Urinary Tract Infection

Yes I do have relief finally and I am very grateful for the relief. Thank you all for your encouragement, and tips and tricks very useful. Thank you and cranberry juice. :)

Thank you and thank you for following up Maymay


@MezaJarJarBinks Do you anything similar about the antibiotic Cephalexen/Keflex, which I take a low daily dose to prevent MRSA boils from forming?
snow said:
@MezaJarJarBinks Do you anything similar about the antibiotic Cephalexen/Keflex, which I take a low daily dose to prevent MRSA boils from forming?

No. I have only heard this about the Cipro class.
@MezaJarJarBinks That’s really crazy about Cipro. I was prescribed it a lot as a kid for chronic ear and sinus infections.
Hi Snow and all,

I think it is fairly recently that the medical community actually clued in to the tendon problem with cipro because it did come with a big warning to myself from the pharmacy about risks to tendons etc.

I guess that is the positive that over time the medical community is recognizing potential problem with medications and taking efforts to minimize the risks. I am trying to see the positives in things; and the risks for myself didn’t outweigh the benefits as I didn’t want my bladder infection spreading to my kidneys. However yes maybe there was a possibility of a better medication 💊 but I am not in my 60’s or 70’s were the tendon risks were more prevalent with cipro.

Just spit balling my internal thoughts. :)


I don't know how long Cipro has been around, so I don't know if I have ever taken it. I'm 76, and I have a neighbor the same age as me. He said he was just standing when a tendon to one of his heels spontaneously snapped!

The same goes for Tamsulosin or Flomax and the risk of "floppy iris" during cataract surgery. I recently had a successful cataract surgery, and I made sure the surgeon was fully aware that I had been taking Tamsulosin. He administered some kind of drops to prevent a problem; I guess it worked. Thank God!

I have osteoporosis that may have been caused by taking Pradaxa and Omeprazole for acid reflux. The doctors all wanted me to take various drugs like Prolia, but after researching it and all the other drugs, I decided the risk of jawbone death and other side effects were too high.

How many people must have suffered these events before some scientist discovered these connections?
@MezaJarJarBinks I looked it up on Wikipedia and Cipro has been around since 1980. It’s a medication I’ve typically been prescribed for UTIs, in addition to ear and sinus infections. It looks like it works really well on certain bacteria that other antibacterial meds can’t kill.

I imagine with my diagnosis of Osteopenia and the rate of bone decay I’ve already experienced that it won’t be long before a doctor is recommending the Osteoporosis liquid meds/injections.

Coincidentally, I was just at the oral surgeon today to talk about a tooth I need to get extracted and implanted, and I noticed there were a lot of questions on the intake forms asking if I had taken any of the osteoporosis medications. I don’t know much about them… yet! I guess they cause jawbone death ?!?!?!!!!! Just great. Do you risk messing up just one bone, your jawbone, or do you risk breaking any and every bone in your body by not taking the osteoporosis meds? What a shitty choice! And I can’t take gobs if calcium because I’ve had kidney stones since I was 17. Calcium creates 99% of kidney stones.

My dentist and oral surgeon say having osteopenia and premature menopause have messed up my teeth because they’re shrinking, and so is the jawbone. Four teeth have just fallen out in the past nine months; ultra bizarre. I’m only 46. My parents have more teeth than me and they’re 74 with very crooked teeth! I take such good care of my teeth that they rarely have to remove any tartar or plaque at my dental cleanings. My gums are in great shape. I had tons of orthodontic work done from age 7-17 to minimize cavity risk caused by overcrowding and a wicked overbite. Little did we know when I was a kid that all my teeth would be really messed up anyway, thanks to Oxybutynin (which I quit taking after it ruined every tooth in my mouth in just two years) and Osteopenia. Oh well. At least so far all teeth have been repairable except the one I had looked at today that definitely had to be pulled. But all the tooth decay repair with fillings, root canals, and crowns has cost me $25,000 in the past four years already, and there’s no sign the rate of decay will stop unless I quit taking any medication (not possible; I take a lot, for a lot of conditions) forever. But the damage is already done, anyway. Once dry mouth from a drug like Oxybutynin does it’s tooth decay damage, there’s no going back. I hate knowing that I will have huge dental expenses in my future, including eventually getting them all pulled and implanted, which costs a minimum of $50,000. I’d rather own a house!

