At a loss (38 y/o)


Staff member
So I have been experiencing bladder issues for a few years, including incontinence and recently past year or so urinary retention. I have been to a urologist off and on and past two years found a doctor who actually listened. So I have had a couple of MRI's, some ultrasounds, 2 cystoscopy's, one a few months ago, a urodynamic study, where the nurse made the comment that I clearly had a large amount of residual urine and commented it took a lot of pressure for me to even get some urine out, and made the comment that I may wish to talk to my doctor about using catheters to drain the urine (not what I wanted to hear but it is what it is) and then last week I had a second cystoscopy. The doctor cannot find any phyiscial issue anywhere along. Finally saying that he is not sure and my bladder just doesn't work right. And that is that. He does not seem concerned with the chronic urinary retention, I have had anywhere from a small amount less then 100 to 400 something residual. In fact during the urodynamic study they pulled by a catheter several hundred of urine after I went on my own.

That said I am glad there is no major issues, bummed there is no clear case as to what is causing my issue, and concerned that I have incontinence and retention and the fact the doctor does not seem to care about the retention. Basically after he couldn't find the cause, he seems to not care anymore. His staff seem concerned but he seems to care less.

Meanwhile I leak both day and night and feel like I need to and often do go frequently.

I am not sure what to do and welcome suggestions. Should I try and get a second opinion? My only other route for that is to go through the Veterans affairs.
Hello Tn, many of us are at loss to explain what is going on down south and a 2nd opinion is a good thing. You might want to check the rating of the doctor on something like although i cant say thats a big help the personal reviews are somewhat helpful as they are real peoples experience.
If you live in a smaller town, look to a bigger city.
Another idea which is harmless is find a quality or theraputic massage person or a good chiropractor. I say this because one of the folks here had a pinched nerve in their spine they did not realize that was resolved by a chiropractor. I myself went to a masseuse for a back massage and she worked on a row of knots in one shoulder that felt like a string of beads. Blocked lymph node. I was deaf in one ear after an airplane trip but figured it was resolving over time, slowly. The pressures on this knotted string released a great deal of mucus down my sinuses as she did it. I finished the massage which was otherwise uneventful and i could hear fully again.
So these are just my personal suggestions as apparently there are lots of nerves and muscles that can be affecting bladder control that dont show on tests.
TN: I feel it is like looking for the Holy Grail: My doctor has basically said 'shit happens' He can't find anything physically wrong with me. It is not my prostate. I almost wish he had found something wrong so he could fix it. He is willing to try different things because he feels my frustration. I have had the Rezum procedure which had no effect (and hurt like hell). He is willing to insert an InterStim which will send electrical pulses into my bladder to try and get it to empty itself. (My general doctor wants me to get a second opinion first). I am thinking about medical marijuana. Some people here think it has had a positive effect. Bottom line, sometimes there is no clear cut cause for our problems, which makes it hard to cure. I wish you much luck in your search for a solution! And while you are looking, see if you can find the Holy Grail!
Yes, I know how you feel, Tnrains your problem is similar to Mine. I can get the urge to urinate and before In get my pants down it is my pad and pull up is soaking wet. I am a 69 year old female that had incontinence for 35 yuears, I have tried lots of thing and Drs and they don't want to mess with you if the procedures don't work. Ive had a Tibial nerve Procedure done, didn't work. Ive been to a therapist that had me doing Excercises most of the morning and nights, Ive used a apexM that does Kegels for you. I was told If the apexM didn't work is because I probably have nerve damage and Ive asked Dr's if theres a test for that and they say no. So I decided to go to a Urogynecology Dr. and see if she can help me. I am active and play golf and like to have fun, but these last couple of years has not been good, it keeps getting worse.I even wet the bed sometimes, so you see I am loosing my patience. I have tried lots of pills also. Nothing helps , I am getting parrinode about this problem and afraid of accidents that would actually infuriate, and embarrass so bad, I quess I would just stay home most of the time.Its not an easy problem to cope with.I hope someone will find a cure for it sometime.
I must be on a naturopathic kick today because...
Like chiropractic the quality varies but so does the quality of medical doctors
Welcome, and sorry you are experiencing issues. It is very disconcerting to visit a doctor and still have no idea about what is going on. I think a lot of us here are at that point.

After reading your symptoms, I think I am on the same track as you. I just have not progressed to daytime issues. I am trying to find the right doc to do my cysto (that wont charge an arm and a leg).

Hang in there and feel free to share anything here!
Hello tn I suffered from about the same thing as you they couldn't find out what was going on I used pads and then diapers then to condom catheters
I ended up getting a UTI bad went to the hospital the Dr did a culture of the urine they treated it like a UTI but it was a prostate infection they couldn't find they put me on bactrum after 5 days it started to go away all this in was done in a year and half but urologist couldn't figure it out but the ER Dr did the first round of bactrum was 15 days about 3days after I finished them it started to come back so they have me on another 30 days of it we will see how it goes hang in there I know it's a hard road
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