How do you handle no urge/signal?

Hi Snow, when I first moved to Florida we had the likes of Lawton Chiles, Buddy McKay and Bob Graham as governor (Chiles) and Graham and McKay were our U.S. senators. They were really all right!!! And they worked for the people, not for their own special interests. Sadly all of that is now just a mockery and a clown alley that is in no way not even funny. Unfortunately we'll never get Chiles back as he died of a heart attack while in office and now we have these bozos like DeathSantis, Rick Scott and Li'l Marco Rubio. How far we have sunk!!!☹☹☹☹. Can we ever get back to having civilized politics???? But Utah legislature stripping the governor of his power to do mask and vaccine mandates and the power to declare emergencies???????????????Sad beyond words! It's just sickening that these jizzbags use covid as a political tool. People like that should be booted from office and put on the first C-17 cargo plane to Antartica!!!!
Well I know this is not a political forum and I should practice what I preach but these are the times that call for it!!!! A pandemic of an extremely dangerous disease should NOT be used as a political ploy!!!
Wow @snow @billliveshere I had no idea that employment conditions were so harsh in the USA.
Also I didn't realise that there were such huge differences betwen states.
I feel completely blessed to have been given the support I have had since I got sick.
Like you both say - it will be interesting to see how things go in the US over the next few years. But I have to admit ... I'm glad I'll be watching from where I am.
ThatFLGuy said:

Where did you get the medical alert tag?


So, it is actually for Interstitial Cystitis and I think it was from one of the IC Networks. If you would like you can message me, and I can get you the website/more info directly.
Hi Snow, I think shipping them to Kabul, Afghanistan, would be the best!! Let the Afghans etc., deal with them and do what they will to them!!!! I know I don't want 'em!!!
And @Phil6003,if I were you, I wouldn't be planning to pack the family and coming to Florida and get that dream $11.75 an hour job in a fast food place just so you could live next door to Disney!!! (a lot of people have done exactly that! A few years ago I met a family who had come to Florida just so the man could come and apply you read that right- apply! to get work specifically and only at Disney. They had nothing, lived on patio furniture set up in their tract house. And guess what, there were no jobs available!!!) So you are better off staying where are and watching things unravel here.
And also thanks to the political climate here, there are these differences between the states. I remember back when these were more of the UNITED states and not just the red states or the blue states. I remember back when both Democrats and Republicans were in it to make things better for the people, all of the people. And the parties were more into working with each other "across the aisle."
Back then all of this rabid extremism you see on both sides of the fence was just a gleam in someone's really young eyes!!! But those young eyes grew up and now, just look where we are!!!!☹☹☹☹
I shutter to think what is going to happen in the future for everyone with the political divide influencing our health and others around us, pretty much no matter where you live. Even though the US has headaches, think about living in Afghanistan right now.

