
Don't know if it's common, but any time on a catheter and my IC gets bad again. So don't end up in the ICU with Covid.

Some of the same communities that refused to mandate masks (it's a hoax, you know) are now the new hotspots, here. Let 'em attend the political rallies without masks, elbow to elbow. Very Darwinian.
P.S. Boris J is better than tRump - but I'm not sure that's saying much. I get the US e-edition of the Guardian, so get to see some of the UK's Covid HiJinks. We could start a contest to see whose voters are dumber. :D

There is an old USA poster, left over from WWII. Shows Uncle Sam pointing out at the viewer and saying, "I Want You!"
My T-Shirt of that says "I Want You ... To Stop Voting For Idiots!"

You find humor where you can, these days.
Covid is no joke. I'm 29 and have been having serious problems from 'long Covid'. Prior to Covid, I had some mild chronic-fatigue issues and in terms of incontinence - IBS flare ups, after dribble and urge issues. The IBS/urge issues were only a massive issue when on long journeys/away from toilets for a considerable time. In spite of that I was able to work crazy schedules and was really athletic. On a day to day level, I switched to using taped nappies mainly for ease of changing and the Tena 'Ultima' products left me with some capacity spare for those occasional urge accidents. I was able to not wear any protection when out running if I was clever with when I hydrated.

After Covid I feel like I'm 90 - I have muscle weakness all down my right side so have to walk using a stick, even really mild activities exhaust me. After five days at work all I can do is sleep/recover over the weekend. Even things like playing video games are beyond me. In terms of incontinence - my IBS issues went into overdrive (osteopathy has helped though) and big floods are the rule rather than the exception. I can't get up in time to use the toilet 99% of the time in the morning and I even wet the bed in my sleep for the first time since my teens the other night. I'm finding that the Thena Ultima aren't really enough and am having to use really high capacity products.

Whilst it's undeniable that some people do make a full recovery, it really is luck of the draw at the end of the day. I was 28 when I got it and now I feel like an old man. I think it's also worth mentioning that I never had to be admitted to hospital and felt like I was back to normal-ish after about a month so if you have it mildly it can still cause long-term issues. In terms of anecdotal evidence, all of my friends/family that have had it still don't feel great months on.
@Sci_Fi_Fan I’m so sorry you’ve had to survive this. COVID is indeed a travesty and I get livid when people pretend it’s just a cold, or a conspiracy.
Thanks for saying that, Sci_Fi_Fan. Unfortunately, too many people will be in denial until it hits close to home. That is, perhaps, the scariest thing about this pandemic.
You and me, both, @snow! The whole thing was mishandled from the word go and there is no freekin' reason for it! And whoever believes that Covid is no worse than a cold or is just a hoax or a conspiracy really needs to get back on the fast rack to reality! I know this is not a political forum, but for certain politicians, I think saying they caught Covid turned out to be just a publicity stunt, and not a good one at that! And that's all I need to say about that!
And @Sci_Fi_Fan, you have my continued best wishes for a complete and uneventful recovery. We here are all pulling for you and are thinking about you. But you are right, it is "luck of the draw at the end of the day."
And @AlasSouth, I like your Uncle Sam T-shirt. That is so right on!!!:D
From my perspective living in Ireland which is in a form of a lockdown I think it's real coronavirus.

I believe in many conspiracy theories but this about coronavirus being fake I don't reason Is there's too much evidence to be a conspiracy theory or not real.

Like many diseases and viruses etc which aren't readily seen e.g tb or tuberculosis and small pox it coronavirus will always be there even with a vaccine.

But not as prevalent as it is now.
Only .3% !!

Let me tell you a story about statistics. Statistically the United States is a very safe county. Your chance of being murdered are .000531%.


20% of my parents grand children have been murdered.

33% of my sisters nieces and nephews have been murdered

50% of my children have been murdered

100% of my son’s Siblings have been murdered.

My point is it’s easy to say “0nly .3%” will die. But .3% is a million people. Sooner or later it gets to you and becomes much more that statistics.
My dreams have been very bad - and that bodes poorly for continence.
This is why my blood pressure hits the roof when i read the news - and why i try not to, any more. I offered to take one guy (a denier) to NY when the crisis there was at its worst, so we could volunteer to load those freezer trucks with bodies. It's odd, but he wouldn't go. "Those bodies aren't real or they died of something else". But he wouldn't go check it out, even at my expense.
Along with the body count, they need to count the people who have either long term affects, or lifetime affects.
I had wondered. The news that I've seen hasn't said if IC is part of the symptoms after leaving the hospital. Maybe that's "minor" compared to the lung & liver damage.
My wife was in the grocery store. A friend (a supporter of the Bone-Spur-In-Chief) told her he and his wife have tested positive. He's is wearing the mask but not social distancing. He's in his 80s. He's in a grocery store - a big one, during the day. Our state and local authorities aren't doing "contact tracing", very obviously, since we haven't been called by the authorities.
I hope to God that you can recover, that the scientists are allowed to find solutions.
Remember that old WWII poster of Uncle Sam pointing at you, and it says "I Want You!"
My T-Shirt says: "I Want You ... To Stop Voting for Idiots!"
I had COVID early on and was very sick 6 weeks, days I didn’t think I was going to make it, I am 48 years old. It was early on and was personally assigned a health Dept case worker, I was told should I need to go back to hospital I would be admitted until no symptoms were present. There were at least 10 times my wife had the phone in her hand to dial 911. If my pcp hadn’t prescribed an inhaler which I was using at least every two hours not 1-2xs a day. I have lasting effects including heart issues being dealt with now and a permanent loss of lung capacity. I own and operate group homes for the developmentally disabled at one of our sites all 16 individuals contracted COVID, 2 passed away, one staff person passed away and another employees father who contracted from her passed away. Numbers are numbers and can be manipulated in many ways. I hate wearing masks, I hate wearing diapers, we do what we need to do. This virus is not a conspiracy theory, it is not going away after the election. Wear a mask if not for yourself for your loved one, this virus effects everyone differently. My wife had a fever for a day and a half and no other symptoms.

Be well everyone and This should not be a political issue, If you feel masks aren’t needed wait until a loved one contracts COVID and they are not asymptomatic.
Hi @Wbwayne11, I'm sorry to hear about all you've had to go through with this Covid. You have my deepest sympathies of your losses at your group homes as well as the medical issues you are now facing. As much as I don't like wearing masks, of course I do it for everyone's safety. It's only right. But like you, I have a hard time seeing this as a political issue and don't know why it should even be debated like it's one. People get sick from it and the real issue should be on prevention and trying to get a handle on this thing for once and for all!
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