Why do people lurk?

Of course we don’t bite people might be too shy to share they could be just looking to find solutions to there problems
I might add to my own train of thought, of course folks might be shy and trying to understand their situation. But to anyone in the shadows please know that after a short time watching and listening to those of us who are long time forum speakers, lurking too long without saying anything is voyeurism. Please just say hello and never post again if you don't want to...
Maybe just nibble once and a while.
Some people are just afraid to actually say what’s troubling them for fear they will feel like they are defective or being the misfit toy. That is so far from the truth.
Just a bunch of caring folks here. I love everyone that makes up this community. We all have things going on in life. It really is okay to say hi and get things off your chest once and a while. May even get some sound or good advice.
Happy Holidays to Everyone (and the lurkers 🙂) here. Hope everyone has a nice and safe December for the year we would all like to forget.
I don’t lurk. I get overwhelmed with other stuff and don’t always even have the energy to read posts. I think you all are wonderful and I interact when I can!
Hi Lee,
Good to hear from you. I do the same thing too 🙂
It’s nice to have free time so I can post (like today).
Hope you are well. Happy Holidays
My work have been sooo crazy i don’t have time to come on often enough like I want to I enjoy talking and sharing things with you guys you all have been very supportive and I appreciate it. Thank you everyone ❤️❤️❤️
Ok I’m a long time reader because of radical prostatectomy. Thanks to all of you for info and sharing. Now I will go back to “lurking”
I agree! If anyone comes here and feels uncertain about things this forum is a great place to say what's on your mind. And it's just as Maymay says, we don't bite! Instead we listen and help you find ways to make things regarding your incontinence or other issues easier for you. We all have this issue going on for us to one degree or another and please know you are not the only one with this. So even if you just want to say "Hi!" or "how's the weather where you are?" that's perfectly cool! Small talk like that can easily lead to bigger and also can help you screw up your courage to talk about your particular story with incontinence. And by the way, thee weather here is cool, typical for this time of year!
Sorry if I have offended anyone but it seems a courtesy to just say hello NO need to post frequently
Any other group id say lurk away but this is a very intimate concern and so it takes courage to speak hear for all of us
Say hello and then be quiet as you choose
Hi from a “lurker”. I joined this forum in (I think) September this year. I’d just been diagnosed as diabetic - type 2 and was finding I had a lot of urinary urgency and also a couple of bed wetting accidents, something that I have not done since childhood. I was hoping to maybe see others who had the same issues. I’m on some diabetes forums but this issue hasn’t been covered in them. The bed wetting I mean. Since starting my diabetes medication I’m happy to say my symptoms are now pretty much under control.

You everyone who contributed to this friendly forum 😊
Hi jovnufjox,
I also have type 2 diabetes controlled with pills and insulin. Has been a contributing factor to my urinary issues.
Glad to see you post. Glad you are here and said hello🙂
Hi @jovnufjox, Thank you for our thoughts and for coming over to see us. Hope things continue to go well for you and please stop by whenever the spirit moves you!
some people just want to read about people with similar problems to see they're not alone and maybe they get answers to their questions. Joining internet forums and contributing isn't something everyone is interested in doing.
I try not to be a "lurker" but I like to read what was asked or stated, then look at the comments by others. If it's been said already I have a personal hang up over repeating something someone else already stated.
I try to only comment if I believe I am adding value to the "conversation".
Maybe I should comment more but.....?
Everyone's insights are valuable, even if what you have to say is similar to things that have already been said. People see things different ways, and people explain things different ways.

Personally, I'm not bothered by lurkers - there are a number of forums where I just lurk, preferring to read and learn but not feeling like I have much to contribute. But it's important to realize that we may not always realize how valuable our contribution might be to someone for whom our thoughts just happen to resonate.
@jovnufjox Hey, another Brit, welcome!

And a fellow diabetic!

Pleased your levels are under control. How do you cope with incontinence?
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