Urinary Tract Infections and adult bedwetting

Thank you once again to everyone who has continued to reply and offer your kind support and suggestions.

The bedwetting is literally ruining my entire days and life.

I now have considerable anxiety and feeling overwhelmed and stressed because the night time bedwetting is happening every night and I am urinating almost half a litre of urine each night.
The odour is very strong and unpleasant.

Tonight, I am going to try the Tena Super pants which are designed to be more absorbent.

For adult nighttime bedwetting, does anyone know if the Tena pants and other similar products work best when they are worn underneath the normal underwear, or over the normal underwear, or as a substitute instead of normal underwear?

Thanks in advance.

I have heard from people wearing pants over their pad and makes for worse leaks than not wearing. I think it is a very individual case by case experience and to work out what suits you.

Some people prefer an old fashioned cloth nappy with plastic pants as they give more protection around the sides and it sits high at the waist so it can soak up more. Others will choose a disposable tabbed brief or slip, that can hold around 7 litres.

I don't think you will get good results from a pull up to be honest but see how you get on.
@Tom_W I'll echo what @laalaauk said.

Personally, I've found that wearing regular underwear over protection is worse for leaks and is more uncomfortable as it makes you sweat more (at least in my experience).

Personally, I've found that Tena pull ups/pants aren't that absorbent. For big issues I'd recommend their Ultima Active Fit slips (i.e plastic backed nappies). However, brands like BetterDry offer more protection. I used to swear by Tena products but since my issues have gotten worse I've switched to BetterDry and using my stock of Tena products always feels like a step backward. Leaks aren't that uncommon with their Ultima absorbency and retaping the tabs after the times I can make it to the toilet is a nightmare. Having said that, it seems a fair few on here can rely on pull-ups for overnight issues so maybe the move to full on taped slips/nappies won't be necessary.

I'd recommend getting a test for a UTI - even in lockdown, you should be able to drop a urine sample off at a GP as unless you're insanely dehydrated, urine shouldn't smell that strong.
Tom_W I will echo what everyone else has said. First of if your urine is smelling that strong and unpleasant that is typically indicative of a uti. Also like others have mentioned ensure you are drinking enough fluids as dehydration irritates the bladder even more so ensure you are not becoming dehydrated.
Thank you to everyone who has replied so far.

I stopped wearing the depends because they were totally ineffective.

On Monday night, I started wearing the Tena Super pants during the night time. I had absolutely zero bedwetting or urination during my night time on Monday night.
On Tuesday, I wore the Tena pants and I had only 20% of the bedwetting that I had been having for the previous 3 weeks before Monday.
On Wednesday night, I wore the Tena pants and I had only 10% of the bedwetting that I had been having for the previous 3 weeks before Monday night.
Therefore I have reduced my night time bedwetting by least 80% across the past 3 nights.

I wear a tight pair of men's boxer shorts over the Tena pants to keep the underpants in the right position and secure.

I am going to finish my current batch of Tena pants and then I will try some of the more absorbent options which other group members have suggested.

The other changes which I have made are that I am now transititiong to a low oxalate diet because there are many people worldwide with bladder and urinary problems who switched to a low oxalate diet and noticed that their symptoms reduced significantly or eliminated completely after a few months or 1 or 2 years.

I have also increased my water intake to ensure that I am consuming at least 2 Litres of water per day which is the recommended amount for my height and bodyweight.
I do not drink any water or fluids after 6.30pm, except the water which is part of my dinner soup. I have to eat blended soups because I have TMJ disorder and I cannot chew any solid food.

I am sharing these changes with others in case some of you can benefit from possibly trying some of the same things as well.

I will be having another specialist, more accurate test for a UTI within the next 1 or 2 weeks because I have now had 2 standard UTI tests and both of them showed no infection. But I am still not convinced that I do not have a UTI and therefore I am going to spend £125 to have the specialist test and if it shows no infection then we can be at least 95% certain that there is no infection.

I will post another update when I have one to share.

Take care for now everyone :)
@Tom_W Wow, talk about taking ownership of your condition. Bloody well done Tom!

Wish you all the best going forwards and please keep us in the loop.
If you had a UTI you'd know it. There's no way around that. It's probably one of the most insanely uncomfortable experiences you'll ever have.

I've had bedwetting problems for over 5 years and manage with diapers and no history whatsoever of UTIs......until a few months ago I got my first UTI. INTENSE burning and itching, blood in urine, and intense non stop urge. Like not a second goes by that you don't feel like your bladder is about to explode, but you can hardly pass any urine and when you do it feels like you're pissing razor blades.
That is very true, @MikeJames! The way you describe a UTI is totally spot-on! I had one a few years ago and didn't waste a whole lot of time getting to the doc! I didn't want it to get to the point where it feels like you described here!
Thank you for the positive words lalaalaauk.I greatly appreciate it. It means a lot when someone like you who understands this condition knows how much self esteem and self confidence it takes to be able to speak about these issues.

Do you live in the UK?
I currently live in West London and as you know, we have a national lockdown due to COVID-19 which is fine with me because I need to be at home to manage my seemingly unpredictable bladder!

I managed to go 6 consecutive nights with very minimal night time bedwetting and incontinence.

