Dual Therapy anyone?


Staff member
Wondered if anyone else's Dr. wanted them to use Dual therapy,, what it is, is using a combination of 2 bladder meds. They had me on 10mg of Oxybutynin & 50mg Myrobetriq. I felt it was to much to deal with, they started Lexapro and Ativan to relax me and I think for me to accept the new meds. I ask to stop the Myrobetriq as it gave the Botox effect in some respects. (yes I have had botox too, and they want me to have it again) So currently I'm on Oxybutynin and she upped it too 15mg. and told me I will be on that longterm, to settle down bladder, and painful spasms
Yuck, never been on dual meds but have tried many of them. Either no success or nasty side effects forced me off everything I’ve tried. Hope it works for you!! I’m sure you will find your piece of the puzzle to help deal with it.
Yup. Just had my urologist appointment to discuss my urodynamic results and the solution was up my my myrbetriq to 50mg and the add in 5mg of solifenacin and see what happens. At least try the 5mg for a solid month. If doesn’t help Botox is the next option.
After trying the drug combinations, I tried Botox. It certainly reduced the leaks, but I am still having to use disposable catheters several times a day. It is three weeks since the injections and so far my bladder is completely paralysed. I am hoping that this doesn't continue until the Botox wears off in a few months.
@ physlink

Yes unfortunately the Botox will keep your Bladder paralyzed up till several days towards 3 months. I do know that they want me to have it again, and welcomed a Foley catheter also. But I'm not ready to cave again for that.

When Botox was explained to me I did not understand what it would do to my bladder
They did warn me that I may need to self catheterised myself afterwards, but made it sound unlikely. I don't think I will try it again even though it has stopped most of the leaks.
That is funny Phy, as they told me the same thing, it was just more cathing at first, then it would wear off, and possible no cathing at all! HeHe, they must chuckle each time they lie to the patient like that.
I couldn't go anywhere, without knowing where bathrooms were.
I never tried Botox, heard too many horror stories from it and figured it wouldn’t be able to give me much relief anyway. Has it helped most out there?
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