On answering my own topic, yesterday I went up a set up stairs and had a HUGE bladder leak out of the blue, no urge, nothing. I think the best way to handle no urge is simply to be over-prepared. I don't find it necessary to switch to tabbed briefs/diapers, but keeping ample supplies is going to be the best bet in this case. I'm thankful this doesn't happen as often as it used to, but it can get super frustrating. All we can do is prepare for the near future, but not get too wrapped up in the distant future, because everything can change in the blink of an eye.
Hi @Koigal, you know how I think how frightening it is that we have this political divide that seems to be dominating every thing we do and say. And the fact all of this politicizing is overpowering our health concerns is the most frightening part of it.
As for living in Afghanistan right now, the name of the game there is!!! As in basically surviving. And as in not walking out the front door and getting your head shot off because of what you're wearing (or not wearing) or of what you say, or even because of what side of town you live in. For us, that is completely unimaginable, let alone unacceptable.
And preparing for the near future is good food for thought because it's as you say, everything can change in the literal blink of an eye. I have never forgotten than possibility. In other words, just take it one day at a time.
When you went up those stairs yesterday I hope you were well prepared with wearing something made for that leak. I have learned that just because there were no issues yesterday that doesn't mean there won't be any issues today! And we've learned that being ready for it is the key!
billliveshere: Why do some of us have no urge and no signal? They don't know. Are they looking for the (Sorry for the pun) root causes? We know what peripheral neuropathy is, and carpal tunnel, and have some treatments and medications; that's two examples of nerves not functioning correctly. We can do some things about A-Fib. Why do we seem clueless on the "no urge" issue? It's a question that needs answering.
I used to like the fact that the U.S. had not only regional accents, they came state-by-state. Some people could even tell the individual state where you grew up, city vs. farm country. In a big city, it went by neighborhoods - whether by country, area you came from, religion, social class, etc. It was already beginning to go, when I was old enough to be aware of it, in the 1950s - and we can blame TV more than radio, as the broadcasters demanded a "neutral" voice. Then came such great mobility. Where people spent their lives in one place, now they could move around and, more & more, have to. That part is sad.
What can get frightening is the difference between medical care and availability by state, and even within a state or city. Before you move at all, you need to check that. Move to a small town and then you might have to order more by internet, and travel further to stock up. Incontinence supplies being a prime example. That's made even more difficult by the individual state rules and politics and pricing - including for health insurance. Some states regulate the insurance companies, some don't. That can have a critical effect.
Personally, I find the prices unconscionable, not to mention the differing levels of what's available for Insurance.
Incontinence falls through the cracks, too often. I wouldn't be surprise to learn it's cost, for some of us, equals a cigarette or espresso habit. Profit and college loan debt can determine which specialty a doctor chooses, and the amount of money spent on research, and how much it is taught in Medical school. Private insurance is not a given, and neither is the quality. Bureaucrats make the medical decisions, and the big companies have whole armies of lawyers whose sole existence is to deny claims. Then there is Medicare....
So, it's hard to ignore politics.
Hi @AlasSouth Excellent post here where you're hitting the nail right on the head!!! You are right about the various accents to be found in this country. That was part of the fun determining where someone was from based on how they spoke. And just speaking of accents is worthy of a whole blog in itself!! I think I could pick out a Philadelphia or a Pittsburgh accent from a mile away. And that's not to mention Boston, Rhode Island or Maine, as well as the Shenandoah Valley. And then came the blandness of the TV way of speaking where regional accents were frowned on. And the further erosion of regional differences comes from how mobile we are as a society.
Your observation on how medical care and its availability differ state by state is very interesting and thinking about it, it sad but true!!
And prices and costs for any medical care is unconscionable which goes along with those stratospheric insurance costs. And insurance availability goes hand in hand with the kind of care you get as well as the ease with which you can get care. In a word, the insurance industry is ruining everything we know about every day life. And need I say that's coupled with the influence the legal profession has in all of this!!! We, as a country, are being overrun by the insurance and legal industries! They are running rampant all over us!!!
And regarding incontinence supplies, I have a bone to pick because sales tax, at least in Florida, is charged for incontinence supplies. Not sure if other states give consumers like us a break though. Such supplies are a necessity for us so why should we pay extra for supplies that are already pricy??? I order some things from a company that gives very good fast service. No problem there! But even though the company is based in Charlotte, N.C., since I live in Florida, I pay sales tax which is 6 percent although things bought in Lake County, where I live, are 7 percent including the local option one cent additional tax. That said, beefing about sales tax on incontinence supplies may be worth a post in itself. But this company also likes to solicit feedback from its customers. I gave feedback saying the product is very good for summer time, etc., etc. And at the end I said that it's a shame that we still have to pay sales tax for items that are a necessity. I wonder how far legislation to do away with sales tax for medical supplies will get in the various state house and senate chambers????? And in case anyone is wondering, I think diapers for babies are also sales-taxed here as well. And those are real necessities too!!
Well that's my rant for now!!!
@billliveshere Incontinence products here in UT are charged sales tax like everything else. We have pretty low income tax, though.
Florida has no income tax at all (I'd hate to think of any of my money going to DeadSantis! Well, Scott was no picnic in the park either!!! But fortunately food (unless it's prepared at a supermarket deli for take out) is not taxed. The only state I've lived in where food (groceries) has a sales tax is Virginia, which is 4%. I don't know about incontinence products in VA though but it's probably taxed. Anyone here know about Virginia??
billliveshere: Spent 30+ years in å town where they charged sales tax on a doctor's visit. It doesn't get lower than that. Some of the Docs didn't build it into the price. They were making a point. Naturally, they had the patient pay that, cash on the barrel-head. Everyone knew they needed change for a visit to the Dentist.
The cruise ships found a loophole. As long as their passengers had the store ship it, they didn't have to pay the sales tax.
One thing you do learn from all this, also: the citizen wants the services but doesn't want to pay for them. But every time there's an outcry that some particular gov't service is too expensive so privatize it, I know some company will take it on - and charge more. Happened with snow plowing, even, in one town. That does satisfy the wing-nuts - as long as there is one less Gov't employee, they are happy. That's okåy. With global warming, they don't plow as much snow.
@AlasSouth UT is on the cusp of charging sales tax on all services like plumbing, doctors, barbers. It surprises me because Mormons, who run the state, don’t like paying tax. The legislature only has a couple of non-Mormons. Can you imagine how high the sales tax will be on my upcoming knee replacement?
Snow: In my present shopping/medical town, sales tax stops at $500.00 a purchase (The purchase, not 500$ of tax). Because everyone was leaving for the big purchases. However, the nearest big city has no sales tax.(3 1/2 hour drive, 35 mins by small plane.) But for a car (or a knee), it was worth the trip. That's where 2 of my knees got done. They don't even do them, here. The other 2 in Seattle. I know, that's 4 knees. So I'm horse. Live with it! :D)
Can you cross the state border? I know the border isn't very close to SLC, but combine trips or something? Even Sin City (Vegas, NV).

