhat bulletproof. I have had this happen from time to time with a variety of diapers over the years. Due to my bladder tending to release large voids usually after standing up after being in bed, in the car etc.
I have done exactly what Maymay said and added a booster to my Betterdry during daytime and MegaMax when I use disposables at night. The doubler seems to fill the gaps at my legs (my quads are still oversized from cycling and kickboxing)the fit changing from tight while standing to looser as I move around, like climbing out of the high bolstered seats in my Jeep. The bolsters on my Jeep are great for keeping me in place and relieving pressure on my back, but at times it’s like climbing a Jungle Gym to get in & out! This is where the waterproof pants earn their keep, keeping my bedding and seats dry!
I’d suggest checking around the gathers next time you have a leak, this is where I’ve found pin holes in the past…
The good thing ,if there is a good thing about my Incontinence problem that most of my diapers are supplied free by the NHS . However this is not unlimited but my monthly usage of approx 150 is covered for free. However I don't think boosters would be included in my free quota, I have to buy the waterproof pants I use out of my own money, the NHS doesn't support the use of waterproof pants. The more I think on things booster pads sound like a good idea , and if that means I don't have to involve the Continence Advisor that is a postive thing for me. Just contacting them is a massive challenge for me .Regards David
Leaks happen. I am a nightly bedwetter and I sleep in tena slip maxis. I have the bed well protected and sleep on a washable bed pad so don't really worry about it. What helps though is I wear net fixing pants and a pair of padded washable inco pants over my nappy but under my plastic pants. This keeps leaks to a minimum.
I think there are basically only a couple of solutions.

1: wake up halfway through the night and change, whether you think you need to or not.

2. More absorbency. (Plastic pants are not absorbant, so liquid that is caught btween 2 layers of plastic will still leak out). Either get a better diaper, add a booster (I like baby diapers as inserts), or add a big disposable bed pad like the ones Attends makes.
Could I express my thanks for the info regarding my leaking night protection.
I have decided to purchase some reuseable adult diaper inserts , these are a mixture of Bamboo and Charcoal . Reading the reviews they are almost 23 inches in length and washable. The reviews are very postive , hopefully all true :)
I intend to order six and if I use one per night I'll only need to do two washes a week. If they work in conjunction with my Tena Slip diaper I will be very pleased . Anyway I may well give it a few months using the diaper inserts and take it from there.
I've been a bedwetter for quite a while now, so I've tried many different diapers to find the best protection.

Are you a side sleeper? I usually sleep on my side, or on my stomach. I use to get leaks with my disposable diapers quite often. Most disposables don't have much padding in the sides. I went to cloth diapers and plastic pants, and my leaking disappeared.

Another thing - Can you point your penis down? If you sleep on your side, and your penis is pointed up, it will flop to the side as you sleep, making leaks much more likely. When I DO use disposable diapers, like on vacation and travel, I point my penis down into my diaper, and rarely have a leak. Of course, if you still get nocturnal erections, then pointing down might not be an option. That's the only good thing I can say about being impotent, I don't have to worry about having an erection during the night... Some silver lining, eh??
Hi David. You could try buying some Terry lined high waist plastic pants, this protection might catch the extra leaks you are experiencing. Please don't feel embarrassed, nurses here deal with this kind of problem on a daily basis so just try to focus getting help than do nothing and suffer.
I have decided to bite the bullet and contact my Continence Advisor. This is sonething I find extremely embarrassed about but I need to find the reason why suddenly after over a year with using Tena Slips I am getting these night time leaks.
Life is never straightforward imo. Anyway thanks to everyone who as encouraged me to speak with the Continence Advisor .
I try to tell myself " it's their job" and they must see this problem an awful lot , BUT still doesn't make it any easier .
Why don't you try Abena Abriform. You might find they hold more than Tena slip does. I pay privately for mine and use North shore Megamax, they are a great product.
Re the Abriform I remember being given these when I first had my accident which lead to me becoming incontinent.
I thought they were very absorbent, a little bulky under normal clothing but eventually I got used to that.
Then just over a year ago now my Local Health Authority switched my monthly supplies to the Tena Slip which is what I use now.
Out of the two the Abriform was much better overnight and the Ten Slip diaper is more discreet under everyday clothes.
Anyway in four weeks time I shall have the pleasure of have face to face meeting with the Continence Advisory nurseing team. As much as it really embarrassing I need to find out what is suddenly causing me to have leaks overnight .
Meanwhile I have decided to buy some cloth diaper boosters, for the soul purpose of using in my night Tena Slip. David
I have done a good bit of reading how to address this, as much as I am afraid to release little amounts periodically through out the night. I have read that a very heavy duty overnight diaper with a good booster pad seems to be the best approach.
There are many solutions available and can take time to find the right solution for you. I don't like diapers as I am no longer faecally incontinent and prefer an external catheter hooked up to a 3 litre night bag which works perfect for me. This forum is excellent for people who suffer with the same symptoms so you can get an inkling on what works for different folks. Here in the UK can also be a Bit of a postcode lottery whereby one primary care trust might have more of a budget for better quality pads for example.
Everyone has been most kind and helpful with their advice. Very pleased to have found this forum . Thanks to you all
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