

Staff member
Can't help but think they're about the same thing. PITA, you don't want to wear them, but in my case (The People's Republic of Minnesota), the Governor/Dictator? mandates that we have to now.

Just kind of feel like, ok, I have to wear a diaper on my bottom end, now I have to diaper my face too?

Ridiculous. Glad I live in a sparsely populated, rural area and work primarily outdoors and somewhat by myself.
As an ER nurse who treats Covid patients every day, I thank god that the vast majority of states in this country have mask mandates. They are helping keep me and my colleagues alive, so in turn we can save other people's lives. We are all in this together.
There was a guy on the news who wore a diaper on his face after a report that farts may spread covid. Lol
But that's sorta what I'm getting at, it's an ironic comparison. This really is like a diaper for your face. Contains (things?). We don't really want it. Already wearing one on the other end.

Where I am we are already social distancing. Have been for decades. Nothing but space up here. Don't really think we need it in my general area, but then I do generally work alone or around a couple others outdoors. Most days, I'm around a couple of people and not closely.

For us, the mandate is a general nuisance.
In Ireland masks are required and mandatory on all public transport failure to not wear 1 can result in 6 month jail sentence or a fine of over a €1000 euros.

This is new law brought in recently.

To enter shops you need to wear a mask or face visor.

Many people have resorted to getting their local Gp or general practitioner of medicine to issue them a cert to say they don't need to wear masks due to claustrophobia or similar things.
To wear a mask when you are in public is a small sacrifice. It should not be a big deal. It is just courtesy and being thoughtful towards others.
Me I've gained greater respect and understanding for people who wear face coverings as part of their religious beliefs following etc.

It's not something I ever done previously wear face masks of any description or type kind etc.

Now that I have I honestly hate them but will wear them for as short of time as possible when in shops or on public transport etc.
I'm not bothered about mask wearing, if it helps saves lives I'm all for it. I wear adult nappies to protect myself from embarrassment and I suppose you could argue that it's a bit altruistic in that other people are protected from my odours. Similarly, I wear a mask to protect myself the virus and protect other people from being infected.

I've had the virus and wouldn't wish that on anyone so don't mind the annoyance of wearing a mask. I also don't see my needing protection for incontinence issues as something forced on me (which I think helps me psychologically), after all I spent years not wearing anything, having frequent leakage and was always terrified of having accidents. It's about a year since I started using protection all the time and in spite of the annoyances, it's certainly improved my quality of life a great deal. The nappies are certainly the lesser of two evils.

One thing that I have noticed though is that the price is surprisingly comparable between masks and adult nappies and I've seen masks which cost more per unit!
Hi SciFiFan, I hope you're continuing to recover uneventfully and wish you a full recovery soon! Wearing a mask can be somewhat of an annoyance and something to get used to. Hopefully we won't need to wear them for too long a time. I do it to do my part in preventing the spread of the virus and to help bring this lousy thing to a close. We've all got to do our parts! And I read you loud and clear on how you feel about wearing protection for incontinence issues! I never felt it was something forced on me but it is my choice completely. Leaking can lead up to accidents and frankly I really don't want that to happen to me in public. No way!:( So for me, wearing protection is the way to go (pun intended :D)
And although I don't necessarily like it, mask mandates should be in place everywhere there are cases. I do wear a mask when going inside a store or other building where there are people. if nothing else it's to help eradicate this damned virus so other people won't get sick, as well as for my protection.
Thanks billliveshere, I made a full recovery and whilst it was awful, it was very mild in comparison to other people have had it. My mum had it worse and I guess that having experienced it myself and having had a close family mother be very bad with it, I can get a bit riled when people are dismissive of the idea of wearing masks. Plus, having lived and worked abroad it very much appears to be a cultural thing as when people get ill in various other countries (China, Russia, Japan etc.) they wear face masks as a courtesy. I don't want to make this thread too political though.

