Thank you all for your helpful answers! I appreciate the help from you here. I'm facing the reality that the nerves don't inform, like yesterday after a stressful chaotic day I went up the stairs at work, then down only to have the biggest leak of the day, which was probably a full bladder leak. Thankfully it was after work was closed, but I definitely need a better job. I will be glad when they give me answers, if they do, but if not these tips have helped. All 3 of you are welcome to chat with me sometime if you wish.
@Sci_Fi_Fan I am finding this to be true as well, during lunch or meals I tend to chug water fast to scarf down my meal at work, then end up having huge bladder leaks later because it all hits me at once. It is good advice to try and regulate if possible, not under-hydrate or over. I am thankful I can usually get away with 1 or 2 pullups currently, and feel pretty lucky I don't have to wear full on diapers because when I did, it was agony.
@MichaelDahlke I hope the instillation continue to work, and you end up needing less diapers.
@snow Thank you for your advice and also I am hoping you are feeling better about the possibility of knee surgery, if you opt for that.