Diaper recommendation

I have tried multiple medications and am actually on Myrbetric now. It has actually gotten worse with Myrbetique. I am hoping to find something that will allow me to regain control and can go back to wearing briefs.
Hi all, I'm from Fieldwork Orange County in Irvine, California. We're doing a study for people who experience urinary leakage and would love to hear from those of you who live locally. Qualifying respondents will come to the agency to have some measurements taken by a professional seamstress on July 13-15 and be given test product on August 9 to use anywhere from 5-13 days. At the end of the 5-13 days you will need to return 1 additional time to our facility to return the questionnaires. You will be compensated at the conclusion of the study! ($75 all who get measured and $125 all who get placed)

If you are interested in participating and would like to see if you qualify, please call 949-252-8180, or please copy and paste the below link into your browser:

This is not an invitation to participate; however, it is an invitation to see if you qualify to participate. Depending on the number of responses we may or may not be able to contact all interested participants.
dougsbc said:
Where can I find Molicare or Abenas on a website. I am getting very frustrated with all the leaking. When I wet myself, I "gush" until empty and can't control the flow si I need something that can hold a great amount of urine. During urological testing, I found that I have a 1500cc bladder capacity and don't "feel" it filling. I got the first urge during testing at 950cc's! So the determination was when I am incontinent it is between 800-1200 cc's at a time. Any suggestions about great padding? I am continent at night, I only have problems during waking hours.
I have to say that over the past 5 years I've found the Conficare Dry 24/7 to be the best diaper I have ever used. Recently I tried the Forsite AM/PM and LOVED them. I recommend the Forsite to anyone looking for a lot of capacity and a great fit that, for me, has limited leaks over night.
I wear a diaper 24/7 for urge urinary incontinence. For the past several months I've been wearing Comfidry 24/7s. One of them will keep my bed dry overnight or last 8 hours or longer during the day. The Abena M4 and the Rearz Inspire+ are also outstanding products.
Tena slips are great and hold allot!! But the Molicare comfy slips with breathable sides are extremely comfortable and have never leaked on me . They don't hold as much but are so comfortable I forget I'm wearing a diaper even when it's wet. By far the best day time diaper I've ever worn. Confidry's are the best for nighttime and have rarely leaked on me, usually when I'm on my side and wet. Tried the pull on style many times and even with a pair of long brief underwear over them they just move around too much and leak, plus to change you have to remove your pants too put another one on. The tape on diaper is much more convenient for changing and protects much better!! It's not a life I ever thought I'd be living and talking about but it's nice to have a place to get help and feel normal(whatever normal is).
I have found the pull up style is absolutely useless for me. I like being to pull them up and down if I do make it to the bathroom (I have about a 50/50 shot at this) but when I do need them they leak like a strainer! I might as well wear regular briefs, no difference in protection. The down side to the taped sided diapers is if I make it to the bathroom and loosen the tapes, they loose their re-fastening ability and at that point become useless. So I can either waste a lot of money changing every time I get to the bathroom or resort to using them weather I need to or not.But I can usually get a couple of huge voids out of them (my average number of bathroom breaks a day any way) so these are kind of a bummer too. I really don't like using them if I don't have to but the alternative is wetting my pants (usually in public). That seems to be where the majority of my accidents happen. That I can't live with either.
The Seni Quattro are soft backed, comfortable and very discrete. They also hold a ton and are very good for refastening multiple times. It's more like a Velcro-type closure (vice sticky tapes) and works very well. I concur with all the excellent recommendations above and have tried pretty much all of them myself. I keep a variety of different types of diapers on hand so that I can choose which one is best for any given situation. Also, although I am not an ABDL, I have also tried lots of their diapers as well and there are some really great ones available. The two things I like most about them have been that they are extremely absorbant and the "landing pad" on many of them allows for taping and untaping as needed and not much loss of sticky or hold for the tapes. The down side is that they tend to be quite bulky and crinkly (noisier). Alternatively, no matter which diaper I'm using I keep a roll of white duct tape in my diaper bag, just in case. Works great and keeps me from wasting dry diapers all the time.
dougsbc said:
I have found the pull up style is absolutely useless for me.

