Bed wetting

Hi @Evg, sounds like you've taken ownership of your issue and that's a really good start!! There are plenty of times in life when we just have to adapt to what's happening with us and do the best we can. And you're doing it!!
I don't have enough information on this yet, but my 18 year old took one of those food sensitivity tests and it came back that he had a high sensitivity to eggs and egg whites. He has been doing a great job of cutting those out, as much as possible since eggs are in so many things. He has been having good results with a significant decrease in nighttime wetting; however it could also be psychological for him as well. Doesn't matter to me though as long as it is helping. Again, too early to say anything for sure (and hard to know a lot of info since he's away at college) but from the sparse info I have received from him, it's been good so far!
Lifetime bedwetter here. I’ve always had bladder issues snd I’ve never been out of diapers at night. I have an underdeveloped bladder and sphincter won’t close. I’m in diapers 24/7 now.
Can i ask pls ,how do you cope when your divorced,
and want to look for another relationship,but have bedwetting every night now and wear pull ups .
I really feel like a freak and to have to tell and trust someone gives me extreme anxiety ,
How do others cope with this pls advise me thank u .
Hi @Enlightenment, you aren't a freak, so please don't think you are! You're just human and like all humans you have a lot of very, very good things to offer and also there may be things that may not be quite as good. And that's something in common with everyone. I dare say that no one ever escapes having some sort of a physical or medical issue at one time or another. If someone tells you they do, then they're only kidding themselves.
And let's say you do meet someone soon, how would you know that same someone also doesn't have a physical or medical issue that may be even worse than incontinence??? And believe me if incontinence is the only major issue then things really don't look all that bad! I think once you do know a person then it becomes easier to be able to discuss things like physical issues. When weighed against all of your good qualities, something like incontinence needn't be a major part of the equation. I hope you don't feel discouraged and the thing to do is to forge ahead and hold your head high!!! I hope this helps!!
I spent too much of my life feeling like a freak. I don’t care anymore. I can’t hold urine. I wear a diaper. And I like it. I like myself the way I am. Yeah it’s caused problems in relationships. But if someone can’t accept myself the way I am, then I don’t need them.

It took me a long time to get into this headspace. I hope you can get into it sooner than I did. Good luck to you.
billliveshere said:
Hi @Enlightenment, you aren't a freak, so please don't think you are! You're just human and like all humans you have a lot of very, very good things to offer and also there may be things that may not be quite as good. And that's something in common with everyone. I dare say that no one ever escapes having some sort of a physical or medical issue at one time or another. If someone tells you they do, then they're only kidding themselves.
And let's say you do meet someone soon, how would you know that same someone also doesn't have a physical or medical issue that may be even worse than incontinence??? And believe me if incontinence is the only major issue then things really don't look all that bad! I think once you do know a person then it becomes easier to be able to discuss things like physical issues. When weighed against all of your good qualities, something like incontinence needn't be a major part of the equation. I hope you don't feel discouraged and the thing to do is to forge ahead and hold your head high!!! I hope this helps!!
Well said that man.
Hi @Evg great advise and support as always. Here is my little bit to pass on.

I started to bedwet when I was a teen and it was very random and infrequent. Even today many years later it is still occasionally, little more frequent, but still occasional. Since my bedwetting is not an every night or even every week thing, to manage I use waterproof protection on my bed.

Happy to chat for support or advice anytime.

Hi, new to the forum:
I have just recently been having nighttime bedwetting (3 occurrences) I have had 2 recently treated UTIs is this a sign that the infection is back or what? I have yet to talk to my doctor but will be calling her today to discuss options.
I will keep you guys updated 💜

Hi Ash, Calling your doctor ASP is definitely the key! That way your doc can tell you if you need tests and also let you know what's appropriate treatment at this stage. So it's a good start and please follow through! It's better to find out and take care of it sooner, rather than later!!
Hi Ash, In looking at my post again, my well-known lack of typing skills is rearing its ugly head again. It should read "call your doctor ASAP!!" I don't think calling your doctor an asp is going to go over very well especially if she doesn't like snakes!!!!!
The Doctor is a snake:D

billliveshere said:
Hi Ash, In looking at my post again, my well-known lack of typing skills is rearing its ugly head again. It should read "call your doctor ASAP!!" I don't think calling your doctor an asp is going to go over very well especially if she doesn't like snakes!!!!!
Actually, this whole thing about doctors and snakes is not too far from the truth since the symbol for a🩺 physician is a caduceus, a staff with two intertwining snakes and a pair of wings at the top.
I to had a lot of problems some as a child,then in later lifebed wetting became more of a problem my new wife and I discussed it and she preferred me to use diaper's to keep things dry it was a blow to male ego but did adjust.
DPCARE said:
The Doctor is a snake:D


Awww Great, I have a light fear of snakes to the point that on a few occasions I have peed my pants due to a snake encounter (PM or ask if you want details) and now thanks to you I just peed my pants.... 🤣

No, just kidding (about peeing my pants now, the snake fear and pervious wet pants is total true) dry pants this time, but I did get a little shock to your pic.

Thanks for the jolt,

Truth be told, most 🐍snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them!! Just like with everything else, there are a few exceptions to that, however!!
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