Related to incontinence, I have to say the only real positive was the lack of smell. I basically stopped wearing protection as I couldn't smell urine anymore and thought I'd been overreacting for months wearing nappies/diapers and then when the sense of smell came back realised that I hadn't been miraculously cured!
I will never understand spicewerx, but I see that attitude, in more extreme form, all too often. When did the Constitution become a document that allows you to kill someone? Your "right" not to wear a facemask doesn't equal the right to infect someone.
I don't believe your Constitutional rights (and human decency) justifies you shooting someone. What's the difference between a bullet and a virus? They can both result in death. If you believe the virus is Fake News, then you will have no difficulty going to one of the nation's hotspots and helping load bodies into the freezer vans. They didn't die of a deadly infectious virus, because it went away in February. Right?
The irony to me is that you have declared your right to be infected. Don't want to wear a motorcycle helmet? Fine. I (and the rest of society) don't want to pay your hospital bills. But the hospital staff isn't risking death treating a motorcycle crash victim's head injury. It ties up staff and money and supplies and equipment, but not their lives. A Covid19 patient, who deliberately courted the virus as their right under the Constitution, or any other self-perceived right? Now you have deliberately risked their lives. They took oaths, accepted the risk of a risky profession. This is like bringing that pistol into the hospital, and taking random shots. Note SoCalDude is on this forum. Bet he has better things to do, maybe right at his hospital.
Just in the course of ordinary times, during their "ordinary" jobs, they have to change your diaper, whether you are incontinent in regular life or not. Maybe they handle your catheter and bag. That might be because you got T-boned by a drunk driver - or because you believe you shouldn't have to wear a mask. You are equating ordinary feces and urine with a deadly virus. But whatever your attitude and beliefs, they will act on their training and oaths and beliefs - and treat you.
My daughter-in-law was going through chemotherapy. They can't even leave the house, neither of them, to get groceries. Okay, they are in a city.
You admit you aren't totally isolated, just mostly. Good luck with that. (How are you getting your diapers?) Enjoy your Border Pines.
Now, if they invent a vaccine for incontinence???
You are inconvenienced by wearing a mask. So am I. Diapers the same. Have you seen the face of a nurse who has worn a mask on 12+ hour shifts for days, weeks, months in a row?
Don't know if this was a rant, or venting. Or both. Sorry, good people.
Stay safe. 😢
Hi there! Please wear a mask! I saw an ad recently that wearing one shouldn't be about making a political statement; its about health and protection. Frankly, when you wear a mask it shows that you care about the other person's safety and health. Also as someone who's a "essential worker" I would greatly appreciate it if you wore a mask to my store because again it shows you care about my health. That being said, you live in a remote rural area which is the perfect setting social distancing. For you, you would only need a mask when in contact with someone else unlike me, for example, who is kind of surrounded in a city. So enjoy it! You have an advantage!
Well said! I'm autistic and could if I wanted get a dispensation from wearing them due to sensory issues but whilst I hate wearing them I see them as a way to help combat the virus. Plus, it's not like I'm having to wear them all day, every day.
@Dino I wish we had the same rules all across America. Many businesses here, including the airlines and some grocers, are now refusing to accept letters from doctors because they’re usually phony. A new study done at BYU was released this week that analyzed every study of mask wearing previously released (over 150 separate studies) and found that there is zero harm to anyone wearing a mask, asthma or not. Stupid Americans will never obey the mask rule unless it comes with a steep fine, which currently, local mask mandates do not. The U.S. is the laughing stock of the whole planet because we’re such stubborn, divided, self-righteous idiots. I’ve been eagerly wearing my mask and goggles since March 15. Sometimes I wear two masks! I’ve had MRSA for 3.5 years, which is a ticking time-bomb, just waiting for me to get sick to kill me quickly. I take care of my elderly parents three days a week, 16 hours per day. They were both on ventilators for several weeks in 2019 (not because of COVID) and trust me, you never want to see a loved one on a ventilator. They barely survived. If they get COVID now they’d be dead in less than a week.

@spicewerx If you saw me at the grocery store you’d think I was fine and could handle getting COVID at age 44. You’d have no idea I care for my parents. Think again. You have no idea who you’re exposing out in public if you’re not wearing a mask. Just because you might have a death wish doesn’t mean the rest of us do. Please, act right, and don’t be a Maskhole.

I have to say, I’m sorely disappointed that the topic of masks for COVID has surfaced here on a bladder incontinence forum. If I wanted to read/hear this kind of crap, I’d turn on Fox News.
@snow the new mask laws I haven't heard much in terms of people breaking the new laws as I don't follow the news much online or TV.

Here's a messed up thing in regards to pubs and bars.

All pubs that are allowed open now have to serve a meal to value of €9 if they want to open.

But in the building where our government meets every week called the dail.

There's 2 pubs 1 for visitors which has to serve a meal then a private bar or pub for the elected politicians which don't have to serve a meal as part of the pubs opening.

So right now basically government bar or pub is back to normal no rules restrictions etc but other pubs bars have to have food being served till they are eventually allowed open without food being served.
@Dino The State of Utah (the most conservative state in America, where you’re legally drunk at 0.05 - the rest of the country is 0.08 or higher) has those rules all the time (that you have to order food to drink alcohol). Stupid and annoying! Sorry it’s happening in your neck of the woods now, too. That certainly clashes with your culture in the great land of pubs! Also, £9 is expensive!
@snow only things that ever closed pubs and bars here besides coronavirus are good Friday and Christmas day both religious days.
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