Stuff you used to be able to do or miss

I like to think about all the things I can do because I wear diapers. Like sleeping through the night and waking rested. Going out and not worrying about where all the bathrooms are. Not being embarrassed about my wet pants showing. Not being afraid to have a few drinks and not making it to the potty. Don't need a p can in my car.

The list can go on and on I believe, but those are just a few off the top.
`@snow There are a couple of things that might help you and wonder if you have tried them. The first is the Purewick system which is similar to my set up with a leg bag and might keep you a bit drier down there. The other is "shewee" so you can pee like a man. I have not tried either but wonder if they might help you?
@laalaauk I haven’t tried Purewick because it’s extremely expensive and doesn’t work with side sleepers like me. I think the catheter container is gross. I’d rather use a diaper. If someone gave me Purewick I’d try it, though.

I have tried two different versions of the stand-to-pee containers for women, one made of paper and another made of plastic. They tend to leak. One needs to wipe. Then they need to be rinsed out and stored. I do snowboard/ski with a backpack, so I could carry one around. Maybe I’ll try one this year! Thanks for reminding me I have one!
@billliveshere I agree. Swim Diapers are not fun, but they are also not really meant for urine, more for the other. I have used them in the past though to get from the dry area to the wet without leaving a trail. They will work for that well. Most pools have so much chlorine, you do not need to worry about it. As for a good nights sleep, I definitely love that I can sleep better not worrying. Unfortunately, I had a bit of a problem last night. I guess I was a little more hydrated than I thought. I was wearing a BetterDry and it they are my go to. My wife decided to put her arm over me and when I turned over her ring caught the plastic and ripped it at some point. I woke up surrounded by wet and cold fluff at 4a! So maybe not last nights sleep was as good, but I will still take it.
I pretty much do everything I used to. One thing that sucks is going to the beach. Wearing a diaper to the beach sucks. I usually skip the diaper and use a clamp and make sure I either go in the water or if there is a public restroom every half hour to avoid a problem.

I like to go camping and that can be a bit awkward when going with friends who don't know about my issues. All the guys just walk away from the campfire to pee behind a bush and I need to find ways to sneak away to change.

Other than this I don't think there's really anything that I CAN'T do anymore, it's just that some things became a bit inconvenient and require some creativity.
The beach is for sure a problem area. I like the Abena pullups for those days. It shows if you look hard enough for it, under board shorts, but not screaming it out. They keep things tidy until it is time for the water. I usually would find a restroom and take it off and throw it away and make a direct path out to swim. If it is too far, I splash water all over my shorts from the sink ;)

Camping can be a challenge as well, but not insurmountable. You can always go behind a bush and fake it to keep them from guessing. When it is time to change, I just go to my tent and slide the old off and quiet afix a new one. If music is playing, I might turn it up a bit just before to keep the sound from being heard. Creativity for sure is a key.
Yeah, the beach is tough especially near L.A. where’s 1.25 miles from the parking lot and bathrooms to the water, and the water is cold. It’s one of the widest beaches in the world, made that way to drag out the inevitable tsunami that will follow when the long overdue San Andreas fault finally breaks near L.A.

@wetdad Your idea of setting your shorts in the sink or shower before heading to the pool or beach is excellent.
Swim diapers don’t work with any kind of female swimsuit, unless you want everyone knowing you’re wearing a diaper in the pool, which will gross out most people worse than would just peeing in the pool.

For anyone who wonders if people can tell when someone else is peeing in the pool: nope, not at all. Just watch yourself do it sometime snd you’ll see for yourself.
snow said:
Yeah, the beach is tough especially near L.A. where’s 1.25 miles from the parking lot and bathrooms to the water, and the water is cold. It’s one of the widest beaches in the world, made that way to drag out the inevitable tsunami that will follow when the long overdue San Andreas fault finally breaks near L.A.

@wetdad Your idea of setting your shorts in the sink or shower before heading to the pool or beach is excellent.

I live in Agoura Hills....Whereabouts in LA are you?

I usually go to Zuma so parking lot is right there.

When it's just myself with wife and kids it's not an issue. When we go with friends that don't know about my issues is when I worry.
@snow You could carry a snap shut plastic bag with you and roll some toilet roll around it after using and pop it in the bag until you get back to your lodge at the end of the day and wash it out properly.

I am sorry you leak and sorry to hear the Purewick is expensive. I am so pleased you keep going though and enjoy skiing. It's something I would love to do.
Hi @laalaauk, Skiing is really, really fun and I used to do it when I lived in New England and Pennsylvania. Now living in Florida, the snow skiing scene is very, very poor to say the least! :O (snow? what's that?) I don't know what the ski situation in England is but it can be pretty expensive to start out, or you might be able to rent equipment. You'd need ski boots, warm clothing, including a windbreaker, and other protective outerwear and skis, of course! But it is worth the expense as it's a great feeling to get out there on a crisp cold day and schuss down the hill. It really puts color in your cheeks! So I hope you do get to try it! After all winter is just around the corner!
@MikeJames For 15 years I lived in L.A. on the border of Washington and Lincoln, less than a mile from Venice Pier, on the border between Marina del Rey and Venice. I worked in Hollywood and Culver City.

I like Zuma, but it’s way too crowded. In 2005 my friend got her nose sliced off right in front of me, by the fin of someone else’s surfboard. I quit surfing - at least in SoCal - after witnessing that horror.

I stupidly moved back to SLC, UT because of my own health problems, and to take care of my ailing parents. I also got tired of driving six hours to and from Mammoth to snowboard/ski/backpack every weekend. Unfortunately the “Greatest Snow on Earth” in UT can’t make up for the political and social isolation I experience in UT.

I have BA, MFA, and post-grad degrees in Film and Video Production and work as an Executive Director and Executive Producer in Music Video Production, so I truly need to be in L.A. to do my job.

How can my two greatest passions in life - snow and filmmaking - be so impossible to accomplish successfully in the same geographic location on the planet? Sigh.

What do you do in Agoura Hills? I used to love brunching in Calabasas and going to Strawberry Days in Oxnard.
@laalaauk Yes, I will try a ziplock bag and cleaning off the device in the snow until I get back to the lodge. I’m going to practice with the device in the shower between now and then to figure out more anti-leak techniques.
@snow I just live in Agoura Hills but I work in Century City in finance. pretty terrible commute but when I moved my family out here from the east coast we needed to find a house with a yard for the kids and dog. I couldn't afford anything anywhere near work. We looked to rent a house in the valley but everything was really run down and not kept up and then we happened to find this house for rent in Agoura. Agoura is a beautiful little town and great for families but the commute is killing me slowly. I leave at 6am and take the malibu canyon road to PCH to the 10 and it's about an hour. But the way home I find 405 to 101 faster and that's anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours.
@MikeJames Gosh it’s great to hear L.A. commute and freeway talk!!!!!! I totally miss it! Here everything is always preceded by I, which is funny, because we only have 15, 215, 70, and 80. The I is kind of unnecessary.

Your morning commute sounds pretty. I used to hike and rock climb a lot in Malibu Canyon and also near Zuma Beach. I used to go sandboarding on those dunes near Point Dume, on the east side of the PCH.
@billliveshere If we're lucky, we might get a couple of days worth but its only a dusting sadly. I would love to go abroad one Winter so we could experience deep snow. One of day...

We are more focused on buying a house next year so we are trying to save up for the deposit.
Hi @laalaauk, I think getting a nice house is definitely a big priority and something to look forward to! So hopefully you'll get enough saved up for your deposit soon and can be on your way to home ownership! But if you only get a dusting of snow here or there, it doesn't sound like it would make for great skiing! :D
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