Do hotels offer bed protection?

On another forum the questions about buying diapers on a cruise ship came up and several said that they were not available. That said I have no direct experience with that since my incontinence started after my last cruise.
Well, then, maybe they should be available!! I hope if anyone even remotely connected with the cruise industry will read this thread and can be in a position to (ahem!) change things in that regard!!! Unless somebody can give a compelling reason not to, then I think the boutiques aboard a ship should have adult diapers available. You'd probably really pay dearly for them but as they say, any port in a storm!!
Snow, Billliveshere: never looked at the hospital bill close enough. My last big operation. they must have expected it, as they put a pad between my butt & the mattress, along with the diaper. Insurnance paid, so I didn't investigate. The only other time, I was unconscious in the ICU 10 days, my memory didn't return until 2-4 days after got to nursing home. I mean that literally - i have no memory of the first few days in nursing home or the 5 other days in the hospital. Was in the nursing home over 4 months, with 3 days off for another operation. The bills were just submitted, I guess. I didn't handle them except to make decisions if I wanted to pay more for better service than Medicare provided. I was over 65, that means Medicare was primary insurance, private took the rest. Don't remember how much we wrote a check for. Didn't need a loan.
Never had to deal with hotels: i brought my own, bought more if needed.
Chadindiapers said:
Going on a trip this weekend and staying at a hotel - question - do hotels offer bed protection for incontinence people in case diaper leaks or should I just bring my own water proof cover?

So Chad, How did your trip go. Hope all was good.
And here it is the following weekend already!! And @Chadindiapers, I hope it was a good trip and that the discussion here helped you a lot in deciding what to do!
It's great that it worked out and for any other trips you plan that sounds like the plan to go by!!! I'm glad this discussion helped you!
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