The NAFC Recipe Guide.


Staff member
Being broke sometimes means throwing together a mean with as little money as possible. Over the years I have found a bunch of great recipes online that have helped me stay within a budget for super cheap. None of this helps with incontinence issues but as it has to do with budgets that affect what we can spend it fits into the realm of this forum.

I love a good Chicken Quesadilla.

I found this online The Quesadilla salsa is so good and you can tailor it to your taste.

The website is
Then search for chicken-quesadillas

If anyone else has a go-to cheap recipe add it.

Yep. So good. I live on simple meals because standing to long cooking kills my back and stomach muscles.
@ThatFLGuy - Hey ya know what? I think sharing inexpensive meal ideas when the doctor appointments, travel expenses, product expenses are adding way too much to the bottom line - I get it - probably as most of us do. - Weather or not those that run this forum would approve of recipe topics - I don't know. This is after all not a cooking blog. Nafc has to my way of thinking been awesome in letting us speak almost without exception about anything. Eating ideas might have to become a private message thing. While there would be many who would appreciate tips eating on a fixed income with the added incontinence expenses - Guaranteed, there will be just as many people protesting a "recipe thread"- weather or not they are personally struggling - just because recipes don't help incontinence issues per say.- I would like to hear the opinions of others here re inexpensive recipe ideas as well as from Nafc. Thanks no matter what - say what you think. -Pam
My bladder has become very sensitive to certain foods. I have had to rethink much of what I can eat that is not too acidic. I have always thought what we eat and drink is a big part of dealing with IC. Good idea!
@Klew11 - Hi there! - I truly hope others chime in with their opinions. Whatever they may be. Still, Nafc has the final say. No matter what their decision. They have been more than accommodating with all of us on so many different topics - Pam
We had this topic before. It didn’t get banned but it didn’t take off, either. I posted a recipe and nobody cared so I probably won’t bother to do it again.
@snow - Well, ya know snow - I kinda get what you're saying - but was it more a matter of it didn't take off so to speak - like "Oh isn't this great!" - or were people actually allowed to throw a recipe out there that might be helpful without it being "banned" like you said. - I just kind of wonder if it might be okay to do - weather it be a money issue for some or helpful in dealing with IC eating issues. Weather or not nobody cared about your recipe, how do you know? Maybe they just didn't respond. Maybe they tried it and just didn't say anything. No matter, I always appreciate your input - you speak your mind. - Pam
@ThatFLGuy - Okay everyone, I will throw one out there, just cause. - After perusing Pinterest, I came across the wonders of canned (already cooked) potatoes. In years past I would have been the first one to say YUCK! - Guess what?, not yuck. - Neither my husband or I felt like cooking. I had a pound of ground beef, some diced onion in the freezer, and a 15oz can of whole potatoes staring at me from the pantry. Apparently they do come in the diced form - I decided to do hamburger hash - previously done with diced leftover baked potatoes. - The tips are drain and rinse the tinned spuds well, and air dry on paper towels before cutting to the appropriate size. - I kid you not, they tasted like the baked potatoes I used to use! - My next experiment is a small batch of potato salad or oven roasted. Give them a try - Pam
I am going to make this apple dip tomorrow after shopping.

No-bake cheesecake mix, Carmel dip, and toffee crumbles and apple slices

I love quick snacks.
@Klew11 - Hi Klew11 - I meant to ask you. What are you currently eating to help minimize any problems with your bladder? Maybe a sample of what you would eat in a day would give us all some ideas. As for most, I try to not drink alot, but, will plan for it if I choose to. Carbonation gets me every time. Acidic drinks like juice don't help me either. I love it, but console myself with the fact that it's all just surgar anyway. What are your suggestions? Any hey anyone else please share your IC diet. Thanks - Pam
@Pammy53 I had RP, radiation and two subsequent surgeries for strictures presumably do to the radiation. I am more inclined to believe they were caused by the RP, but my urologist blames the radiation. I was told I can eat and drink whatever I want, but I found acidic foods led to discomfort and irritation. I stopped eating a lot of tomato sauce, pizza suace, too much vinegar, carbonated drinks, alcohol to name a few. I have googled dozens of websites that discuss bladder irritating foods and drinks. I have mostly eliminated stuff by trial and error. What I do is try to eat more healthy foods, that aren’t overly spicy or acidic. Occasionally I will add something back slowly and pay close attention to how I react act. I think everyone has unique circumstances which is probably why Drs don’t have silver bullet answers for most of us. I also drink a lot of water to keep my bladder flushed to avoid UTIs, and I just deal with the consequences. If you feel food is causing issues I would definitely insist on seeing a nutritionist, and explain what your concerns are.
@Klew11 - Thanks so much for responding. I really appreciate it. Your idea to see a nutritionist is a good one. - Pam
Alcohol, coffee, tea, plain water, and certain medications are my worst diuretics. Coffee is one of my very worst diuretic and always nearly gives me fecal incontinence as well. I like to save coffee for special occasions when I really need the extra super power it provides, like on the very early morning of a camping or skiing trip. I probably only have time to make and drink, or to buy, coffee a couple of times a month, so it really is a shock to my system when it comes on board. I like it strong.

