Best pullup brands


The Northshore small goes from 22 to 32 waist. It is unisex. It appears the Always S/M goes from 24-40. I wonder if that would be too loose of a fit. Northshore is currently doing website maintenance. Don’t know about Amazon brand, probably you get what you pay for. Would it have the absorbency and odor control. Also you want it to wick away the moisture and feel dry.
@DWLCPAJD I was able to call North Shore since the website‘s been down. They said they have the only thing available on my size is the tab diapers. Everything else starts with the waist size of 22 or 24. Since I’m probably a 20 then should I go with those? even though I feel like those are gonna come off super easily and not allow me to be very active
@Claytonp Glad you called them. The tabs will allow a more adjustable fit. Plus their tabs are refasten-able. They won’t fall down. However it may be a little harder use toilet with tabbed brief but not impossible. They may be a little more noticeable if worn during the day, However at night it would not matter. Did they offer to send some samples?
@Claytonp Glad you called them. The tabs will allow a more adjustable fit. Plus their tabs are refasten-able. They won’t fall down. However it may be a little harder use toilet with tabbed brief but not impossible. They may be a little more noticeable if worn during the day, However at night it would not matter. Did they offer to send some samples?

the tabbed diapers will also offer better absorbency and protection
@DWLCPAJD no they didn’t offer me any samples unfortunately. I’ll talk to my grandma about it tonight and see if she’s willing to let me buy some. I don’t know if she’ll go for it though. I don’t think she’ll like the fact of the tapped. Are they harder to put on? I feel like I would get confused and put them on backwards.

I move around a lot of night. I’m kind of worried that the tabbed ones will fall off and I’ll just pee all over the bed.

You don’t think it will be too terribly noticeable then I’ll probably try them. I just don’t want my friends at school knowing I’m wearing. So when I go to the bathroom at school where do I put it at? Do I just put it on the back of the toilet or something I don’t wanna lay it on the floor and then risk other people seeing it

also she said on the phone at the only colors they have available right now are the pink and the tie-dye. So if I wear those I’m afraid that someone will see it. Because my sisters wear pink pull-ups, and I could just wear theirs at that point, but I don’t wanna wear those because they’re too girly.
@Claytonp To bad the color choice is limited in your size. They did send me the tie dye to try once. It certainly is colorful. They also sent a pink pull-up. I gave that one to the radiation nurse. She can share with female patients.

For a tabbed brief either you lie down or put your back against the wall, or stall door if your are out. The tabs are the back side and come around to your front. Snug one front side around and then open one tab , usually lower one and place on the landing zone. Then do the other side. Finally do the upper tabs. You can adjust the tabs for fit.

I use pull-upz so I have to remove pants to change. With a tabbed brief one does not have to remove shoes or pants.

Is your need more for sleeping or use during the day?
@DWLCPAJD that sounds like a lot of work. But I’d be willing to try them if they’re better than the pull-ups. I use goodnites currently. my mom’s been buying for me ever since I was seven or eight years old. So I’ve had them for quite a while and it’s just kind of a comfort thing. But I wanna branch out and try new things.

Up until a couple weeks ago week I only had one or two accidents a night during the week. My mom and I’m having to stay at my grandmas and I’ve been having accidents pretty much every night and sometimes twice a night. And then I’ve been having school during the day as well. before I would maybe have an accident during the day once every two weeks or once a month.
I would recommend tabbed diapers for your situation. Since you are also having issues at school, you may want to consider talking to your school nurse. They can probably help you with learning how to change.

I wear boxer briefs over my diapers most of the time. They tend to really hold it in place and also make it possible to go to the restroom when you can make it.
@Claytonp Sounds like to me you need the tabbed diaper at night, at least in the short run. During the day, stick with pull-ups. You don’t want to get into habit of simply using protection out of convenience.

