New member, 20 y/o and embarrassed


Staff member
Hi,my name is Mariam and I had always bedwet all my life. Recently, while in school, I have my dry days as it happens whenever I'm stressed but whenever I'm at home on holidays, it becomes a daily occurrence. My parents even think I don't care because I always look indifferent but I am always embarrassed and don't show emotions so they don't think I'm pretending.
Hello :) Welcome to the forum. Sorry you are going through this. It can be hard, especially when others dont understand. You might want to flat out talk to them about your issues.
@mayrihyam Welcome you joined a very supportive group of people here incontinence and bedwetting can be embarrassing issues but with proper management, you can learn to live with it just remember you are not alone me I am incontinent and wear diapers 24/7 it can be a difficult thing to accept but once you do you can move forward what are you doing to manage your bedwetting?

here is a link that might help
Hi Miriam,
Welcome to the forum. You are not alone with this. Many others (including myself also live with wetting issues.
Be Blessed my friend. Lots of good people and resources here.😊
Kind regards,
Jim in MD
"All things work together for good, for those who trust in the Lord."

He knows each of our medical problems.

Remember that Paul was very close to our Lord; he had one-on-one conversations with Jesus. (Most of us don't.) Paul wrote about how he had prayed 3 times asking for relief from some unknown condition he suffered with. The Lord denied Paul's request, and said that He could use Paul's problems to glorify His Kingdom; that Jesus was stronger when Paul was weaker. This is hard for us to understand. But we are to have faith in His divine purpose for our lives.

I too suffer and pray about my many medical conditions. When I pray, I try to praise the Lord for the burdens He has allowed in my life, and then ask Him to show me how I can use them to glorify Him.

The important thing is to pray (in private):
Confess your sins, "All have sinned..."
Ask for His forgiveness, "He is faithful and just to forgive our sins..."
Tell Him that you believe He is the Son of the Living God, that He died for our sins on the cross, and that God raised Him from the dead.
Then, invite Him into your heart and accept Him as your own personal Savior.
Romans 10:9 and 10.

This is when life will become worth living again. Seek your salvation by reading a translation of the Bible that is easier for you to understand. (Amplified, NIV, King James)

God will use you.
@mayrihyam embarrassment seems to be a universal symptom with this. As I have said before this is a medical issue not a character flaw. If you haven't, see a doctor about this and keep at the until you are satisfied. In the meantime take care of yourself. Wear diapers, diaper covers, under pads, whatever it takes. You will feel better, dryer it'll be easier to clean up and you are showing you care.
absolutely correct and if you just think of diapers as just another form of underwear it will be a lot easier to deal with wearing them

Squander said:
@mayrihyam embarrassment seems to be a universal symptom with this. As I have said before this is a medical issue not a character flaw. If you haven't, see a doctor about this and keep at the until you are satisfied. In the meantime take care of yourself. Wear diapers, diaper covers, under pads, whatever it takes. You will feel better, dryer it'll be easier to clean up and you are showing you care.
I'm sorry to hear that. Acting indifferent is a defense mechanism. It doesn't mean you don't actually feel embarrassed.
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