In the hospital

Hi EJ this is notvthe first time for a bad access on that limb.
How can you work out a way to not get those wounds?

Don't forget to load up on probiotic pills for gut restoration after antibiotics I don't think yogurt will suffice.
billliveshere said:
Hi@jeffswet, bringing a book when you go to the hospital is an excellent idea!!! It seems that hospitals (at least the one I was in) don't have lending libraries or volunteers who push a book cart round to patient rooms any more. When I was in the hospital I asked the nurse when the book cart lady is coming around. She looked at me like I had asked her to give me a round trip ticket to the moon and said, as she pointed to the TV, "we don't have one of those."
A friend of mine who came to see me brought me two or three books, none of which were the least bit appealing and looked like they had been dug out from a corner in the garage. Point is, if you can, bring along a book when you go to the hospital!!!! After all, daytime TV is really horrendous when you have no escape!!!

I have a therapy dog which I take to a children's hospital. They do have volunteer's which bring around reading material for the kids. However, they have not allowed volunteers in the hospital since Covid became an issue. So even hospitals that do have reading material don't have it available at this time. It is too bad, and your recommendation to bring reading material is a very good one.
Thanks everyone. I’m still in the hospital on my 5th round of antibiotics. I had 2 doses of iv clindomycin and 3 doses of vancomycin. The vancomycin is kinda a pain in the ass because it takes 2 hours to administer. Regarding keeping the abscess away we don’t know what causes them so there is no way to prevent them. Some say mrsa some say Hs. We really don’t know.
Also they have me in pull ups since I didn’t bring enough diapers. Basically I’m wearing them and sitting on a chux pad to catch the inevitable leak. Why hospitals don’t invest in decent diapers is beyond me.
Not knowing is the worst part of it. Meanwhile, sleep is one of the most effective healers for anything. Not much else you can do for a while anyway. Meditate. Sing. Laugh, if possible. Drink lots of water.
Yea I actually just had my first crap! Made it to the bathroom and everything. The Starbucks my mom let me use her card to get helped. 😬
I’m home with my kitty! My iv site is really sore for some reason. I got home. Ordered some food. Changed the litter box (which wasn’t easy). Placed my supply order for the month. Took my meds and took a nap. I miss my iv morphine. Lol. I’ll have my antibiotics, prescription strength probiotics and pain meds delivered tomorrow. Glad to be home with my feline and that I am able to wear adequate protection.
Thanks 😊
It’s good to be home

I also agreed to have an aide come back and help me. I don’t know who it is yet and probably won’t have someone for tomorrow but that’s ok. I’m feeling pretty weak and need the help.
Hi EJ welcome home!!! Glad you're back and it's always good to be back to everything that's familiar!! And I'm sure your kitty was most pleased to have you back as well!!!
So please stay safe and get plenty of good rest and take care!!!
Hooray! You’ve done a great job for your first day home, without painkillers. But a cat is the primo painkiller :) 🐈
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