Incontinence and PTSD


Staff member
Hi. Somewhat new to the group. Wanted to ask if anyone deals with incontinence tied PTSD…? I only have accidents on the nights I have nightmares, and during the day when I have flashbacks and dissociative episodes. I saw a urologist for an overactive bladder a couple years ago but that’s resolved and the dr said no UTIs and my bladder is in good shape I just need to work through stuff in therapy. I wear overnight pull-ups 24/7 which sometimes works sometimes not. I was mortified two weeks ago upon having a flashback at therapy and having an accident in my therapists office, skipped last week’s session and can’t see myself getting over the embarrassment and going back. I don’t know what to do and how to help myself get better mentally and reduce the accidents. Anyone have advice or in the same boat? Any help appreciated 🫣😃
Glad you came here to talk.
Feel free to talk about the issue any way that you find helpful.

Various people here have post traumatic stress which is somehow linking to incontinence. This is not a purely physical issue for many of us here but linked to a traumatic life event.
There are certainly others here with the issue..
As far as your therapist visits, perhaps you can wear a pull up type like Depends to the office visits just in case as one really doesn't know bc when a flash back will occur but if therapy is bringing up trauma with the aim of clearing from it you will want to have some physical protection.
Your therapist should understand.
From my standpoint as a psychotherapist for almost 40 years (now retired), I suggest you make an appointment.... or keep your standing appointment ... and try to talk about your feelings of embarrassment because of your accident. It was an accident--- accidents happen. No big deal. Your feelings are more important. If you talk about it with your therapist, your embarrassment will disappear. Try it.
Slawrence is absolutely right. The job of your therapist is to help you deal with and manage your PTSD. Based on your statement that you have accidents when you have nightmares there is a relationship. The causes, cure or management should be openly discussed with your therapist. Sharing the medical examination results from your uroligist is a good place to start. You may need another urology workup to identity any issues that may have developed. Don't be shy about confronting this issue as part of your treatment. Good luck, don't give up.
I totally understand your feelings on embarrassment, they are totally normal and probably all of us have experienced embarrassing moments due to incontinence at some point or more! I also have PTSD and wet the bed plus OAB during the day as well but I am able to control the leaks during the day better by using the bathroom soon after I have an urge. Sudden accidents do also happen but are less frequent than at night. This forum has been a lifesaver for me and I hope you will find it the same for you.. Take courage knowing you are not alone and we are all here for you!
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