In the er

It’s 1:30am and I can’t sleep. They have me off one of my psych meds because it may be contributing to my low white blood cell count. It dropped from yesterday to today. I had one dose of the med on Friday morning but that’s it. I should know if it’s the contributing factor tomorrow. It’s probably why I can’t sleep. My neutrophils were also the highest they have ever been signifying the infection I have. My vancomycin levels were low this evening (that’s the antibiotic I’m on) so they have to increase my dose. I take it every 8 hours via iv. It takes an hour and a half for the treatment to happen and I have to keep my arm straight or the machine beeps at me. It’s annoying. I have blood drawn 2-3 times a day. They are running out of spots to poke me. They let me diaper myself which is awesome. A friend of mine stopped by my apartment to check on my cat and bring me some Starbucks and he brought me some diapers. Unfortunately half of them are supreme lights in large which are a tad too small but do fit so they will work until my other friend brings me a pack of MegaMax tomorrow. I don’t know when I will be able to go home but I’m trying to stay in good spirits and joke around with the nurses. Thanks for all the good thoughts friends. I’m listening to one of my favorite bands (jimmy eat world!) and maybe I will drift off to sleep.

Like me, You need a go duffle bag so if you end up in the ER someone can just grab that, and your good to go for a week. My backpack has about 4 days' worth of stuff including a change of clothes.
@ThatFLGuy yea that’s smart. Hopefully my friend tomorrow won’t screw up and get the wrong thing. I had about 2 days of stuff in my backpack that I brought with me but one of them somehow got a hole in it so it was useless. My friend did bring me a change of clothes though. Gonna shower tomorrow. I’m gross.

Yea. I know the gross feeling. I was not allowed to shower for seven days when I was in during my 2018 hospital stay. I was given these no water need wipes like a gigantic wet wipe but yea is could smell myself by the time I got a real shower.

Also, I hate trying to sleep in the hospital. It is the one thing that gives me the most stress about this next thing that my colon surgery guy is thinking I am going to need to be done.

One thing I was going to say is that Military duffle bags are the best thing. I got one of the old styles that I use for traviling. Just fill it with stuff and use it to store stuff in your closet but also through a few changes of clothing on top and that way you have a disaster bag so you can say "Hay friend can you grab me the huge Black bag out of my closet". You will have a lot more than you need but it goes back to that have and not need mentality.
Hi EJ, sorry to hear that the infection is being so stubborn and hope that the antibiotics do kick in and that you feel better soon. It's great you have good friends who can bring your things including some Starbucks, so at least that's a taste of "the outside world!"
It's also good you're joking with the nurses and staying on their good side. After all it is the nurses who take care of you in the hospital and they can be your best friends while you are there!
EJ, I hope you're getting better quickly! Being in the hospital sucks. You have an amazing attitude about it, though. I have a lot of respect for you dealing with your issues with humor and positivity.
Just thought I’d check in. They won’t let me shower with my IV. So I wiped myself down with wipes and have been using them at every change. My friend is on the way with more MegaMax. I’m on my last one so I’m a little nervous. I’m waiting for infectious disease to come by. I’m hoping they come tonight. I need a plan. Had a really good lunch (flatbread pizza!) and just finished my most recent antibiotics at 4. Will have Another one at 11. Ready to go but I don’t think it’ll be anytime soon.
@justej Oh geez, what a drag! Going off a psych med - depending on which one - can be one of the worst feelings; I’m sorry they’re doing that. And Vancomycin is the very most serious antibiotic; sorry about that, also. I hope your friend gets your MegaMax and that you get to shower. Hospital grime/smell is uncomfortable. Here’s hoping you’ll sleep better tonight! Maybe you can ask for something to help you sleep as long as you ask for it early before the doctor leaves.
@justej Oh man, what a bummer! Glad you at least have wipes. Will they give you a washcloth? A hot washcloth with some soap on it can do wonders! Just remember to first use it on your face, then use it on your groin and pits, not the other way round!
The hospital doesn't usually release on a weekend so good you are feeling better but they are slow to do anything drastic on a Sunday
@justej, well, having enjoyed lunch is definitely a good sign as well as saying you are ready to go! Your attitude toward this is really amazing and that in itself makes things easier for you! I hope your MegaMax gets to you before very much longer!
I agree with @snow that if you speak to the doctor before he or she leaves maybe you will be given something to help you sleep. I agree with her about the hot washcloth and the advice to use it first on your face and then lower down and definitely not the other way around!!! That wouldn't be good at all!!
Feel better and keep thinking on the positive side and we will help you get through this!
Thanks everyone! Another good update: the nurse I have tonight is letting me shower!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaas! And my friend did show up with a pack of MegaMax, a pair of clean pul pants and some T-shirt’s. Soon I’m gonna feel better. They are gonna cover up my IV. I haven’t showered since Thursday. 😬
Way to go!!! And having showered I know you'll be a lot more comfortable and hopefully get a good sleep!!! Seventy two hours without a shower is a long time! That shower makes all the difference in the world!!!!
I am so happy for you that you're finally able to get to shower you start to feel real scummy when you can't shower and I am happy you got your Mega-Max you don't want to be stuck using Hospital Diapers hey suck but they don't suck enough and I am wishing well on your recovery

justej said:
Thanks everyone! Another good update: the nurse I have tonight is letting me shower!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaas! And my friend did show up with a pack of MegaMax, a pair of clean pul pants and some T-shirt’s. Soon I’m gonna feel better. They are gonna cover up my IV. I haven’t showered since Thursday. 😬

A shower is always great after not having one for a bit.

Hey Justej, so sorry to hear your back in the hospital and having nagging issues that keep you in there. If there is anyone that can endure all that though, it is you!! You have got to be one of the toughest people around, but we are here for you to vent to when needed!! Take care of yourself call us when you need us!!
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