Now we’ve arrived at my *very* worst diuretic: plain tap water. I’ll swallow it, turn around, and head straight to the toilet; it’s that bad that it passes through immediately; it sucks. The only exception is if I’m working out, and am in a risky need of hydration, then my body actually uses the water instead of just peeing it out uselessly.

Sugar sodas go down very nicely and slowly, just like I drink them. The caffeine in them doesn’t affect me at all, probably because I’ve been drinking them since I was a toddler (wish my parents hadn’t given me that bad habit). But I should probably try to avoid the ones with caffeine after 6:00 p.m. since I have so many insomnia/Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder issues. I think the bottom line is my body is really used to me having caffeine even though it may not be used to me having coffee.

Lately I’ve noticed with alcohol that I actually kinda shiver up and dry because my body is so thirsty for any liquid that it will use it wisely rather than excrete it the way it would with a really well-hydrated person. I intentionally keep myself half-hydrated, at most of the time. So alcohol, which I drink only a few times per year, has become less of a diuretic for me but I bet if I was well-hydrated, that wouldn’t be true.

I don’t eat a lot of Italian food because it’s full of acidic tomatoes, which I’m sometimes allergic to anyway. They give me cankers in my mouth and I’m not in love with their taste nor texture.

The spices of Hispanic, Venezuelan, Indian food, etc. don’t bother me at all.

I’m not sure that any of my eating or drinking effects my incontinence whatsoever since my incontinence is always going to be there anyway because it’s a problem with the nerve between my bladder and my spinal cord being severed, then onward to my brain, and that never changes. Neurogenic Bladder should be quite simply constant but it does have periods of flux. I have more trips to the bathroom like anyone else does when I’m really anxious.
Wow snow - Ya know, I have to say given the fact that you actually have a physical reason for your IC would certainly be enough. But, drinking water - let alone anything else is a real kick in the pants. Sorry, typed before thinking. I do understand everything else that you avoid given that they are problematic - and yes, a cup of coffee can make you do a good poop. - I guess what I or anyone else would like to know is, what do you eat on a daily basis, understanding fully that it can be variable. - Thanks. - Pam
A can of soup, a cup of casserole. 1-2 slices of pizza, a taco, etc. at dinner - about a fist’s worth of food. The end. I only eat once per day to ensure 24 hours of fasting though fasting hasn’t bought me much in weight loss.

When I had severe COVID for 6.5 months, I lost all taste and smell for 9.5 months. I’m still missing 10 to 15% of my taste/smell, I’m just not that interested in eating anymore. I take Wellbutrin, an antidepressant which kills cravings but I take half of a dose only. But I blame my permanent loss of taste. It sucks worse than you’d ever imagine.

It’s convenient, financially, to eat so little.
My favorite thing to make when my wife is out of town. Not particularly healthy but it tastes good. One bag of Doritos spread on a cookie sheet. Liberally add mozzarella and cheddar cheese. Add sliced black olives, green olives, diced onion, jalapeños, pepperoni and bake at 350 until cheese melts. Watch a movie or sports event with a bottle of Prosecco. If the weather is nice, enjoy outside using iPad for viewing and finish with a cigar.

I will enjoy this Friday. My wife is flying to NYC for Billy Joel concert at MSG with our daughter who lives there.
I just bought a breakfast burrito i am rather lazy about preparing food beyond a grilled cheese sandwich.

A flour tortill scrambled eggs a dash of bacon or i guess the bottled bacon bits (i dont know) diced cooked potatoes

Hey theres another favorite bsked potato!
Cheap filling no standing necessary

PROBIOTICS my new miracle in a capsule for stomach that was behaving badly.
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