Agree. Though I can get buy with Depend "real fit" around the house. Get me more than 20 feet away from a toilet though and I don't feel safe with anything less than a full premium tape on diaper.

I was really hoping the Seni Active Super Plus would work for me as it's nice to not have a plastic diaper on all the time. Pics online made the Seni pullups look very much like full coverage. I ordered a 20ct pack and was seriously disappointed and threw them all away. the padding barely comes up over the pubic area.

I don't get why manufacturers can't/won't just make a version of their full absorbency/full coverage diaper but just make it with closed/stretchy sides. That's exactly what the kid's pull ups are.
Ever since my Interstim placement I fortunately am having far fewer accidents. However after an incredibly near miss in public a few months ago, I don't feel good about going out any length of time without protection. The problem is when I still have that occassional accident, they are the same as they always were-huge volume gushes. I get suck a kick out of the "do you leak", or "do you dribble". The answer is NO! I gush!!! And not just a few hundred cc's. My bladder is so large my average void is between 800-1200 cc's at a time. Because of my condition, I don't get the sensations of it filling until it gets so full, it spasms and with all the pressure I don't have a snowballs chance in hell of holding it. And once it starts, it doesn't stop until I am empty, so the "maximum absorbency" of most diapers on the market is an absolute joke! What do the consider maximum? 100, 200 cc's. The only way I can feel good that I am protected is to wear two heavy booster pads stuffed in a tape on diaper. The problem with that is, if I do make it to the bathroom and untape them to go in the urinal, They don't re-seal. So if I end up needing them for real, they don't work, they get "weighed down" with all that weight and the leak. My only option is to use them when I don't have to. So did I go through surgery to fix the problem and still have it anyway? Any ideas on diapers where I can get the best of both worlds?
Or how about a pull up with plastic backing and full matting all around. They could make the plastic have front an back waistband.
Tried another diaper this week, the Foresite AM:PM. They are absolutely amazing!!! Plastic backed, tape on, Super comfy and super high capacity. Highly recommend them, especially for those (like me) that need the extra protection day and/or night. And the tapes are resealable too!
@Vestalm Wow! Looks like you are on a roll with the trials and definitely in the 'field test' mode. The Forsite AM:PM is a new one on me, but from the absorbency rating 4500+ ml shown in the advertising(astounding!), they must be quite effective protection for those of us needing it most. Like you, I do need maximum protection day or night. Now, if only I had not just stocked several more cases of Abena and Dry 24/7 tape-ons. Oh well, such a deal. Still, I'll give the Forsite a try upon your recommendation.
I recently started using the Hexa Catalina for women. The absorbency is great and they are the most comfortable ones I have found yet.
I wear Depends diapers or Attends Waistband briefs. I hear alot of people who don't like the Depends but my body adapts perfect to them. The coverage around my legs is outstanding. That being said it's only the plastic Depends, the cloth ones are useless. The attends I mentioned are very similar. Occasionally I'll keep a bulkier diaper like a confidry around for when I need that 10-12 hour protection.
Pants are waterproof and light enough for summer over diapers. Velcro diaper is for support and leaks. Tena maxi slip are the most comfortable and easy to put on of all adult briefs. But not too bulky. The contain mess and odors and are silent to change.
I mainly wear Tranquility ATN diapers. I also wear Dry 24/7 diapers when I am out with friends bar hoping. With the internet by my side, I have been searching around and trying new brands. Northshore diapers are awesome for gushes. They do get heavy and bulky when wet. I have tried the ABDL brand diapers. They are more expensive than most and don't mind wearing printed style diapers. Most of the ABDL diapers hold 4500 to 5000ml of liquid. The tapes are strong and wide also. To name a few, ABU, Rearz. Abena diapers are a good brand that I have tried also. They also swell up when wet. I have had problems with Abena diapers. When they are wet, the fluff tends to break apart and clump. Depends maximum plastic diapers are ok but not good for floods. Attends are the same way as depends. My thoughts on cloth backing diapers are worthless. They don't hold up like plastic backing diapers do. With all said, take the time and try out samples until you find the right one for you to wear. There are lots of brands out there to choose from.
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