Staff member
So after having to fight with my last urologist, I went to a new one. I went to the old urologist for frequent urination, as well as incontinence (both day and night) and having to wear a diaper.
During this time it was discovered I had urine retention, and every visit in the office, their tests showed I was retaining urine. The nurse who ran the urodynamic tests, was concerned with the amount of urine left over and suggested I consider talking about my options including catheters with the doctor.
So after the tests and during the follow up I mention it to him, and I was blown off as nothing to be concerned with. My Veterans Affaris nurse was concerned as well and suggestion I request a consult with Urology. Long story short I was given a referral to an outside the VA doctor. Listened to what I had to say, seen I had retention and set me up with a nurse to learn to do self catheterization. I go in for repeat of the tests with the new doctor later this month.
I will say while not fun, catheterization has helped a lot. The biggest complaint is it does take time out of my day to stop what I am doing and do my thing then go back to work or whatever. I still leak, and wear a pull up at work and a diaper at night, but I have noticed improvement, I do not have that urgency to go all the time as much etc.
During this time it was discovered I had urine retention, and every visit in the office, their tests showed I was retaining urine. The nurse who ran the urodynamic tests, was concerned with the amount of urine left over and suggested I consider talking about my options including catheters with the doctor.
So after the tests and during the follow up I mention it to him, and I was blown off as nothing to be concerned with. My Veterans Affaris nurse was concerned as well and suggestion I request a consult with Urology. Long story short I was given a referral to an outside the VA doctor. Listened to what I had to say, seen I had retention and set me up with a nurse to learn to do self catheterization. I go in for repeat of the tests with the new doctor later this month.
I will say while not fun, catheterization has helped a lot. The biggest complaint is it does take time out of my day to stop what I am doing and do my thing then go back to work or whatever. I still leak, and wear a pull up at work and a diaper at night, but I have noticed improvement, I do not have that urgency to go all the time as much etc.