Leaking around a Foley


Staff member
Wandering if others have this, my nurse told me its quite common, in fact she has another patient a bit older then me, that also has this. She has reassured me that even thou I get a high dosage of Oxybutynin, its still not enough to stop the spasms. I hate the spasms and how they come on and force me to wet myself.
They ask me again too either have a big dose of Botox, or suprapubic, I really don't want to go there.
I totally sympathize with you. When I started having spasms and went to the hospital they tried Foley’s and they kept breaking and leaking. After a while the nurse suggeated I switch to diapers and it was a good decision. It saved a lot of aggravation for me. They can be bulky but it’s less annoying, at least for me, than dealing with the failing foleys.
Thanks for the kind words. But my problem is not only am I incontinent, but also have urinary retention. Spasms that wont let me at times insert a straight catheter so I need a Foley for a while, as my Urologist said to decompress my bladder and let it rest.

I also have to wear diapers, I have no option there.
I am a foley user and have to wear diapers as well. Occasionally I will leak around the foley as well.
I have had the Botox, and what are the longterm effects? Geez it is a toxin. Urologist PA told me she would like me too try some instillations, I haven't yet, they had me have some pelvic therapy, but that took me nowhere other then driving 400 total miles for no change.
Lord help them, im a woman with apparently garden variety nocturia and i cant wake or get up fast enough without spasming bladder BUT just today I decided to refuse a FOLEY day or night if ever hospitalized because it seems to increase the day incontinence in folks who have completed a medical procedure.
im adding Foley to my list of medical quackery that harms as much as it helps. i think a foley is largely for the convience of the medical staff.
sorry im a bit off side your topic here but ive been fuming this year reading others experiences with medications that dont work but cost alot, botox that people cant empty their bladders, interstems and other operations that were useless.
I added foleys causing more incontinence to the list.
When i was premenopausal i tried E ERY type of birth control and suffered every type of side effect. I finally blew up at my gynocologist and said what is it with you men, youve tortured my body with birthcontrol that hurt me and made me sick but the best you can come up with as scientists is a condom which has been around since Noah used a sheep intestine on his dick on the ark? Why should i suffer so you can sow your seed without consequences? And WHAT BIRTH CONTROL does YOUR WIFE USE.
For a well bred reseeved New England lady i said it all. And he just smirked.
Ok. Rant is over. For today. Sorry for blistering your ears. i do appreciate a place where i can expess myself on this topic as it certainly isnt one for mixed company or at the dinner table. Truly..

I applaud you, I feel the same way in many respects, there is so much pent up anxiety from them telling me what is best for me, and its the same thing. My urologist looks past my issues, and I can tell he is thinking about his next patient, and yes, he HAS NOT read my file to know what is going on with me. My urology PA gives me a bit more compassion, and has tried different things but, one time she had her nurse call me, and said that the PA wanted to see me, so I agreed, made a appointment, I went to the appointment, she looked at me and said why are you here to see me???

I have too either straight cath or have a Foley period. I love my PCP as I feel she cares, so I said where do you see me in 5 years,,, she quickly said you will have a "chronic Foley" , I thought what the heck is that? So I just follow the path as best I can. She gives me antidepressents and Ativan to calm me down or for me to follow their orders
Thank you Boomersway. I will NOT calm down, i will be serene on my own terms. i worked in medical areas and i know its no more personal than a retail store employee or a telephone solicitor, truly. They see themselves as just a helpful (overpaid) cog in the machine called "a sucessful doctor's office". They have no preoccupation except to do their little piece of handing out pills or poking you up effectively and moving on to the next warm body before lunch.
I have observed Doctors having full scale melt diwns with staff or personal matters but approach the patients closed door and scan the chart and walk in with the pleasantest of demeanors and solicitous apparent concern foir the poor soul waiting for a nasty bit of news or proceedure.
Your stronger then me Maymay, its really hard some days to find my way. I know this thou, when I sense they are to busy for me, I just clam up and get out of their office. And give them a "F" for that day. Its a cold cold profession, I think of those in a hospital bed, and to see these icepeople treating them
you are strong enough Boomersway, strong enough to know you are a PERSON not a "patient". You took steps to heal yourself when you found this forum in an effort to understand your body and your medical options INDEPENDENTLY. You know, inside yourself, its YOUR BODY, your vehicle you are driving and there is no one else behind the wheel. Not the MDs, not your health insurance.
Your coping skills and self directed self care increase every small thing you do acknowledging this and not being afraid to say, "this is me, this is mine." "i can live with my conditions and I DO."
I share the same feelings about the medical profession. I’m bitter and angry about how I’ve been treated.
The foley is the best treatment method for me, I am certain. I’m uncomfortable every hour that I don’t have it in. Of course I have to wear a diaper over it (as previously discussed)but I have the diaper on and foley in and my life goes on.
thank you. That is what boils down to, if you feel better for the use of a medical device. Its your body. Always has been always will be. Uniquely yours.
Maymay941-My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for all your challengers. I believe the medical staff can be lazy and don't always have our best interest at heart. Keep up the good fight-prayers your way-Barb
Hi I think this may be my first post ever. I have had many experiences with catheters the suprapubic and the indwelling folleys. Never again,as I can't feel the spasming they did damage. As much as nappies make me angry and self conscious it still beats a leaking folley
Welcome Bee77, glad you joined us, hope we can learn from one another. I totally hate Foleys, but I need them for a short time basically monthly
It seems like I ended up with a bladder infection I believe came from a foley. First time I had a cath put in it was painful. I would rather take a horse whoopin that to experience that again. Was sent home with one once that was smaller and had issues with it leaking. Used bed pads and towels to help keep bedding dry. Im glad I dont have to use them like some people do. Hopefully they have improved them.
There are times when I prefer a foley to the incontinence. This past year I had multiple hospitalizations for heart procedures that required I stay flat on my back for many hours. I repeatedly asked for a Foley or there would have been a flood. For my last hospitalization, which turned into a shit show, I ended up on IV Lasix for days for heart failure, when I was too sick to get up. I insisted on a Foley. My original overnight incontinence came after a week-long hospitalization for a lung issue. I begged for a Foley, since the coughing caused constant incontinence in the hospital. I wonder if it would have gotten so bad had I been catheterized? As for the spasms, I am at my wits end. Of course, I seem to have very regular UTIs, but it’s hard to talk the docs into testing. They want to dip it but not culture, which never shows anything. And they want you to tell them your perfect symptoms - burning, for instance. I never have burning. I have increased spasms and foul smelling urine. That doesn’t fit their neat little list. Right now, I’m in that blessed window after antibiotics with minimal spasms and daytime incontinence. I wouldn’t mind barrier methods if they were more reliable for me.
Dear Lee C
-my prayers are with you. You have been through the ringer too many times. May this year bring you the peace of the Lord. Amen. May he bring us all peace through the Holy spirit.
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