Staff member
@Izthewiz -- Today is day eight of treatment I would say yes, overall. The one thing that is 100% back to normal is my testicles are no longer this bright red color and they respond to cold and heat like a normal persons should. Also this sounds crazy but my penis also now responds to changing temp and moves a little which a while back, nope. However since i started this new treatment there has been more penile discomfort and burning which in the beginning was only after ejaculation. I think the urgency has gone down but its hard to tell; I still struggle to make it more than an hour. Most of the time I give in I have too pee to relive to feeling in my penis. Yours is interesting -- I don't have flare ups. For me it is just every day is a bad day... is today gonna be a worse day. I think I have only had two days in a row where I felt normal and even then I peed about 12 times in about 16 hours. This started around March 1st and we are in the end of May. I too took frequent hot baths probably killed the water bill, right
. In all honesty i wish I could just have flare ups mine has never really went away or got to point where I can go through a day without something. This is the first time I seem to be responding to the meds, but I think I'll need another round or maybe mine is just going take longer to break. Thanks for the time izathewiz.