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It has been a busy last few days. Last Thursday, I had a tube placed in my left ear to open a eustachian tube, the following day I had my 18 month prostatectomy check up. That was very positive for the most part. My PSA was undetectable, but my incontinence will probably not get much better. My long history of poor control, plus the green light procedure I had done 10 years ago have taken their toll. I do not want to go through any more invasive procedures. I have become used to wearing a diaper which allows me to do almost anything I want without any side effects. Then, yesterday I had my cardiologist appt. I have a combination of ventricular tachycardia and apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with some scarring. My heart muscle is very thick in places. So, I am on a different regiment of drugs for a few weeks, and then will wear a holter monitor again for a few days to see if the drugs are working. If not, I'm not sure what is next. As you might imagine this heart issue is much more of a concern to me than my incontinence. Wearing a diaper seems pretty minor in comparison. Sorry for unloading here. Just felt that I needed to communicate with a group...therapeutic I guess?
It’s sometimes that reality check that makes us realize diapers are that important to be concerned about. I am glad everything seems to be going well for you and I wish you all the best for the coming tests.
So true, I am a brain tumor survivor just trying to get through each day. It is hard but doable. I try not to think about all my little problems and thank the Lord that I got out of bed today. There were many days when I could not. My incontinence has improved with the exercises but my pelvic floor is still very week. Everything has to be put in perspective-my prayers are with you. blessings-Barb
Sorry I missed the word above NOT.

It’s sometimes makes us realize that diapers aren’t that big of a thing and shouldn’t be. However our minds blow these things out of portion in our heads and then we become over conscious about what people will think etc. when we go out in public and think everyone is looking at us. News flash most if not all aren’t and everyone is so self absorbed they are not paying attention to you.

Granted this takes quite a bit of time to overcome but as damp mentioned diapers allow us to participate with life again. And sometimes a reality check helps put everything back into perspective again. Damp best of luck with your heart and any up coming tests. May god be with you and bless you.

Again sorry My first post didn’t really make much sense.
I am finally coming to grips with having to wear Depends. In the beginning I was embarrassed and avoided at all cost's letting any one know. I would go into a closed stall at the gym to change so nobody would see me. Doesn't matter to me any more, it just is what it is. I have tried all the med's and nothing works so, it is just part of my life from now on.
Jwh51, I understood what you meant, in fact I had to reread it to realized you didn't put the word not in there. My brain read it like it was in there.
I've been wearing a pad now for a few years and its tolerable except I have to change it 4 or 6 times a night and sometimes there is an overflow and the whole bed has to to be redone, I can sleep on a waterproof pad but that is hot and adds to the problem I have with the hot flashes I have which are caused by the Lupron I have been on to help with the prostate cancer that metastasized to the lymph nodes in my abdomen....gets complicated and discouraging , but , I had a nice day today shopping. I do what I can and somethings that are difficult I avoid doing and enjoy the ones I still can . I have a wonderous dog and she has become my closest buddy. WE have a lot of laughs together and thats what its all about. I am still ticking away and enjoy each day as best as I can. Praying helps a bunch.
Damp, I hope your communicating with us and hearing back from some of us has been a comfort to you.
Yes, communication with others with health issues is important to me. I'm at a point now with not much to report. I am taking this new regimen of medications,and will not know what it will lead to. Not knowing raises ahead is somewhat disconcerting. It becomes a waiting game. And, yes the support from those on this site is greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone.
One more thought for you...
This message is similar to what I have posted before, but if you haven't considered it, there are external devices (males only) on the market that may work for you to control the leakage. Personally, I wasn't thrilled with any of them for mainly comfort and convenience reasons. Forgive me on this, but I then started on a path to develop a better product that is comfortable and convenient. I'll only say at this point that it is made of soft silicone and can be worn all day long. (I wear mine 14 hours every day and sometimes at night, depending on my hydration.) I'll be happy to provide more info, if you are interested. Regardless, try to reduce the leakage rather than deal with the leakage is something I suggest you should look into. Best wishes to you. Duane dglisan@comcast.net
Thanks for prayers , living with health issues is a challenge for us all, thoughts of the inevitable creep in and out of my head got to be grateful for what I have rather than what I don't , An attitude of gratitude keeps me thinking right.
Prayers are with you, life is a waiting game. I know I am going though some anxiety stuff myself right now. It is hard. It is supposed to get easier but it doesn't. The Navy seals breath in and out, breathing in-count of 8, holding count of 4 and breathing out-count of 4. Do this 5 times and it is suppose to help a lot. Prayer helps a lot also, we all have guardian angles-I haven't always listened to mine. I should have. I didn't question enough, I didn't pray enough. Blessings always, you are never alone in this. This stuff on earth is all temporary-it is not eternal-remember-we are only here for a short time.
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