Uncontrollable Bed Wetting


Staff member
I suffer from urine incontinence for many years. I am 59 years old. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed my bed was wet. A urine analysis test showed traces of blood. I am Type 2 Diabetic. I have an appointment coming up with a Urologist. Last year I went to an Urologist, two tests were done and I was given medication. I am researching to find out any new treatment options.

Thank you,
Good luck, Charles and I hope you find some answers. With your daytime issues and being diabetic you may have already been predisposed to bedwetting. I find that an extra stressful day or being overtired leads me to wet in my sleep without any waking disruption.
Thank you. I have had an Urodynamic studies last year, and small crystals were present. Been on medication since. I am going to a new Urologist next week.
I've read (internet so who knows how accurate) that bedwetting in older kids can be (CAN BE is not only) as sign of diabetes. I'd say consult with your Dr. about it and see if they are connected.

As an occasionally bedwetter that started when I was a teen I was concerned about diabetes so was checked and found negative..... however never told why I wanted the check, the bedwetting.

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