Snow, Billliveshere: never looked at the hospital bill close enough. My last big operation. they must have expected it, as they put a pad between my butt & the mattress, along with the diaper. Insurnance paid, so I didn't investigate. The only other time, I was unconscious in the ICU 10 days, my memory didn't return until 2-4 days after got to nursing home. I mean that literally - i have no memory of the first few days in nursing home or the 5 other days in the hospital. Was in the nursing home over 4 months, with 3 days off for another operation. The bills were just submitted, I guess. I didn't handle them except to make decisions if I wanted to pay more for better service than Medicare provided. I was over 65, that means Medicare was primary insurance, private took the rest. Don't remember how much we wrote a check for. Didn't need a loan.
Never had to deal with hotels: i brought my own, bought more if needed.