My Lord, that's ugly of UT! The Legislature must have some very special Pork in mind. Are Mormons allowed Pork?

Do you remember a singer/songwriter/activist named Utah Phillips? Teller of Very Tall Tales, too. He had to flee UT.

Alaska sales tax is Borough by Borough. (Our version of counties.) NO services/powers can be taken on without a vote of the people. None. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Not even library or dog catcher. There is no Borough Assembly unless authorized by a vote. There are "unorganized Boroughs"- too few people, too much wilderness, no tax base. How do you tax a few subsistence villages, total population per village under 200. Maybe under 100.
An unpopular mayor of one of our "podunk" towns was running, again. A bunch of guys in a bar (where else?) put a turkey (an honest to God bird) on the ballot. The turkey won. The Mayor ate it. Hehehehehe. It's a wild and crazy place, sometimes. That news story turned out to be an April Fools joke. Awww.
You take your humor where you find it, up here - or make it up. ;)
P.S. The turkey story was supposed to happen in Chicken, AK. It's in WIKI. (The town, not the story. Population 7 in winter. 2010 census. 17 in summer.) Had a shipmate with a gold mine near there. (Placer, not hard rock). His family spent all summer mining, up there. That brought in more money than his job as a ship's officer. We had an invitation to stop and visit, even pan a bit. But it sure was an out-of-the-way place. Crew that visited came back with interesting photos and some nice flakes.
Is it possible to create a political debate topic ? I understand wanting to share perspective but this doesn't really have anything to do with the topic at this point. Thank you.
Hi @Koigal,
I agree that talking about sales tax and legislation and all of that doesn't have anything to do with handling no urge/signal that this topic is about.
Get people together like this who are as impassioned about things as we are and this can happen! Sorry ☹ for the diversion!
I think sales tax on incontinence products is worthy of discussion but it really should be a topic of its own without intertwining it with another topic.
@Koigal there was no reason for others to bring up politics in your post, it seems these people have a "axe to grind" and if they continue, they will drive away others that come here to find answers to their issues.
I do hope you did get some answers before your post was "stolen"!
billliveshere said:
Hi @Koigal,
I agree that talking about sales tax and legislation and all of that doesn't have anything to do with handling no urge/signal that this topic is about.
Get people together like this who are as impassioned about things as we are and this can happen! Sorry ☹ for the diversion!
I think sales tax on incontinence products is worthy of discussion but it really should be a topic of its own without intertwining it with another topic.

I totally understand a healthy debate is fine. I just also think if people have the same question they may not want to read political stuff when that is all the news is anymore. I appreciate the apology
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