The NAFC Recipe Guide.


I have an egg slicer just to make my egg salad. I even use it now just for hard-boiled eggs on regular salad, thats how much I like a hard-boiled egg.
@ThatFLGuy - The egg maker cooks the hard boiled eggs for you. It takes about 20 minutes I think. My husband usually does it. Just wipe off the parts with paper towels, wait for the base to cool and put all the parts back together in one handy little gizmo. Voila done! We love it. - Pam
@ThatFLGuy - The egg slicer is a snap for slicing whole olives. We usually use the large black olives in salads. - Pam

I have an inst-pot with the egg insert I get nine eggs done in about 10 minutes with it.

But most times I spend the money and buy them already hard boiled and shelled at the store.
@ThatFLGuy - I kind of always wanted to try one of those, but like anything that you buy especially for your kitchen - It always comes down to "WHERE DO I PUT IT? - My daughter has one of those, loves it, but says that a crockpot would work for most things - just slower. - Pam
@Maymay941 - Re eating cheap comfort food - Maymay you are absolutely right. I have been told by several people - They say, "We are fat and people then automatically asked how can we be so poor when we don't look poor" - Pam
Pamny in terms of budget probiotics cullturelle looked to more affordable

I can only say whatever happened to me was not normal food poisoning or an episode of diharrea and taking probiotics resolved my all hell let loose as soon as i sat up in the norning sobwell worth it
@Maymay941 - re cheap food. You are so right. I have had several people tell me that they are often questioned - How can you be poor when you are obviously over weight? Cheap food is fat food - Worse in California. $20 minimum wage now. People will lose their jobs, and nobody can afford to buy any of it now anyway Still, you are right. Cheap food generally equals fat and unhealthy. - Exceptions I know. Ideas anyone? - Pam
@Pammy53 I know, Pam, I don’t get it. I was born with not enough estrogen, too much testosterone, and too much androgen (androgen being the regulator of estrogen and testosterone). It wraps up nicely in the name of PolyCysticOvarianDisease (PCOD or sometimes nowadays called PCOS). It happened because my mother had gestational diabetes. I take Metformin/Glucophage not because I’m a diabetic, but because my insulin is way too thick and doesn’t get broken down by sugar. So the reason why I don’t lose weight even though I eat about 500 cal a day is very complex and hormonal. It really sucks. It has sucked my entire life. One endocrinologist found a solution to it that worked for 20 years of my life. But after menopause that solution no longer seems to work. So I need to get in to see an endocrinologist but they do A TON of labs and other bizzare-o tests, which will be really expensive. There aren’t very many of them in Salt Lake. I loved the one I had in UCLA.
@snow - Obviously I truly didn't understand stand how complex PCOS is. My niece - not in menopause had it and she was treated like she was a diabetic even though she wasn't. In the end she was able to get pregnant and have a baby which was great, but not easily done. Her Mom, my sister never had gestational diabetes and I never knew that in itself could be a factor. Thank you for the explanation, but I do wonderjust because most of us aren't perfect eaters anyway - are you nutritionally healthy? Do you take vitamins or probiotics? - Pam
@Klew11 - Hi Klew11 - Again, thank you so much for giving us a detailed list of the foods you avoid to prevent bladder irritation. - We all love sharing the junky unhealthy things that we like but, allow me a few suggestions. Greek yogurt (might take some getting used to) mixed with some frozen blueberries. Might need to let it sit in the 'frig for a bit for the berries to thaw some and stir. Makes a very filling start to the day - and tasty. Add a bit of sweetener if you wish. Or if you have a blender,use frozen bananas or blue
berries (who can afford fresh berries?) in place of ice. Milk of choice. A scoop of protein powder if you have it. Again, filling and good for you. See some over ripe bananas at the store? Buy them, peel, put them in a quarter freezer bag and store until needed. - If you haven't discovered Pinterest - Google it. You will need to sign up, but it is almost overwhelming the topics that you can find besides food. And yes, I did search for foods to avoid bladder irritation. You probably know most, but you never know what you will find on Pinterest. Good luck and good eating. - Pam
@Pammy53 Yes, I take vitamins: Centrum for Women, vitamin C, Biotin, and B12. I used to take calcium, but it makes me way too constipated, so I can’t take it even though I need to because I have osteoporosis. If I’m stuck in a diarrhea spell, I take a few days or up to a month of Fortify 50 Billion Probiotics with 12 Prebiotics for Women along with drinking/eating probiotic yogurt with prebiotics and active cultures. If I get constipated, I try Miralax first and if that hasn’t worked within a couple of days, I take a Dulcolax suppository and all is well 30 minutes later.

