Once labeled neurogenic bladder, now where


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I have neurogenic bladder, urinary retention, urge incontinence, impotent. I don't have diabetic's or MS, but my bladder is all over the place. Currently self cathing up too 8 times per day. Tried all the meds, currently on Myrobetriq, and Flomax,( I have a very small prostate, but Flomax does help me)

Urologist is concerned about my UTIs and he writes he might have to start a low dose of antibiotics (I don't want this)He also has me come in or have my PCP Foley cath me from time to time with s FR24 too dilate me when I have trouble getting in the straight caths.

I don't want interstim, and really don't believe in urgent PC ( plus I cant drive 150mi to have it done)

Where will all this take a 62 yr old male? Whats coming. My PCP wants me to come in for a Foley then come in and have her change every 30days. And Urologist is fine with that. Guess that told me a lot of my condition
I share your feelings and urges but without the need of the Foley. My total voids ranged as high as 14 per day. My current regimen in Cialis 5 mg once a day with Kegel exercises. This has help to the point where the range of voids per day is between 5 to 11. The average is 8. You realistically should try the antibiotic and it may be for an extended period of time.

For good measure try to degrease your sugar and artificial sweeteners, increase your exercise program, and try to see if you can empty any remaining urine in the bladder up to a half hour after each void.

You might also try my routine with the Flomax and medical permission. Let me know how that works.
Currently, on 50mg of Myrobetriq,50mg, and .8 Flomax, it does help some, but still need to cath or have a Foley, and my urologist told me I'm catheter dependent. I normally void over 12 times with doing the above

I'm on a low sugar diet, no artificial sweeteners, I eat right, and walk or get some type of exercise daily.

But will continue to research and listen to ideas
Once I was diagnosed with neurogenic bladder I simply just put myself in daytime diapers to match my lifelong use of overnight diapers. I was very relieved to know I never had control over my bed wetting and was no longer distressed that I had to go 15+ times a day and regular small underwear and pant wetting. Diapers make day life as easy as my night's have been and I no longer even concern myself with it. I do have the advantage of never having any sort of diaper rash.
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