but that would be way too intimate for her! I really would love to be involved but we are too far apart now.Tylersway818 said:I meant that if she was in the other room and you can hear some noises of self pleasure I believe that was what you were trying to say maybe you can interrupt her and ask her to join in on the fun and just please her is what I meant
interesting and although I used the word paranoia she has been using a gym for sometime and since the pandemic more frequently and everytime she visits she is has makeup and her hair is perfect!Ruhappy said:I like Tylersway818 idea, but you mentioned your sex drive is long gone. I wouldnt just dismiss what your suspecting as paranoia, I know that gut feeling and ignored it and found out later that my suspicions was correct. Also, I once dated someone that was not into sex. I told her that we was basically just friends without sex and intamacy and that I intended to enjoy it with someone who might enjoy it as well. I didnt say it hatefull or anything but it still didnt go over well. But we wasnt married or living together either so thats not the same situation you have. Its posible she has a strong belief in the vows of marriage and not doing anything with someone else. Or you could be simply being used for the resources that you may be providing
. Either way, try not to act out of anger or frustration if it can be avoided.
I think it is a good idea to discuss the situation with a third party.theMochi said:@Blissfullyunaware relationships come in all shapes and forms, and how we express our love can change over time. To compare oneself to some idealistic hollywood narrative, or some other couple can/is harmful to yourself, your partner, and your relationship.
Having a conversation in a calm environment about each other’s emotional and physical wishes can help open communication. A third party can help, marriage counseling.
I strongly do not agree with joining in when you hear something. Everyone should be allowed to express self love or self pleasure. This would be a big personal space violation, imho.
Yes she does. Her father left her a large 'investment'.Ruhappy said:@Blissfullyunaware does she contribute to the household financially? She seems to have transportation, does she pay for her own expenses for that and other things like the cell phone im sure she has?
she came home just after midnight and was drunk!Ruhappy said:@Blissfullyunaware You may want to talk to an attorney if you havent already so that you can prepare yourself if necessary, you can do this privately. It doesnt sound like she is even being a good friend to you at this point from what Im reading. It seems that she has not only lost attraction for you but also respect.
The stress is so bad and I am hardly sleeping.Phil6003 said:@Blissfullyunaware - so sorry you are going through this. I know the pain of trying to hold together a relationship that is broken. I only hope you can work through what is going on and find yourself in a better place - whatever that place may be.
We co own the property.Ruhappy said:It sounds like she wants whatever you provide and not you. She is not reciprocating any loving feelings toward you and sounds unpleasant to me. If the house is your property then my advise is to begin the process to legally have her removed from your property and your life. If you have no children together it shouldnt be that dificult legally. You are on this forum so you have some health issues that this sort of stress and drama probably wont help with that. I do wish you the best.
She is 47 and I am 66.Tarlton said:If it’s not too much to ask, how old is she? You said she is younger than you. Is it possible a crisis of identity to her?
What you’re describing, this breakdown of intimacy (physical and emotional) is not something that happens overnight. People get used to their routines and suddenly you realize there isn’t a connection.
If she doesn’t want to discuss it, it sounds to me like she feels guilty. She knows she’s in the wrong and doesn’t want to confront it. That she made your favorite cake indicates she still ostensibly loves you and doesn’t want a drastic change.
My suggestion would to try to be confident regardless how you feel and overtime show her affection in subtle ways to rekindle your friendship and the finer points of your relationship. This showing of self respect without guilting her might bring her around.![]()