How to not be ashamed of wearing diapers?

I have many medical devices. I wear glasses. A prosthetic leg. Sometimes I use a cane, crutches or a wheelchair. For my neurogenic bladder I wear diapers. Am I ashamed that I have a fake leg or glasses? Not at all! The times I have to use my wheelchair am I embarrassed? Nope. These things help me live a full life and allow me to go out and be in the world. At first yea I was ashamed to wear diapers. But why? Because of what someone might think? I’ve found more supportive people that are in my life. Friends and family. My neurogenic bladder is caused by my accident that led to the loss of my leg. I could have died but I didn’t. The last 5 years have been hard with 7 surgeries on my leg and a stint with a suprapubic catheter. My life could be much worse. Yea I have days where I’m depressed and feel bad that I wear diapers, lost a leg, can’t can’t work and am poor on disability. But on my good days I remind myself I have food in the fridge. An amazing cat. An apartment. And a closet with diapers that will keep me from peeing all over the place.
also I guess it’s been 7 years now. 5 from my accident to amputation and 2 years since then. Wow time flies.
A great attitude that really serves you well in life @justej! It's great you accentuate the positive that you have food in the fridge, a roof over your head (along with four walls), Miss Emma and a highly effective way to deal with incontinence. A lot of people don't have any of that!!!
Hey EJ,
The timing of things shocks me at times, today your post was one of those times! I’ve been out working in my shop doing some paint work, and thought I’d open the garage door a bit to boost the exhaust trap & fan. I’ve been dealing with incontinence about 30 years now, I got one last summer out of grad school before BOOM!!
I may have explained that I often use cloth diapers with PP when it’s just my wife and I working out of the house, I just hate to think of the amount of disposables I’ve added to the planet over time. Anyhow just as I opened the door about 2 feet I hear my neighbor shout “Hey Tom!” I need to borrow this tool (keep it simple!). His favorite tool is a hammer and he uses it for everything! Another neighbor came over when he saw the door go up. He loves to see whatever I’m building now. While I’m talking with “Tool-Guy” I turn around and the other neighbor is staring at my now bulging basketball shorts? I hadn’t even thought about it, expecting nothing more than a couple of Zoom calls i wasn’t dressed for or prepared to entertain guests! I just proceeded to explain what I was working on.
Just another one of those whatcha gonna do moments! Certainly it’s not going to change my life, but I can imagine it might have changed his perspective a bit! I can already hear his dinner conversation with his wife! “Honey you know that Harley Riding, Muddy Monster Jeep driving Outdoors guy who fixed my rifle for me wears diapers???
It just made me wonder what my project would have looked like if I hadn’t worn my glasses? It’s just another reminder that I survived! So far!
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