While in the Hospital??


Staff member
I brought up the fact that I suffer from bed wetting with the pre-op nurse and she made a note of it to let the nurse after surgery know. My question is should I take my own products with me to the hospital. I didn't need to last stay but that was due to the medication that I was on causing bladder spasms so I knew when to get up to go. I am not having any of that this time. I hate making a mess for a nurse "I know that they are use to it." I talked about it with my mom and she was kind of like it is up to me. What has other people done??

PS: I life in Florida here in the U.S.A if that makes a difference.
I think it might be more comfortable for you if you do. I know when my grandmom was in they sometimes wouldn't answer right away and she would be left lying in it for a while. We learned from that day one.
I've had 6 leg surgeries and 1 implant surgery and I took my own diapers with me each time. (Minus my initial one before I recognized that I had paralyzed my bladder in my accident and it was an actual issue.) Some hospitals now don't even have adult diapers or the ones they have are terrible. Long story short, take your own.
My PCP just ordered ANOTHER sleep study, and my history shows I'm incontinent, and my PCP told me they will tell the people there. As I sometimes needs help, with my back injury.
I have a "bag" that has everything in it, it goes with me. if they insist on their products, fine.
I have some leakage from prostate surgery and wear a Depends pull-up. When I went in for hernia surgery, the hospital suggested that since I would be going home the same day as the surgery, it would be the simplest if I just brought my own Depends for after the surgery. They said they could order a diaper for me but I probably wouldn't like it. So I brought my own Depends and it worked out fine.
I kind of figure that I would end up bringing my own at this point. They are thinking that I should be out of the hospital in five to seven day and during the surgery I will have a catheter in that will be in for a day or two. I just know that last stay I could not sleep that well and this stay they and going to be giving me pain medication that I have never been on before. When I was in last time where I had an accident was about a hour after being given morphine at night for pain. Luckily just my underwear and the disposable pad under me got wet. The hospital had these no rinse wash rags so I just cleaned up, put on fresh underwear and got a fresh disposable pad out of the closet in the room. Never had to say anything to anyone. This visit will be different though as the pain medications will be given are higher. Also I will have epidural for this surgery. Never had one before but I am told that it will keep the pain at bay.
I am a large woman and frankly, the hospital was unable to meet my needs. Taking supplies in the ambulance was a bit odd...
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