dating: attention especially to our younger members


Staff member
Guess what peeps? Romance has suddenly re-entered my life. The man is not longterm potential, but he's middle-term potential. So we'll see what happens. I'm not exactly looking for longterm potential anyway. We had three dates this week. As the Pet Shop Boys sing, "Love comes quickly, whatever you do..." I told him about my fall down the cliff and how it split my left buttock in half horizontally. I let him see the scar; he wanted to (yikes, maybe I shouldn't have let him!). He wasn't grossed out at all; he wanted to kiss it better. The scar is a big part of why I've avoided dating, in addition to the diapers. We didn't get to talk about diapers, yet. He prefers to sleep alone after dates, so hey, let him, works out in my favor because I don't even actually have to tell him at this time. I still absolutely dread having to tell him. We'll see how that part goes, if we make it that far.

My point is to everyone out there, especially our youngest members, even if you need to take a break from dating while figuring out how to live with incontinence, it's perfectly okay for you to do so. It doesn't mean you'll never date again. Since my accident happened on 1/14/15 and I became incontinent at night, I full-heartedly believed I'd never, ever date again. Well here it is happening, 6.5 years later. Who knew? I never fully closed off my heart and hoped that a good man would eventually emerge and pull me out of my self-imposed lull. Who knows how long this will last, but at least now I know I *can* find the strength to date again. I know very personally how easy it is to get stuck in a depressive funk for years about newly incurred incontinence; my depression was so bad, I could barely get out of bed for a few years. But now, finally, I feel like I am living again. What a flippin' relief!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you especially to @Billliveshere because you've always had faith I would resume dating at some point. Thanks for having encouraged me to keep my heart open, because it helped me do so! Hugs to all of you!
Hi @snow, now I'm really smiling!!😊😊😊😊 literally from ear to ear!!! And you remembered what I told you what seems like so long ago!!! Way to go!!!!! You stuck with it through thick and thin and by George, you prevailed!!!! I just knew you could do it!!
Wow!!! That really makes my day!!! And you owe it to yourself!!! Nobody else did it for you but you just gave 'em hell and showed yourself just what you're made of!!!! Congratulations to a real winner!!!
Snow, it really is not my business, but if it were me, I would tell him sooner rather than later before I did fall for him. If he’s mature enough, he should be able to handle it. Keeping secrets never works out well. But then, what do I know after being married (this time) for 37 years.
@ Snow: Way to go! It was just recently (last month, in fact) that I told you this:

"@ Snow: Please don't be so harsh with yourself !! So many of us have survived this, worked through it, and have found loving and enduring relationships. We just can't exempt ourselves from life by using the 'incontinence' argument -- no way."

Well, well -- It seems you listened!

(love the photo, too)
@snow thanks for sharing. You have struggled through so much pain and hardship for so long it is really heartwarming to hear that suddenly happiness has come back into your life. Long may it last!
Hey Snow, so pleased to hear you are happy and love the pic. Live your life and love every moment you cherish with your new man. Xx
Hi Snow, It's good to see all of the "Atta-girls" you're getting here and you have worked for so long to get to this point.
You probably feel like you've climbed a very tough mountain with a lot of setbacks but you've now reached the summit and are taking in the view!
I do agree, however with @kathylp that it's better to tell him about you and what happened sooner, rather than later. I think you can use your intuition to determine when the right time to talk will be so he will be at his most receptive. It seems that the things we most dread usually become a "Hey! That wasn't so bad after all!!"
You've gotten beyond the scar on your buttock and he seemed OK with that. So he should be OK with the incontinence as well.
Right now the thing to do is to just enjoy every moment of this new relationship and put aside those thoughts of "what if??"
@snow - woo hoo! I’m jealous. One day my turn will come too though. I’m happy for you. Hopefully he will turn out to be accepting and not be an idiot. But it seems as though he is a cool guy since you’ve already shown him your butt scar. 😀

Congrats and take it slow. And nice pic! Welcome to the ranks of us that have shown our faces in the midst of the struggle of incontienence!
I imagine I’ll tell him within another five dates, or sooner if the opportunity arises; it will have to be a special moment. We might go camping together next weekend, in which case I definitely have to tell him because we’d be sharing a tent.
I think that sounds like a plan @snow! The five dates goal sounds very reasonable and by then you can have an idea of how things are going. Your camping trip sounds like an ideal time for that since you'd likely be off by yourselves with no one else around except maybe a few animals and birds and they won't say anything!! So just approach it very casually and in a conversational tone. I know you'll do just fine. And we'll just think that not only will he be accepting but he will also be welcoming!!!!
"The man is not longterm potential, but he's middle-term potential. So we'll see what happens."

Hey, Long-term, Middle-term, Short-term. Once a guy sees your left buttock, there's no going back! 😄😁😂

Actually, having seen your scar, it should be easier to explain your incontinence... Just tell him there were other injuries to your bottom.
Hi @snow, well he's seen that scar so that's the perfect lead-in to talking about incontinence and just segue into saying you had other injuries beside that scar. And then it will be easier to tell him. I know you'll think of something!!
Hi Snow I remember going through all this many years ago. I'm very honest person I would tell girls I was dating on our first dates and they would run a mile but eventually I met a girl who wasn't bothered that I wear diapers at night we have been together for 6 years and married for 2 years I'm now in diapers during the day from back injury
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