The NAFC Recipe Guide.

@DWLCPAJD - Very colorful! But, you didn't tell us how it tasted!? Good luck on your test and your Doctor's appointment. - Pam
@snow - Maymay also mentioned probiotics to me after upsetting her digestive track. Now I have a couple to check out. The only thing I ever heard about them was to be effective, they had to contain a certain number of the good stuff. I don't know anything about prebiotics or how to use them with probiotics. - Pam
@Pammy53 I *always* eat the raw dough ;)

The best solution is something like a Fortify pill that has both pro and pre biotics in it. The only time I’ve mixed that *and* Activia yogurts is when I was taking Clindamycin to treat MRSA before my knee replacement that never happened, and I was trying to make sure I didn’t get C-DIFF and I ended up making myself constipated while on an antibiotic, if that’s possible! So you can overdo it with them. “Start low and go slow” is a new motto for me that can apply to almost anything new in life. I’d start with yogurt cultures *or* the pill. The pills have wayyyyyyyyy more than the yogurts.
@Pammy53 Oh yeah, and try every veggie raw: squash, parsnip, beet, eggplant. You’ll be blown away. So many of them taste like a different kind of apple.
@DWLCPAJD - Speaking of Doritos - if you like cottage cheese, it makes a great "dip" with Doritos. Sounds strange I know (talking to the guy who put M&Ms on his bagel) I used to sit at the kitchen table after a trip to Costco with a container of Kneudson cottage cheese and a bag of Doritos stuffing myself. The cool blandness of the cottage cheese was a great mix with the spicy Doritos. Try it. - Pam
@Pammy53 - Well, cottage cheeee is on my shopping list for tomorrow. I will try that with a few of the Doritos.
@Pammy53 This is a photo of the best yogurt-type pro/prebiotic. It tastes like an ultra strong, yeasty form of Greek yogurt. I must say I kind of have an acquired taste for it now and sometimes even crave it. That’s a good thing because I found out tonight at urgent care I’ve had shingles and a staph infection for the past three weeks. Now I have to take a huge whopping dose of Bactrim so I will definitely be drinking these and taking Fortify for the next 10 days, lest I give myself C-DIF.

Fortunately they’re pretty easy to get down, about the size of a shot of alcohol.
Thank you for taking the time to get the yogurt information in the midst of the health issue Snow.
Hope you are better very quickly
@snow - I have seen them. I wonder if they taste like that other good for you drink - Kefir? I assume you take like one a day? - Pam
@snow - snow, I hope that you understand that I wasn't really YELLING at you re the Shingles shots. That really is not my temperament. But, I should have used better judgment considering what is on your plate right now. I just would hate to see you get them again. A friend of mine is currently getting to the end of her second round of Shingles thinking that having had it once before she was immune. Mea Culpa - Pam
@snow I go to a farmers market when I go out to one of my parent's apartment properties and have never gotten more for my food stamps.

I just checked online And yep, Figures and double-up food stampes are not available in PA.
@Pammy53 I’ve been begging to get my vaccine for years because I know how ultra-prone I am to stress and anxiety. But I’m not 50 yet so I can’t get it yet. I’m horrified I’m going to get this again before I’m 50. I have a friend who had it five times before he got the vaccine and they still wouldn’t give him the vaccine early. What bullshit; I’m furious! Why do they withhold it from us?!?!???! It’s not like there’s a shortage of it After it being available for decades now!!!!

I’ve been really stressed out because money‘s been so tight with suck-flation, I haven’t had health insurance this month, and I haven’t been able to get in to see a cardiologist who will order the heart surgery repair I need in order to get my joint replacements. A Cardiologist can’t order the surgery because the risk is blood clots and stroke, so therefore it must be ordered by a cardiologist. I’m on multiple waiting lists. The lifespan for someone with the kind of hole I have is a mere 50 years, and I’m 48. So I’m really freaked out about that. Consequently, I gave myself shingles, just like I’ve been predicting would happen for the past decade. Shouldn’t be your primary care physician, who gives you a vaccine, or a pharmacist; if you need the vaccine because of stress and it should be your psychiatrist who gives it to you, and I’m sure mine would have because she understands how bad my anxiety is. I’m so mad about this, and I may have yet another source of chronic pain for the rest of my life because of this.
@snow - Oh my gosh snow, I completely forgot about the age thing. And yes we watched friends take over the schooling plus of their grand kids during Covid. No stress in their lives. And yes granny got Shingles. I am so sorry. You have way too much going on, and Maymay kindly reminded me of thinking before you speak. Please do keep us informed. - Pam
@Pammy53 here is the recipe:
One bag of Doritos, small onion, green olives, black olives, pepperoni, mozzarella and cheddar cheese.

Preheat oven to 350. Spread Doritos on cookie sheet. Spread the two cheeses across the chips. Dice onion, slice the olives and quarter the pepperoni and spread across the top. Usually about 7 minutes to bake.
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