But then I ate some new foods for two days as an experiment for trying new lox oxalate foods, and the new foods surprised my gut and bladder. Therefore, Last night was not a good night. I had stomach discomfort and night time bedwetting but it was still only 60% of the amount of urine that was happening two weeks ago. So that is still a significant improvement compared to 12 days ago.
MikeJames said:
If you had a UTI you'd know it. There's no way around that. It's probably one of the most insanely uncomfortable experiences you'll ever have.

I've had bedwetting problems for over 5 years and manage with diapers and no history whatsoever of UTIs......until a few months ago I got my first UTI. INTENSE burning and itching, blood in urine, and intense non stop urge. Like not a second goes by that you don't feel like your bladder is about to explode, but you can hardly pass any urine and when you do it feels like you're pissing razor blades.

This is only true for UTI infections which are caused by E.Coli, which is 90% all UTIs.

But 10% of UTIs are caused by other pathogens such as other bacteria, fungus and yeast. In these cases, there could be no symptoms, or milder symptoms compared to what E.Coli UTI's typically cause which is the typical blood in urine and extreme pain.

I have done extensive research on this topic in the past 5 weeks and there are dozens of other patients in the UK who have tested "normal" for the standard UTI urine test but then tested positive for a UTI infection when they did the more advanced testing.

I am having my advanced UTI urine test later this week.

The results will take up to 10 days after the test to be reported.

Once the results are back I will let you all know what the results said.

Thanks for all the help so far, I really appreciate it folks.
Sci_Fi_Fan said:

Thank you for sharing your experience.

I am not satisfied with the level of leakage protection that the Tena super pants are offering.

I want to try a more absorbent diaper.

Which one will offer more night time leakage protection and maximum protection from leakage outside of the diaper? Is it the Tena Ultima or the BetterDry diapers?

Also, which specific product from BetterDry have you found to be the best one?
They have many different varieties of diapers being sold on their website.

Are the standard BetterDry diapers which are sold on Amazon the right ones to buy for maximum protection and absorbency?

Thanks in advance :)
I checked their website and they all the same brief just different sizes Andy quantity.

They have been really good for me personally and they are really comfortable and not as bulky as some brands.
Hi Tom,

I was born in West London, Queen Charlotte's hospital in Chiswick. I live south of the River now in Zone 5.

The body is a very clever engine and it is a full-time job looking after it. No wonder it takes 3 years to train to become a nurse and quite honestly to know everything about the body would take 10 years!

You will get times where you go forwards one step and back 2, it's all part of life's ebb and flow. What matters is how you deal or cope with it and by what you are describing you are strong and have the will to get to the bottom of your issues. I totally understand how hard night time wetting is and the trade off for a good night sleep.

There are some good pads here in the UK that might be helpful to you. I would recommend Abena Abriform, Dry Life x plus or super, Better Dry and the ones I recently found, Attends regular plus, all of these will hold a good 3 to 6 voids.

Betterdry are only one type, the difference between them are waist sizes and absorbency, the wider you go, the higher the absorbency. I have tried size large in these many times and they have been a reliable pad. What waist size are you?
laalaauk said:

Betterdry are only one type, the difference between them are waist sizes and absorbency, the wider you go, the higher the absorbency. I have tried size large in these many times and they have been a reliable pad. What waist size are you?

Thank you for sharing your perspective and experiences.
You have a very positive and admirable perspective and I think I also need to adopt and maintain a similar positive perspective like yours.
Last night was the best night that I had had for at least 4 weeks as far as night time urination and incontinence. I had no bedwetting all night and I only had mild incontinence at 8am, shortly before I got out of bed. So my sleep was only disrupted for the last 45 minutes or so where I had urination urgency.
It seems the currently you are right, it is going to take persistence and dedication to continue to get more and more good nights with little or no bedwetting on a consistent basis. And yes, I am strong and I am going to 100% persist until I conquer this challenge once and for all.

My waist size is 32inches.

I want to buy the better dry from amazon and try these for night time wear.
Do you think size medium is the best size that I should try initially?
jrpoorman said:
I checked their website and they all the same brief just different sizes Andy quantity.

They have been really good for me personally and they are really comfortable and not as bulky as some brands.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I am going to buy the better dry today or tomorrow.
@Tom_W Go with the medium and see how they fit you. Thank you for your kind words, it is heartwarming to know someone can inspire others.

Well done with your last night result, be positive and you will succeed with this.

Let us know how they fare for you.
laalaauk said:
@Tom_W Go with the medium and see how they fit you. Thank you for your kind words, it is heartwarming to know someone can inspire others.

Well done with your last night result, be positive and you will succeed with this.

Let us know how they fare for you.

Thank you laalaauk for your reply and continued support.

Unfortunately, I had two very terrible and horrible nights the previous 2 nights. I did some experimenting with eating new foods and they did not suit my body or my bladder and I had severe bedwetting on both nights. Starting today, I am back on my the previous strict diet and nutrition regimen that was on when I was having the good nights with little or no bedwetting.

The better dry nappies are going to be delivered to my home today so I will start wearing them tonight and let you all know if they are better for me.

Best regards,

Tom White.
Hey Tom,

The ups and downs living with incontinence. We all go through it. I hope going back to your other diet will help you and hope the protection will be beneficial tonight. Wish you all the best.
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