I had pudendal nerve pain going into surgery and would get a burning sensation periodically in the penis area which I tested negative for a uti in the past. This also caused me to have frequency problems getting up every hour peeing 10 ounces and having urge incontinence At the time of surgery I was badly sleep deprived and bad pain in the prostate area. After the surgery I felt great and with the catheter I was sleeping through the night producing over 2000ml every night. At the time I got the catheter out the only pains I has was the burning/aching in the penis area and anal pain feeling I had to go. The burning/aching pain had not gotten better by the 6 week Drs appointment and the anal pain had gotten so bad I could not sit. I had fecal issues, it felt like I had to go all the time even after going and when I had to go the pain went very high. I had gotten a donut for sitting which helped and was sent for pelvic physical therapy. It was hurting me to do Kegels and I was given pelvic stretching exercises and stopped Kegels. I am at 20 weeks now and the anal pain and fecal incontinence has been gone. The penis area pain appears to be the bladder sphincter muscle in my case and is getting better. The most important thing to me was the cancer first which is ok so far, then the sleep which has been helped by oxybutin and elevating my feet during the day, then the fecal incontinence, then the urinary incontinence
I am very happy with my progress getting rid of the cancer, the bad pain, fecal problems but have not done well on the urinary incontinence. I use two diapers during the day since it works best for me to keep my clothing dry and one at night. This depressed me but now that the people I care about know, I am being more accepting.
The pudendal nerve has been a problem for me for many years and when it becomes active it magnifys anything that is going on in the pelvic area. This includes pain and sensing. Things that gives a lot of pain is not really hurt badly.