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I'm a very healthy, fit and active 67 year old man who was diagnosed with Prostate cancer in March. I underwent a radical robotic prostatectomy 10 days ago....the surgery went very well and I actually feel very well. I had my catheter removed yesterday and was told by my doctor that I would experience some "leaking and dribbling" of urine for a period of time until the bladder muscles heal and strengthen. I realize it's only been a day.....but, I am experiencing total incontinence right now. I have zero control of my bladder and I am leaking urine non-stop. In no way was I expecting this! I'm changing my "diaper" every hour! I guess my question(s) is.....was this to be expected? Typically, how long does it take to start regaining at least some basic level of bladder control? Obviously, I'm very concerned about this and would like to hear from some of you with honest first hand experiences about initial incontinence experiences and what I should be expecting looking forward. Thanks!