Well @Jason, that was a most brilliant post you had! It's great you've accepted who you are and are at peace living with yourself! That is really admirable! And no, there is nothing wrong with you, nothing at all! You are doing what makes you most comfortable and what works for you. As a result, I am most comfortable with who I am and that is thanks to people like you and the others here. I haven't had my issues all of my life like you, (well some issues when I was a kid) but as issues came back when I got older, it was something I had to accept and am thankful things I could wear had been invented and made easily available.
I'm also not one to jump at the opportunity to take more and more medicine. Like you, I choose not to go that route. I understand that some bladder control medicines may have side effects and may cause increased eye pressure. Other than a little macular pucker in my right eye, I see just fine, thank you very much, and I want to keep it that way! And also like you I'm not interested in anything surgical. It's enough of a trauma for me to prep and go in just for a colonoscopy, so I'd like to stay away from the operating room, too! Wearing protective underwear (or diapers or nappies, or whatever) works for me and it really doesn't bother me! And you are so right, Jason, there is a sense of freedom connected with all of this!