Just a few thoughts based on your questions & input that I hope might be of some help to you. Please forgive me in advance if I miss or forget something, the meds they are giving me right now are doing a great job of not allowing me to get stressed out, or really caring about much! I also blame both spellcheck & grammar check in advance for any and all mistakes. With this medication on board I’m sure it would be about IMPOSSIBLE for me to make a mistake!
1) Cost, this disease is an expensive one, even though the experts always lead with “Incontinence is not a disease, just a symptom of a “REAL” condition? After 30+ years of incontinence maybe I should have checked the box for “Condition” instead!
It often seems that the only thing cheap & prevalent about this is other peoples unrequested perspectives + guilt + blame!
2) Attempting to get a proper diagnosis.
3) Dealing with the children and adult diapers.
4) Finding protection you are comfortable with, does it’s job& is reasonably affordable.
Regarding #1, Have you thought of trying cloth adult diapers? My suggestion would be to possibly try some of the pull on or Velcro diapers at night, with some type of waterproof pants. You can always layer up or down affordably with doublers until you find the right balance. My wife and I laugh about it, (We use a lot of humor in our house) but the Kins Taffeta waterproof pants look just like a pair of Granny Panties as she calls them, but they work great and get the job done!
Just as an aside, my wife steals all of my PJs, I really think she just buys them for herself, but let’s me unwrap them at Christmas and my birthday just for the kisses, never to be seen in my dresser again! Why not throw a big baggy pair of your husbands on until you get a chance to get adjusted for the day, they make great camo first thing in the morning!
I know it’s hard to adjust to this, but you mentioned you don’t leak in bed, just when you stand up. I have a very similar situation due to Neurogenic Bladder / IC and OAB. It can go off at any time, but most often when I first step out of bed in the morning. A close second is stepping out of the shower with a fresh towel around my upper body and ZERO protection on! What a GREAT way to kick off your morning!
Seriously though, the stand up leakage sounds possibly nerve related as from what I’ve read you still have the ability to hold on at times, and God only knows what loose wires that beautiful baby might have been pulling on while working on her grand entrance into this world!
As far as the kids questions go, you will know much better than I. We vacation every Thanksgiving with my God Daughter and two other nieces, and early on any semblance of privacy went right out the window. We didn’t think to lock the bedroom door, and at first light we were attacked by a highly trained attack team of made up of a 2,3 & 6 year old! I guess you just can’t unsee that, so the truth it was. It’s never been an issue as they had seen me in a wheelchair, walker, braces etc. They are wonderful kids, and having their “favorite” Uncle needing diapers, removes that whole stigma at an early age.
I imagine your kids know that you gave birth to them, so maybe some strategically placed guilt might be appropriate?

“Do you really want my friends to know what you did to me?” They really like you “Right Now”???? (Sorry I was brought up Catholic, guilt was a sharpened and honed weapon, wielded skillfully by highly trained Nun-Ninjas)!
Maybe you want to give that last one a bit more thought….
Getting protection you can count on, and is reasonably affordable. In my case, in 1987 I didn’t have much choice, but cloth diapers with plastic pants if I ever wanted to leave the house. Today I still use cloth at night, and when I’ll be working from the house all day. To me they are far more comfortable than disposables,far cheaper over time and infinitely adjustable, especially for that morning surprise!
I would contact all of the major resellers like Northshore, as most of them will give you free samples while you attempt to find that balance that is perfect for you! I’ve never found a pull up that works through the night. Why sacrifice a moment of the precious little sleep you do get! If I get an hour of sleep and am awakened, that is all I get for the night! If I’m awakened by spasms, as soon as I sit up my bladder empties immediately. If I get up to change it’s over, instead I prepare while getting ready for bed then I can attempt to go back to sleep. When you think about it logically, it’s only a matter of a few feet between up all night or blessed sleep! I’ve come to terms with the fact it’s going to happen, wouldn’t it feel better to be rested? 5 hours is an unusually good night for me.
I hope this helps give you some options to noodle around. With incontinence it is definitely a leave your ego at the door type proposition. At times it just seems like every day takes a bit of give & take & negotiation with self as to what signifies VICTORY!
I truly wish y’all the best, and I hope I helped you just a little bit Sarah.
They just stuck something in my IV, best I sign off about now!