Ultimately when you are back in insurance you should try to see a pediatric urologist or nurse practitioner.
@Newbie2this @DWLCPAJD

Do you think my grandma would know how to use the taped sides? OK I’ll say something to my grandma about me probably needing to use the tape side diapers at night. How would I use the protection out of convenience convenience?

My mom doesn’t have any insurance for me right now, so I’m not sure when I’m gonna be able to go see a doctor or a nurse.
@Claytonp I bet your grandma will remember how to put a diaper on. It would not be like my father changing my son many years ago and he actually put it on backward! She can probably show you how to get best fit and then you do it and she can check. Once you learn, you can do on your own.

What I meant for convenience is using diaper instead of toilet even if you have opportunity to use toilet. The ultimate goal is to become continent again.
Firstly, yes anyone who has raised kids would know how to do a tabbed brief. There are also YouTube videos on how to do it. I would do that in a private tab not logged into YouTube so it doesn’t mess with your recommendations.

As to the doctor thing, try and look for a free community clinic or if you do have a nurse at school ask if they can point you to local resources. You really want to get out in front of this and hopefully correct it.

In the mean time, do the easy self care steps that can reduce it, avoid caffeine, sugary soft drinks/energy drinks etc. drink plenty of water. This seems counter intuitive but drinking too little water can irritate the bladder. Get excercise. Walk run do whatever, just don’t let yourself sit around.
@DWLCPAJD @Newbie2this

I texted my grandma about it and she said that I’m not a baby so I don’t need to wear tape side diapers :/ I told her that I heard they absorb more at night and stuff, but she said that she doesn’t want me wearing diapers that would be considered going backwards, since I wear a pull-up now.

OK I see what you mean by out of convenience. I think that’s what my grandma thinks I do. Even though I’ve struggled with this my whole life and she knows that she’s always told my mom that she just thinks I’m lazy and would rather just pee in a diaper and play my video game instead of pausing it to go to the bathroom.

I’ll try and maybe ask the nurse at school tomorrow if there’s a place I can go to. My grandma already has me on a strict schedule as far as I can eat and drink and she doesn’t really want me to have pop anymore. I do still drink it at school though, but she doesn’t know that.
I know this is gonna suck to hear but she’s right about the pop. Stop that as it can add fuel to the fire.

Definitely talk to your nurse when you are next in school. If that’s the only available medical professional in your current situation use it.
you're asking a lot of questions and receiving a lot of good advice if you are having legitimate incontinence issues it is highly recommended that you get checked out by a doctor as incontinence can be a symptom of more serious conditions and if you do see a doctor he can prescribe diapers which should convince your on the other hand if you are just asking all of these questions just for THE attention NOT COOL!
@Newbie2this I feel like I’m addicted to it though. I love Dr Pepper. She doesn’t let me have any of it at home but I do drink it at school.

Yeah, the nurse is always super nice to me, and she might know some ideas, but with no insurance I have always thought I couldn’t go see a doctor
@DPCARE I went to the doctor a couple years ago and they have me on medication that probably helps a little bit, but I don’t really feel like it does that much for me. Especially since I’ve been living with my grandma things have gotten worse for me. But this group is great! I never really thought there was anybody else out there like me until I was told about this place.

I know my mom wanted to take me back to a doctor, but she is in between jobs, and we don’t have insurance is what she’s been telling me.
If you already have a doctor you have worked with for this issue I would call the office, explain the no insurance situation and see what a cash price for a visit would be. You may be surprised how they may be able to work with you if you are cash pay only.
@Newbie2this never thought about that, but once my mom gets out of the hospital I’ll try that. Because there has to be a reason why I’m declining with having more accidents
As Snow has said I find the Depend Night Defense to be excellent. People hate on Depend products but these work for me. Recently I was in Paris and was out walking for hours. I could not find a bathroom anywhere and I couldn't hold it any longer. It took me 2 hours to get back to my hotel, I cannot believe how much these hold and not a leak.
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