I'm a 28 year old female - healthy other than hyperactive thyroid/Grave's disease for 10 years (managed with medication) and urinary incontinence starting around the same time. I only started accepting it as something I should accept and seek treatment for in the last 1-2 years. I'm undergoing PTNS and physical therapy now with moderate success - most days I can go at least 2 hours between bathroom trips with leaks controlled through a #2 or #3 pad, but I have at least 1 or 2 times where it can be as short as 30 minutes. I also still have accidents where I'll wet through my pad more often than I'd like. I'm still hopeful that I can find a cure - I'm considering the bladder pacemaker or Botox next but scared of taking an invasive step. Anyone have thoughts? I also cringe at the idea of wearing a diaper, but it seems most people here just do that. It's just so humiliating. One question with that though - do people just stop trying to fight the urge to urinate if it comes on and there's not a bathroom when they're wearing a diaper? Or do they keep fighting it as best they can, try to find a restroom and only if last resort empty their whole bladder in the diaper? Also, what are people's thoughts on drinking coffee/tea and alcohol? I can drink coffee with varied effect on my overactive bladder - sometimes I can hold it 2 hours after drinking and sometimes need to go within 10 minutes. If the former, I often have to go a second time within 30 minutes to an hour though. Alcohol is harder as it really revs up my bladder, but am I selfish/stupid that I don't want to give these up? I want to be able to socialize normally with people and I love these two things. I really want to stop peeing on myself and embarrassing myself squirming to go the restroom but I'm also really reluctant to give up coffee and alcohol. What do you all do? What do you suggest?