Colitis - Ive got it!


Staff member
So I wound up in the hospital yesterday. I posted about how I had problems with fecal accidents and diarreah, well it turns out I have colitis. After getting IV fluids and 4mg of IV morphine (woo!) I was sent home with some meds and told no more caffeine (😥) and to eat a bland diet. Ill follow up with my primary care on tuesday who will refer me to a GI doctor. If its not one thing its another!
Sorry to hear it. I'm sure you weren't looking for additional issues to manager but it seems how life comes at us sometimes. Best of luck working through this new challenge.
Thanks everyone. Today has been better. Still have diareah but no accidents. I have to get better cause i get my prosthetic tomorrow!

But caffeine i will miss you
I am sorry to hear you have to deal with Colitis on top of everything else I will say a prayer for you
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