betterdry vs confidry


Staff member
ive got samples of both coming to me and am trying to figure out which to go for next month. im in need of heavier protection and im just going to have to bite the bullet and pay more. ive been using the supreme lites with a booster and while most of the time im ok, i still get leaks. the megamax in size l fits, but it is tight and too close for comfort. between the betterdry and confidry which do people prefer? being on a fixed income (disability) sucks but im just going to find a way to make it work. thanks.
I prefer the confidry’s myself, I think these are considerably more absorbent but the outer plastic isn’t quite as soft as the better drys. But they both perform very well.
I liked the Better Dry's sample I got better but like Spaz says, the Better Dry's do run a little on the small side and are tighter than Confi- Dry's.
Both BetterDry and ConfiDry are excellent diapers. I slightly prefer ConfiDry because they fit me slightly better, but it’s really a tossup between the two brands.
I prefer the feel of the BetterDry. I am too cheap to buy it all the time though. Both are solid performers. I do agree the ConfiDry has a bit more room... but the range sizes don't always mean that it will fit your body well.
@lorumipsum yes. I think they take 5% off if I remember correctly. I get them shipped every three weeks. After running out a few times and having embarrassing moments with cheap store brands, I gave in to the auto order. Life has been soo much better and I’ve saved a lot of money that way.
I'm tired of the leaks. Northshore supreme lite leaks without a booster pad and same with totaldry. The regular supremes are great but they only handle 1 wetting for me. Buying 3 cases a month gets expensive. I'm hoping the betterdrys/confidrys can last more than 1 wetting or I'll just be stuck with paying for 2 cases of one of those.
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