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Okay, how do you be intimate, intercourse, whatever, if when you are able to get an erection, you still leak? Any advice? I have one idea, but I’d like to hear from others that have had the same issues.
Well as a guy, 45, and dealing with leaking for 10+ yrs it sucks. My wife is awesome and understanding. We place a towel down and we have a bed protector. I void right before and try to retain anything during. It happens once in a great while but she rolls with it for us to bond in that way. It can be awkward but we have found a way. She refers to her self cleaning oven as robust and happy for those times. She is awesome, I hope you have similar. It is not easy or clean... but isn't that half the fun?
wetdad said:
Well as a guy, 45, and dealing with leaking for 10+ yrs it sucks. My wife is awesome and understanding. We place a towel down and we have a bed protector. I void right before and try to retain anything during. It happens once in a great while but she rolls with it for us to bond in that way. It can be awkward but we have found a way. She refers to her self cleaning oven as robust and happy for those times. She is awesome, I hope you have similar. It is not easy or clean... but isn't that half the fun?
As a female with terrible urge incontinence as of late I can share what my hubby said to me. "If it comes from your body, how can it be bad?" Love that man. Been my bestie for 35 years.
My problem is that I sqirt pee at orgasum. So much for the dry orgasum the doctor said would happen after surgery. A clamp or by hand works. This also gets better in time as healing takes place. Walking, keigles, and all the exercises for bladder control helps it along.
Sadly we are no longer intimate.
To be honest we had drifted apart but I can say the incontinence certainly didn't help as I was in denial and the bed wetting was getting worse.
We get along fine but that side is no more and yes we sleep apart.
Gkudisch said:
My problem is that I sqirt pee at orgasum. So much for the dry orgasum the doctor said would happen after surgery. A clamp or by hand works. This also gets better in time as healing takes place. Walking, keigles, and all the exercises for bladder control helps it along.

I am a little over 3 months from surgery. I cannot get an erection. I can have an Orgasm, but I leak from the start of stimulation, even if I void before hand. I was thinking a clamp may help. What kind of clamp do you use? How long has it been since your surgery?

I heard that some use a clamp. I don't. I'm 15 months post surgery and with 1/2 my nerve bundle removed and will 73 this March.
When my husband kisses me or touches me it turns me on, but also gives me the urge to pee! This ruins everything! What am I to do? He is taking an Viagra-type med so that he can have an erection. He wants me to give him oral sex to see if he can get a better erection. I'm afraid that this will make me have to pee. So we haven't done done the oral sex thing yet. Guess I shouldn't be afraid. We'll just have to try it & see.
Don't be afraid. Love overcomes stupid things like a little different kind of wetness! Use a pad under, wear a pad/brief as long as you can - try to integrate it to it is less awkward if you are comfortable, and remember sex is not pretty or clean!

The emotional bond is more important than some wet sheets or pads for me and my wife.
Hi pegasi99. I have to tell ya when reading your post I was thinking " oh my - what fun that sounds like!!" What would be your worst case senerio? Peeing? Maybe put a bed pad down. What if you communicated your fears to hubby prior to any hanky panky? Like: "You do of course realize there is a good possibility of my body leaking at any point and time?" You could then gauge his reaction. And if he is like my husband, and I quote: "If it comes from your body why would it bother me?" Good luck to you. My hubbie and I are creative people by nature and we apply said creativity and think outside the box when it comes to sexual pleasures. Might I mention is is 70 years old.For us a really long, slow, warm hug is enough for quite awhile and does the trick.
wetdad & treuteineelizabet -- Thanks for your input. I just have to take the plunge. Do need to communicate my reservations to hubby. I do remember now that even when I didn't have OAB, when I had sex I would often feel like I had to pee -- especially when orgasmic!
My OCD would prevent any tolerance of a man emptying his pee inside me. Talk about a great way to get a severe UTI! There are plenty of bad things in pee; there’s a reason we don’t go around drinking it. So please be careful about that.
@PatRnFl Our urine is not sterile; that’s a myth. It’s certainly clean enough that it’s okay to drink some from another person one go-around if you’re stranded on a hiking trail without water and are *literallt* dying of thirst, but it’s an absolute myth that urine is sterile. Whatever you do, you should never drink your own urine because it contains toxins that your own body already rejected and dumped out.

From the National Institue of Health: “Uribe if healthy people is NOT sterile.”

You should NEVER pee inside a woman. Outside drips, if she’s willing, fine. But you could give her an infection even worse than a UTI, all throughout her reproductive system.
Yikes! Snow, you make a good argument about the hazards of urine. I believe that the only safe place for urine i on a jellyfish wound...the urea (ammonia) helps to draw out the poison and stinging.
Maybe a lit bit of pee during intercourse is OK? I wouldn't want to make a little leakage stopping a nice romp in the hay. Otherwise, masturbation is the only answer. Anal sex is the only alternative except my erections are not what they used to be 😔
@Kingryan1 Urine shouldn't go in the anus, either. What about a condom to keep your urine to yourself? I know condoms totally suck for both partners, but are probably better than inserting pee into a partner's body. Another man here uses that method. I'm sorry I can't remember which person it is, or I would send you over to him :)
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