
Checmrc I'm not sure how severe your problem is but do you have incontinence pads for underwear available where you live? Here they are sold next to menstrual pads in groceries and other departments stores or on line like Amazon. They are good for light use not q full flood.
@checmec Yes, Botox is miraculous. It really hurts at the time. They insert a double-wide catheter then do 22-44 injections of Botox on the sensitive bladder wall to partially paralyze it to give you better control of it. In some countries they anesthetize you for the procedure, but not here. Anyway, even though it hurts while they’re doing it, in exchange, you get 3-6 months with zero accidents. It’s miraculous, such a breath of fresh air. But it’s very expensive, at least here. I know in other companies, Botox costs less than half of what it does here.
@maymay941 I have the fortune to live in a big city with all the technology and products available. I have never tried pads though.. I guess it will be eventually part of the acceptance process. I rarely have big accidents (but when I do I panic) so it would not be such a bad idea to try them at least when I know I may have more accidents.. for example when drinking alcohol with friends I know will make me laugh or stuff like that. Thank you

@snow I will definitively ask the urologist about this option when I decide to come back (Somehow I know I will have to come back and find a doctor with whom I feel confortable with) Thanks so much for the advice. Botox sounds great!
Checmec you might want to NOT drink alcohol it is a bladder irritant but of course we all like to loosen up with the stuff.
I recently posted Corn silk tea or capsiles are a natural product to improve bladder health that is available on
I have ordered some based on the effect it has had on another person here.
I will post how this tea works on my personal irritated bladder after I receive it and use for two weeks.
I agree with Snow. Botox is amazing. I get it done 3-4 times a year. It doesn't completely solve my incontinence problems, but it drastically reduces the painful urgency that I get. I'd rather be fully continent, but reducing the pain is certainly worthwhile.

Many people find that it actually does restore continence, but that hasn't been the case for me.
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