Yes, for the most part, I eat healthy and homemade, far healthier than other things I’ve read about in this topic. We all need treats once in a while but fewer if we’re sedentary.

Yes, you’re right about PCOD making it nearly impossible to get pregnant. On one hand that was kind of fun, but on the other hand, it was very discouraging. I actually regret it more the older I get because there’s nobody around to be my family. Every woman with PCOD had a mother who had Gestational Diabetes, lucky us - our mothers pigged out and gave us a disease for life by doing so, affecting our own ability to bear children. I hope they warn women not to do that these days. There’s usually a family history of thyroid problems in a gal with PCOD, too. My mom had hyper-thyroid and had to have hers radiologically removed, and my aunt had hypothyroid. PCOD is the reason I got cancer throughout my reproductive region. They predicted that would happen when I was 15. They thought it would happen by age 32 but it didn’t happen until age 42.
@Pammy53 thanks for the tips. I am always looking for something new to try. My biggest problem is salty snacks. It’s good to have alternatives.
One of the (few) things I find entertaining with age is how my cravings for “treats” change, like how I can no longer stand American-made chocolate, or how now I’d rather have salty/savory instead of sweet. I know this is a result of losing taste buds with age, but I try not to think about that and just try to find it interesting as it happens.

A great thing I learned from the California farmers markets was that they would just be handing out pieces of raw vegetables of all sorts, like raw asparagus, or raw eggplant. You wouldn’t believe it, but every single vegetable is super delicious raw. Now I try to avoid eating cooked vegetables, though my brittle teeth don’t always cooperate with that plan. Try it, you’ll see what I mean. Asparagus is so much better when it’s not cooked. It’s great shaved and put in a bowl with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and shaved parmesan-reggiano cheese.
I can’t remember now who said it but somebody mentioned that it’s so much easier to afford crappy food than healthy food and that’s true. If you don’t know, your food stamp stamps get doubled when you go to a farmers market. I used to work at a food bank and we didn’t ask any questions. We handed out all sorts of healthy food, anything grocery stores would give us. We had everything. So you might try going to a food bank. Nobody’s going to recognize or judge you, and you get so much food you won’t believe it. We had dairy, juice, frozen meat, cheese, butter, rice and beans galore, soups, cake, mixes, bread, diapers, tampons, condoms, bagels, peanut butter, flour, popcorn, just everything. I guarantee you the people working there will be so busy they will barely even notice you. They help you get your food to your car and load it in. I’ve passed out food to people driving a BMW. You never know why somebody is in the circumstances they are or what they need in their lives. So don’t forget to go to the food bank, especially if doing can help you eat healthier. Many churches have food banks. The one I volunteered at was in a large church and was officially affiliated with the Utah Food Bank. If you’re in Utah, you want to find food banks, you can contact the Utah Food Bank, or look at their website and they’ll tell you when and where they’re passing out food. I imagine there’s something similar in every state.

I decoded to do the PB&J with M&M’s on a bagel today. Note I have some slices of orange also.

I just got home from blood draw for my PSA test post RT. Will see urologist next week.
@snow - I know what you mean. I always used to look forward to when the weather turned at least chilly. I would start baking. It gave me an excuse to warm up the kitchen. Nothing fancy - Snickerdoodles, brownies and CC cookies generally. And yes I would nibble at the raw dough and amazingly I didn't die. I swear that was the secret to why they always came out good. My husband who is 6'4" tall, had a 2hr. commute to LA with a management desk job finally had to ask me to stop, because he would gain weight. After that teachers and neighbors got them. - I don't miss it and have preferred savory ever since. - Pam
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