Argh, life is so damn expensive and aging is so difficult! I just want my peers to catch up to me and to start having problems themselves. I’m completely alone in my friend group with having had so many health problems. My friends don’t get it. I don’t think any of them believe in chronic pain because none of them have had it. None of them have even had a surgery. I’ve already had two kinds of cancer and 24 surgeries. I just wish they were more empathetic.

At least I have all y’all!
Snow I can only wring my hands, some folks here like you have gotten a bum deal in the body department!
The small comfort I have is knowing you have friends who knew you as athletic firebrand seize life by the horns and so keep those friendships bright as they will one day find their bodies malfunctioning also.
Complain here about the aches and pains you are absolutely right friends here, many,are suffering a multiple whammy of body stuff yet still here to talk about it.
I like you am so very glad I was always out running free and enjoying my body for decades before IT happened.
Got to move towards less athletic means of enjoying life....
@MezaJarJarBinks Thank you! You may have mentioned it to me before, because I know I signed up for them and now receive emails from them. Because I recently moved and have been swamped with pain and unpacking, I haven’t had time to jump into Inspire but I soon will.
Hi! I recommend using QueSoft continence products. They're much thinner, cheaper and discreet, they don't even feel like you've got them on. You can order through their website at quesoft.com.au.
snow said:
@MezaJarJarBinks I looked it up on Wikipedia and Cipro has been around since 1980. It’s a medication I’ve typically been prescribed for UTIs, in addition to ear and sinus infections. It looks like it works really well on certain bacteria that other antibacterial meds can’t kill.

I imagine with my diagnosis of Osteopenia and the rate of bone decay I’ve already experienced that it won’t be long before a doctor is recommending the Osteoporosis liquid meds/injections.

Coincidentally, I was just at the oral surgeon today to talk about a tooth I need to get extracted and implanted, and I noticed there were a lot of questions on the intake forms asking if I had taken any of the osteoporosis medications. I don’t know much about them… yet! I guess they cause jawbone death ?!?!?!!!!! Just great. Do you risk messing up just one bone, your jawbone, or do you risk breaking any and every bone in your body by not taking the osteoporosis meds? What a shitty choice! And I can’t take gobs if calcium because I’ve had kidney stones since I was 17. Calcium creates 99% of kidney stones.

My dentist and oral surgeon say having osteopenia and premature menopause have messed up my teeth because they’re shrinking, and so is the jawbone. Four teeth have just fallen out in the past nine months; ultra bizarre. I’m only 46. My parents have more teeth than me and they’re 74 with very crooked teeth! I take such good care of my teeth that they rarely have to remove any tartar or plaque at my dental cleanings. My gums are in great shape. I had tons of orthodontic work done from age 7-17 to minimize cavity risk caused by overcrowding and a wicked overbite. Little did we know when I was a kid that all my teeth would be really messed up anyway, thanks to Oxybutynin (which I quit taking after it ruined every tooth in my mouth in just two years) and Osteopenia. Oh well. At least so far all teeth have been repairable except the one I had looked at today that definitely had to be pulled. But all the tooth decay repair with fillings, root canals, and crowns has cost me $25,000 in the past four years already, and there’s no sign the rate of decay will stop unless I quit taking any medication (not possible; I take a lot, for a lot of conditions) forever. But the damage is already done, anyway. Once dry mouth from a drug like Oxybutynin does it’s tooth decay damage, there’s no going back. I hate knowing that I will have huge dental expenses in my future, including eventually getting them all pulled and implanted, which costs a minimum of $50,000. I’d rather own a house!

