Very disappointed


Staff member
I think I mentioned in an early post that I was going through some heart tests to determine some of the symptoms I was experiencing. I have had about every test I can think of, and two of them indicated some abnormalities. My holter monitor, and ECG alerted the doctors to some inconsistencies. I had a heart catheter/angiogram that indicated a possible intraventricular myocardial bridging. Since it was not a plumbing problem, I was told the cardiologist that deals with electrical problems with the heart would contact me with another appointment. That was over two weeks ago. Since that time the original cardiologist I saw retired, and the nurse has been sick. As a result, my anxiety has risen as well as my wifes. I don't know if I should exercise, not exercise, what to do, not to do. Of course, with the rising anxiety, my incontinence has also increased. I did finally get an appointment for two weeks from now. That would be a month after the original heart catheterization. Afraid, angry, disappointed.
I'm so sorry damp. I'm sure they will be able to fix whatever is wrong. My husband had open heart surgery a year and a half ago and is doing well and you will be too. Try not to stress, I'm not an expert by any means but I would relax and chill until you get your appointment.
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