When someone knows that shouldn't


Staff member
I wear diapers 24/7 and try to be as discreet as possible about my situation. I am 30 and live by myself, so there really isn't a reason for all that many people to know. Besides my girlfriend and a couple of past roommates, no one really does. Now there may be other people that have discovered my secret over the years, but they have been polite enough to not say anything about it to me. Cause that's what mature adults do...8 year olds, not so much.

I am a member of my local Elks club and work with their youth program. This specific 8 year old is kind of a loud mouth and a bully. I deal with him as best I can. At some point during one of the activities, my shirt must have rode up in the back and he saw the waistband of my diaper. He yelled to everyone in the group that I was wearing a diaper and started giving me a hard time. I told him it was a medical condition, a private issue, something he shouldn't tell others about, etc. I don't think the rest of kids cared at all, but this kid was hung up on it. Almost a year has passed since that incident, but he somehow brings it up almost every time I see him. The worst is when we are around other people and I just have to play it off like "kids say the darnest things". Just this week, as a large group of people were leaving the club he yelled out that I was wearing a diaper.

I try to be stern and tell them that it is unacceptable, but it doesn't seem to do much good. I am a scout leader and have no problem being an authority figure and the troop respects me just fine. It is so frustrating that I cannot get through to this kid to keep it shut. Anyone else ever deal with this? Any suggestions?
I agree with Sylvia, talk to his parents. This child sounds like he is disrespectful. Good luck.let us know how it goes. This group is very supportive.
I thought about speaking with the parents, but overall they allow his behavior. He is an only child and his parents had him later in life. He is spoiled beyond belief. Also, I just can't think of a good way to approach it. In my mind I sound so juvenile as a 30 year old man saying: Can you please ask your son to stop making fun of me for wearing diapers and telling others about it? It's not like anything he says gets to me or makes me feel bad about myself, but I just can't stand him announcing it to the world. And if his parents don't know that I wear diapers, I would rather not inform them. I have made it this far with only a few people knowing and just don't want to expand that exclusive group. Even my parents, whom I am extremely close with, don't know.
But thank you for the suggestion. I'm not sure there really is a better solution than that. I may just have to not interact with him and tell him if he wants to spend time with me, he will have to be more respectful.
I am an only child--no brothers, sisters have I. This brat makes us only children sound bad. We're not.
Super-brat has no respect for himself or others. Bullies should be took out to the woodshed for some learnin'. Mainly, the palm of a hand slapped on his backside.
I would address it, but tell the parents he keeps on talking about your underwear and you don't think it is appropriate. Maybe ask if he family issues or something. I wouldnt say that you wear diapers. When you mix adult diapers and kids I could see that going south real quick. You may have just had the bad fortune of bending over at an inopportune time, but it could easily be misconstrued by the parents as a weird diaper exposing fetish.
I think the kid needs a little disciple,cos u be tried to talk him out of it.i feel he is just a natty bulling, pls speak with his parents and don't let him be a bone in ur throat. You already have what you are dealing with and don't need extra baggage
Alexandraariche said:
don't let him be a bone in ur throat.

It's interesting to learn the idioms of other cultures. In English the usual expression is, "a thorn in your side". Both expressions convey the same meaning, but the cultural influence is fascinating.
msuspartan said:
Alexandraariche said:
don't let him be a bone in ur throat.

It's interesting to learn the idioms of other cultures. In English the usual expression is, "a thorn in your side". Both expressions convey the same meaning, but the cultural influence is fascinating.
@NoCans....I doubt most people know about diaper fetishes. I had no idea it was a thing until I became incontinent and stumbled upon it on various forums. It was quite surprising to me. A little strange but as far as kinks and fetishes go, not the worst I've heard of. To each their own. No judgment.

I'd agree not necessarily talking about adult diapers to the parents. I'd approach it as....

"hey I'm one of the youth coordinators here and I've been having a bit of trouble with your son. He's a great kid but we're having a little boundary issue. I have a very personal medical condition that requires me to rely on absorbent products. Your son must have seen what I was wearing when my shirt rode up or something and he continually announces what I wear to the whole group. It's very embarrassing for me. I'm sure being so young he doesn't realize the effects his behavior is having on others but I was wondering if you could please talk to him."

Disarm them by praising the kid (even if it's false praise) and emphasize that you don't think he realized he's being hurtful but that it's, in fact, a bit distressing to you.

It cold go either way. A kid like that could mean teh parents are absolute trash OR maybe they're not so bad but the kid has behavior issues and this won't be the first time they've heard it. Either way, there's no way I'd go forward without bringing it to their attention. It certainly isn't going to stop otherwise.
I'd add...if that doesn't work, and if he's really announcing this so loudly then obviously everyone there including the director of the program knows you wear diapers. Talk to him/her. They should have to power to bounce the brat out of the program.

Good luck...hope you keep us updated.
I'm not around kids, have not experienced any unwanted comments that I'm aware of...and I've been very careful to find ways to
cover in avoiding this kind of 'exposure'. It's very personal, I know.

Keeping to the principle: 'Few are the wiser'. Suits me just fine.
I am a coach and a teacher. Finally started teaching high school this year after three years of teaching middle school. (Middle schoolers are the hardest) I had a similar problem with a student. Because she didn't like me, when she found out I wear adult diapers, she broadcasted it to the school, student body and other parents. It's crazy what a 12 year old will do and say to be mean and disrespectful. She did try to spin it as me being into something weird and her parents even reported me to the principle.
She told her orients I was looking at word things and naked people on my computer with them in the classroom. (Never have at any time)
I had to meet with the principle, superintendent and school board to explain myself. When I refused to in front of a gym full of parents I was threatened with firing from the school board. The administration was very supportive and explained to the school board president what all this was. After that the school board came to my defense. I was not happy having everyone know of my medical issues, but in the end it created more understanding and exposed this student for the bully and problem she was.
Now I teach regardless of students knowing about it or not. I have even had a few students that struggle with incontinence talk to me about it. Even helped a girl talk to her parents about it.
Point is, it was degrading, embarrassing and depressing what I went through. But on the other side of it now, it has now have helped so many and created a culture of understanding in our small community.
Archer, sorry that happened to you. Kids can be so cruel. It's hard to understand how parents can raise such cretans. I'm glad that the school eventually took your side, but it's unfortunate that your personal medical condition had to be exposed to so many. I don't know why so many parents fail to teach basic principles of respect and integrity to their kids. That brat should have been expelled but I'm sure she probably wasn't.
She wasn't but I never dealt with her again after.
Her parents never talked to me. They went right to the school board. Because non-interaction and passive aggressive blame is how the school system is now.
Thanks for all the great input. I did speak to his father and just stated in general that his son was being a distraction to the program and was being inappropriate at times. He must have had a decent chat with the boy as he was much more respectful when I was there earlier this week. When he did get a little rammy and was carrying on about something, his dad stepped in. We'll see how it goes from here.
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