Argh, life is so damn expensive and aging is so difficult! I just want my peers to catch up to me and to start having problems themselves. I’m completely alone in my friend group with having had so many health problems. My friends don’t get it. I don’t think any of them believe in chronic pain because none of them have had it. None of them have even had a surgery. I’ve already had two kinds of cancer and 24 surgeries. I just wish they were more empathetic.

At least I have all y’all!
MezaJarJarBinks said:
I'm sorry that they gave you Cipro. It has a bad reputation for causing tendons to separate from bones, even years later). Regardless, I pray that you get the relief you need.

Years ago, I had a UTI and it spread and I had a fever and felt aweful. I was prescribed Cipro. For several days, it knocked me flat on my back. Was it because of Cipro, or was I really that sick? I was worthless. After about 5 days, the infection was gone and I felt great again.

My last UTI, I didn’t wait as long. The urologist did a culture and prescribed levofloxacin. She suspected E. coli. She also gave me a lecture about hygiene and wiping direction. I thought to myself “I am not a little girl. Get on with it”. Then about three days later I was only feeling a little better and figured it would take the balance of the week of meds to knock it out of me. Then on day four, the lab called and said the culture did not reveal E. coli, rather it is the Enterococcus species. I had to stop the first med and start sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. In three more days I was almost back to normal. On the follow-up visit with the urologist, she said I had 109 ml still in my bladder. Retention might be the cause of that infection. We would see what happens in the future. Not an exact science!!

@MezaJarJarBinks The Jar Jar Binks that I am thinking of is a whimsical and fun character. I am wondering if you chose that username because your personality kind of matches that?
melanie said:
@MezaJarJarBinks The Jar Jar Binks that I am thinking of is a whimsical and fun character. I am wondering if you chose that username because your personality kind of matches that?
16 hours ago

Hmmm? I don't know how to evaluate my own personality, but I am definitely a Star Wars fan. I remember standing in line with my daughter to see the first episode released at a theater. I sneaked over to the closed door to peak at what was going on. I was blown away by the Death Star ending!

Years later, when the first episode with Jar Jar came out, my wife liked Jar Jar so much that I bought her a Jar Jar doll.
I just got done with one. PCP also does cultures on me,but put me on Bactrim. Because of a micropenis and incontinence I get bag penial infections. Oh its such a mess! PCP said to please come in and she would place a Foley, I mention to her I was just to sick too.

I take Tamsulosin, and Oxybutynin, both of them have the bad side effects. It would be hard to go out if I didn't
@Boomersway Sorry to hear you had a UTI. They’re so miserable. Knock on wood, I haven’t had one since I swore off sex years ago.
@snow I haven't had sex either due to my inabilities. I'm sure it doesn't help but I must CIC or Foley and as my urology team said you almost need to expect :(
@Boomersway How disappointing for you. Life is suffering, sigh. All of us on the forum are brave to listen to our friends suffer from multiple maladies because doing so pulls at the heart-strings.
@MezaJarJarBinks @melanie @snow - Hey you guys re Cipro. I was only given Cipro once for a UTI. At the time I slowly started noticing my back hurting. But, at the time I was taking a deep water, warm water exercise pool class at the Y. So that in it itself made me feel better. But, by the end of the week I knew I had to go urgent care. My husband offered to go with me, but I said "No thanks Honey I will be fine." By the time I was ready to go I could sit down on the couch but, I couldn't get up my back was so stiff. So off we go. The PA was a little dumbfounded because any pain was generally associated with the larger joints like your knees. I only had 3 more pills to take so I finished them off. No more Cipro for me. I had no idea about the other consequences like torn tendons! Crazy! Now I use the NOW brand of D - Manose Powder for any UTI from Amazon. It is a simple sugar I believe that keeps the bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall - and I believe even if you are a diabetic you can still take it - but check on that. I put 1 tsp. in a glass of water every hour until the symptoms start to improve. Then I increase the time between doses more and more until I don't feel a thing. I will take one dose the next day or two just to be sure. Hope this helps. - Pam
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