Odd occurrence when falling asleep


Staff member
Hey y’all!

Been awhile since I’ve posted. Continuing to work on my ptsd through therapy. Had another round of trigger point injections (second this year).

Still wetting the bed. But lately I’m wetting the bed as I’m falling asleep. I can tell it’s happening yet can’t stop it because I’m in that in between phase of sleeping. Does anyone else experience that? If so do you have any tricks to stop it. I go to the bathroom before bed and it still happens.

Gosh I’ve tried monitoring the fluid intake and everything and I still soak my diaper. I’m thankful it’s only at night but I just wish my mind could heal itself and my injuries down below from the assault could heal so it could fully stop.

I think I’m just having a rough day because my diaper leaked on me and I woke up with wet sheets. Which hasn’t happened in a long time and all know how annoying that is

Hope everyone has a great week!
So I struggle with symptoms of ptsd and have the exact same experience. It’s as if my body lets go of all the tension and I void. It’s crazy because the level of anxiety throughout the day eliminates most of my incontinence. Hyper tense muscles. But to be normal. Or to relax I end up having both fecal and urine loss. Oi! What a life. Congratulations on working on your PTSD. It’s not easy.
@Arthur Definitely not easy but yah that seriously feels like what happens. Start to fall asleep and any tension I had throughout the day let’s go. Including my bladder. I just think it’s crazy It’s like my mind wants to stop and get up and go to the bathroom but my body is like nope, you got a diaper on and you are about a sleep so you are doing it here lol. That is the best way I can explain the sensation.
Just make sure your using a great diaper. Take your time to get it on right. That moment, where I have to let go and not be on guard is one of the few alert moments of peace I have, that I’m not chemically relaxed. It sucks that I void/pee. But I have come to just relax. Here’s to wishing you more moments of peace, even if it’s diapered or your losing urine. You friend, deserve peace.
@Stevewet it makes me feel better it happens to others. The part I can’t get over is I have some shame in it. I’m not incontinent during the day. Just at night time. And I’ve been to all the doctors and they just say it’s due to all the trauma from the assault two years ago and the ptsd from it.

I’m thankful for what I have. Just sometimes when it happens and I’m aware it’s happening but can’t seem to stop it or can’t wake up in time makes me feel like I’m doing it on purpose. Even though I know that sounds ridiculous
I think most likely you have become so used to wearing nappies at night your brain just tells your body it is fine to release urine. Don't feel ashamed it's not your fault.
@Stevewet so is that why sometimes at night I’ll put a diaper on and then watch tv on the couch (just in case I fall asleep) and sometimes I’m awake and my body just starts going. Is that my body just knowing it’s safe to relax and since I go in them sleeping it can happen when awake?
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