
To Dino & several others. You are right to bring up that politics doesn't belong here; mostly. Except health care has become a political issue that negatively effects many of us with incontinence. And drinking alcohol can be linked to incontinence, in some cases. I'm not an abolishionist. Just saying.

Alaska has limits on alcohol licenses based on Population: you need X number of thousand people per license. Except the old Territorial licenses are Grandfathered. So to be "fair" to resturants and other food establishments, they are allowed liquor licenses in excess of those numbers if they serve food. My old town of 11,000 once had 57 licenses, including liquor stores (which are separate)\.This state has the worst statistic of abuse for anything, in double digits.
Downstate Illinois linked it to churches - no more bars than your town had churches! If a church closed, the bar owners drew straws. I saw it happen in the 1960s. Phew.
Society's attitudes towards drinking have changed, and numerous bars are out of business, and not from just from Covid.
People get hurt and killed by abuse, here, in numbers more horrifying than other states, and by double-digits.
But I will try to avoid politics as much as I can.
I apologize.
Stay safe.
God Bless, all.
AlasSouth said:
To Dino & several others. You are right to bring up that politics doesn't belong here; mostly. Except health care has become a political issue that negatively effects many of us with incontinence. And drinking alcohol can be linked to incontinence, in some cases. I'm not an abolishionist. Just saying.

Alaska has limits on alcohol licenses based on Population: you need X number of thousand people per license. Except the old Territorial licenses are Grandfathered. So to be "fair" to resturants and other food establishments, they are allowed liquor licenses in excess of those numbers if they serve food. My old town of 11,000 once had 57 licenses, including liquor stores (which are separate).This state has the worst statistic of abuse for anything, in double digits.
Downstate Illinois linked it to churches - no more bars than your town had churches! If a church closed, the bar owners drew straws. I saw it happen in the 1960s. Phew.
Society's attitudes towards drinking have changed, and numerous bars are out of business, and not from just from Covid.
People get hurt and killed by abuse, here, in numbers more horrifying than other states, and by double-digits.
But I will try to avoid politics as much as I can.
I apologize.
Stay safe.
God Bless, all.

The way I'm looking at politics and news stuff lately is that all I need to know is my countries leaders and a small bit on main political issues.

Politics and religion are 2 things I find that are bad things to talk about in conversation in pubs and bars restaurants etc here.

As the talks can often get heated.
Dino: You are right, wow can they get heated. Now tell me how we get medical services and medications without politics, any more. We ban both conversations when we go out to dinner at the Elks. Sometimes we ban them at get-togethers at each other's homes.
My wife is a retired school teacher. I worked with the public at close range.
Now, politics asks families like mine was, before retirement, to risk themselves and each other. Risk their children. Risk 25 children in their classes.
I have no idea what the answer is, anymore. Well, I think I do, but that's for another forum. But politics affects everyone here, and some don't have the oportunity to receive medical services they can afford, due to politics.
I'm not sure our retirement and savings will be enough, if one of us has a medical emergency that is worse than incontinence. We could lose it all. My neighbors down the street did, and I'm probably bitter. They are a fine couple with fine grandkids.
Give me an answer. We are putting off a medical trip, and not just because of Covid19. We know what Medicare and the Insurance is NOT going to pay.
Stay safe.
No idea about insurance side of medical things as with me.

I've what is called a medical card which is a card that entitles people who are unemployed claiming a disability or welfare payment or disabled and people earning below a certain amount of money and in some cases the elderly to free health care in a public hospital and other medical care.

That includes incontinence wear some medical devices and dental eye care etc.

Compared to private health care the waiting lists for appointments is longer but all in all it isn't too bad.

Could go on and on but let's say it's complicated and for another forum or conversation.
I can personally say with honesty about the "studies" that say there is no negative effect with masks on those with asthma that they haven't studied every single person. About 30 seconds into me wearing a mask, my asthma goes off, as so does my mask! Out comes my inhaler and I'm going outside to fresh air asap! I wear a face shield if I'm gonna be in a crowd. I sure as heck know that I'm not one of the ones that mask up while alone walking on a sidewalk or riding a bicycle. That is a bit too much. Trees dont give you covid. For the health care and other much needed and appreciated workers on here, thank you so very much for your hard work!
Hi AlasSouth, while we're not getting into politics, I just want to say I read you loud and clear! I couldn't have said it better myself! And to everyone, although I don't really like wearing masks (who does?) I will do it to protect other people. If everyone would mask up then maybe we could kick this covid for once and for all! Wearing a mask is a small sacrifice but I do it for the greater good. Nowadays I won't go into a store without a mask. I certainly don't have a death wish, nor do I have one for anyone else, so I'm going to do my part. When this thing started I saw a sign outside a store that said "six feet apart of six feet under - your choice!" Amen to that!
And Snow, I agree with you 1000 percent! It is disappointing that a forum on incontinence had to include Covid mask debates. And I loved your comment that if you wanted to hear a debate on masks that you'd just "turn on Fox News." My sentiments exactly! Make that "Faux News." And that's because a lot of Americans say "wearing a mask impinges on my rights so I'll do just what I please!" And our own "wonderful" governor, Ron DeSatan, is getting national press because of his inept handling of the pandemic. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest!
This whole thing is kind of silly, but unless we obey the fiats of the goons in charge they're not going to open things back up.

