Sharing Health + Mental Issues


Staff member

Has anybody on here found it hard or embarrassing to reveal health and mental diagnoses? I've been trying to get assistance from others in the public and private sector to help me in this regard as I am too embarrassed and ashamed of talking about my health issues to friends and family.

My dad is supposed to be taking myself to an upcoming event which we have been slowly rebuilding our relationship up - and I am embarrassed that I may have to use the restroom more than he would like which would be an inconvenience - but I am also nervous in the sense that I genuinely have to be around a bathroom for most of the day as when my symptoms worsen; i suffer from voids that could be every 15minites to the half hour.

But I don't think many people when it comes to support and advocated understand that young people like myself still feel the same shame as older people who are suffering from the same symptoms. Which got me thinking because I went for a walk today and saw some old co-workers who I could barely even remember there names - who are doing well for themselves. I've always known they would be successful people - but I was scared to reveal my mental health issues - so kinda skirted past it and just talked about old times. I don't want to feel like a failure compared to them; and I don't want them to think less of me because of my social immaturities and downward decline mental and health wise.

So I go to the doctors in a couple weeks and I will probably have to take more tests - and I should be hearing back from my residential situation - but has anybody else felt the same way?

Blessings In Christ,
@Honeeecombs I know how you feel. I was always behind my peers developmentally (probably due to the autism) so I was still at uni when my schoolmates were starting jobs and indeed in my mid-20s when I was really struggling to find work, it seemed everyone else was doing fine. Luckily I managed to get a teaching qualification at 27 and start that and that went well until Covid.

Having to effectively sit three and a half years out doesn't feel great, I'll be 32 when I restart my Master's and I'll graduate when I'm 34 so I really feel ten years behind everyone else! That being said, I think it's important to not beat yourself up and compare yourself to other people. Living with disabilities means things take longer and we have to work a thousand times harder than 'normal' folks. I always try and remember that I studied a novel at university by a writer who published his first novel in his '70s and that the blues musician Leo Welch put out his first record in his '80s so there's plenty of time.

In terms of embarrassment, it's a hard one. Sadly, I know my Dad will always be awkward and embarrassed about my disabilities to some extent so that's that and I think embarrassment also depends on other people. My Mum's very matter of fact about stuff and encouraging and so I'm not embarrassed about my conditions around her. In terms of being tied to the toilet, it's one of the reasons I became happier when I started using protection as it's not the end of the world if I don't make it so it lessens the anxiety, although I imagine that may cause more awkwardness and embarrassment with your Dad if you had to bring supplies.
Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you guys an update today - today was a long day. First, I tried to update the local police department on a cyber investigation - but also wanted to tell them about what's been going on in my personal life with my roommate.

I'm scared of him in the sense that he has improved in his symptoms and has stayed sober - but the constant threats and bullying stay the same. So we filed for a request for an order of protection so that when I go to a group home - he doesn't follow me or come to my apartment if I get an apartment. I hate to do this, and deep down part of me feels bad - but I know I have to do it to better my life.

With that being said - the local officer who has been working on the case who also talked to the person in charge of my cyber investigation - worked to get me housing temporarily until I go to a group home or apartment. Which meant that i had to pack my belongings up tonight and store them with my parents.

I have issues with changing enviornments so I am scared in the sense that I will react differently when moving - because it always takes time for me to reset psychologically whenever I move somewhere until I get comfortable. Which points maybe I am on the spectrum. Idk.

The only place for me to go tonight was a homeless shelter but it's cots lined up in a row with other people - so I didn't talk about the details of my medical condition just that I have one that would prevent me from shared living arrangements because i want my privacy and dignity from having to share a room with others - and I don't want others to know about my bladder issues.

The police were very kind and professional in the sense that they took initiative to help me get to a better place and they clearly wanted me safe from my roommate more than anything. Unfortunately, there was no beds anywhere - so I am stuck in kinda a waiting period until I can find a place to go and maybe the place for myself to live permanently will open up.

Anyway, that is my update for now. Trying to keep it together the best I can. All I want is to have my own room, not be in an environment of fear with my roommate, and have a good routine and advocates that will help me live a better life than where I am at right now.

Blessings In Christ,
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