This virus has a 0.3% fatality rate at most and it's insane that we're shutting things down to this extent over such a mild illness.

An epidemiologist and chief medial officer of a major hospital group came to my firm's town hall meeting to talk to us about this. He said based on antibody studies there are 10-15 cases per confirmed case. That means there are over 30mm people in this country to have actually had or have the virus. Doing that math you get to a 0.3 or lower mortality rate.

This isn't smallpox or some other high mortality illness. It makes little sense to keep restricting everyone given that a vaccine is at least a year away if not longer. By then this thing will have taken 4 more trips around the world and we'll have herd immunity anyway.
Hello, an odd place for a first post but, I could not remain a silent reader with this topic. It is likely not to leave good first impressions with everyone because of my strong wording.

My daughter is nurse, on the front line treating those infected. She doesn’t have enough PPE, reuses masks, no N95s. Stressed beyond imagining. Yeah, totally over inflated as are those silly refrigerator trucks outside of hospitals.

Mike, you should be really concerned with what the health official was telling you: 15x more cases in the general public. That’s 15x higher chance you could get it.

As of July 28, 2020, CDC data:

4,280,135 cases of which 147,672 have died in the US. Mortality rate of those known to be infected (a person’s chance of NOT recovering) is 3.45%. To put it another way, data shows you have a one in thirty chance of dying if you contract the virus. It is not as simple as that of course. How does one quantify factors of age, existing health issues, social distancing behavior, or other factors that change your risk factor.

If we have a 10-15x undetected cases, you could think that’s 0.3%. It could be higher as well.

Those are some really concerning odds that I am not willing to bet the lives of my family, friends, or strangers.

I read you loud and clear! It's silly to take chances. Just mask up in public, social distance, wash hands frequently. I do all of those and wish this whole thing would get over soon. Considering this is not the main topic of this forum that's all I have to say on the pandemic (at least for now).
JustMochi and Trucker. I have a close relative, living in Arizona (UGGG), who believes all the conspiracy theories, including that you get the virus from the 5G signals - inconsistent because she things there isn't a virus.
Her mother is upset, maybe I could say terrified.
I just don't want to read that one of us has it or has died.

Here's an excellent and short OpEd. I hope it will come up for you. A friend had pressed the "share" link.

AlasSouth, I just clicked on the op ed you had in your last post and I say Amen to that!!!! I couldn't have said it better myself! I think everyone should read that and take it to heart. Yes, it is the thing to do: mask up and be part of the solution, not part of the problem! Thank you :) for sharing that with us.
MikeJAmes: take the population of the US and divided by your 0.3% rate. That's how many people you proposal to kill. You can find "authorities" to deny almost anything about Covid, but their colleagues overwhelmingly dispute them - and you. That 0.3% is bogus - or as they used to say on Car Talk - Boooogus.
Smallpox? We have a "vaccine" for that. I still have the scar on my arm from over 65 years ago.
I don't have scars on my lungs from Covid and I don't want you passing it around.
We just got news that 2 friends, both of which my wife came in contact with (she was wearing her mask, they weren't) just tested positive.
How many on this forum are we going to lose - or have already lost? Good luck, don't get it, don't pass it on.
One comment only, if masks are diapers for the mouth, why dont they stop the urine and diarrhea from coming out when people talk.
SoCalDude said:
As an ER nurse who treats Covid patients every day, I thank god that the vast majority of states in this country have mask mandates. They are helping keep me and my colleagues alive, so in turn we can save other people's lives. We are all in this together.

totally. I mean only like 99.97% of people survive this plague.
That's true. A lot more survive than die. I was against the whole mask thing. WAS. I didn't care if other people wore them but I refused. In June, my baby girl niece was born. 4 pounds and a few ounces. Her lungs weren't developed correctly so she spent several weeks in the NICU on forced O2 then supplimental oxygen . I babysit daily for her 2 moms. Last month she started asperating her milk and stomach acid. Having coughing/choking spells daily and all night. She was also not getting longer. Just wider. Lol. Her pediatrician sent her to Seattle children's and she was found to have several genetic issues. Bone overgrowth is the worst. She got a cold on top of lung fluid from asperating. Her immune system is weak. I no longer have an attitude of not wanting to wear a mask in public. Covud would likely kill her. The flu could too. I will do ANYTHING to protect that little angel from getting sick. Covid has a relatively low mortality rate for most people. Not for Natalia. So whom ever wishes to not wear a mask or speak out against the covid crap, go right ahead. But only speak for yourself and remember that that healthy guy walking by you might have a very sick family member they go home to.
Thank you! I wish I could keep her! But as her, uncle and grandpa to a grandson and another unknown gender on way from another one of my sons, I get all the benefits without all the sleepless nights and so on. I made a deal with Natalia. I make her laugh and feed her all day and she saves the poppy blow outs for mommy. She kinda broke the contract a few times but has held up her end of the deal for the most part.
I wish people would just "follow the rules"

over here in the UK, it still amazes me how many people don't wear masks, don't social distance and, in some cases, protest (their were people holding signs with the phrase covid is a hoax)

if we all do our part things will improve
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